The old lady asked Zhou Qing.

"What time is it?" the old lady asked Zhou Qing.

Zhou Qing looked at his watch and said, "Six forty-two, there are still eighteen minutes before the time agreed by Jianguo."

Chen Jianguo is going to bring his girlfriend home, which is a big deal.

The old lady has been worried about her youngest son's marriage, and this time she finally sees hope.

"Jianguo is the same. When asked which family, he just doesn't want to say and insists on bringing his family."

Sha Zhu used his foul mouth again and said, "Old lady, are you afraid that you will not agree, so you will do it first and then ask for permission, and cook the rice before it is cooked?"

"Puh, phuh, phuh!"

The old lady took the dough rolling and pretended to hit his head.

"Old lady, I was wrong, forgive me this time!"

Sha Zhu immediately begged for mercy, the old lady was not kidding when she beat him.

"When can you change your mouth? Can you say such things?"

The old lady said so, but she always felt that this meeting was a bit strange.

Although Chen Jianguo was a little careless, he was actually smart since he was a child. He was more suitable for the underworld than the boss who was calm and obeyed orders.

With his personality, it was impossible for him to suddenly ask to meet his parents without even mentioning it.

'Is it a special mission? '

Sha Zhu was cooking at the Chen family, and He Yushui naturally came.

Seeing the many meats, eggs, fish and vegetables in the Chen family, she instantly felt that her family seemed very poor!

The He family was in the No. 95 compound, and they were famous for their comfortable life.

Without having to support others, the living standards of the two brothers and sisters were actually very good.

But compared with the Chen family, it was several levels behind.

"Brother, why is it that Chen Feng is so capable and you are so useless, even though we are both big brothers?"

To be honest, He Yushui looked down on her big brother.

This can be seen from the fact that she called him "silly brother" and taught Qin Huairu's two daughters to call him "silly dad".

How can a sister call her brother like this!

This habitual address is indeed ungrateful.

In addition, even if she did not give the house to Qin Huairu's family in the future, Qin Huairu would definitely have a way to disrupt Teacher Ran's good impression of Sha Zhu.

But it must be said that she did not do it wisely by giving the house to Qin Huairu's family.

At least she did not consider the problem of where Sha Zhu's future children would live if he got married.

Of course, if you want to analyze why He Yushui tried to please Qin Huairu at that time, you can write thousands of words.

No normal person would give his house to someone else, even if there is no blood relationship.

So, perhaps here, you can curse: the screenwriter is a swindler!

"Nonsense, look at our yard, who is more capable than your brother?"

Sha Zhu was immediately dissatisfied.

"You call this ability, it's clearly stupidity!"

He Yushui pouted.

"I told you, don't call me silly brother!"

Sha Zhu threatened: "Didn't you hear the madman say that you can't call me like this, what will your future sister-in-law think of me if she hears it? If you call me like this again, I will turn against you!"

He Yushui felt a little aggrieved.

The entire No. 95 compound, regardless of age, called him Sha Zhu.

When she was a child, she was not satisfied with this nickname and felt very embarrassed, but now she is used to it and doesn't think it's shameful.

But Chen Feng is right, calling Sha Zhu Sha Zhu affects personal impression.

But she was careless!

He was actually mean to her for his sister-in-law who had not yet married!

"I'll go find Teacher Ran."

"Hey, wait, wait until the cakes are steamed, bring them here."

Sha Zhu immediately flattered, saying, "Yu Shui, when things are done, I'll let you eat good food every day!"

After waiting for a few minutes, He Yu Shui took a plate and cakes into the study.

"Teacher Ran, try the glutinous rice cakes made by my brother."

Teacher Ran was a little surprised and said, "Glutinous rice can be used to make cakes?"

Her family is not a wealthy family. Most of the teachers in the city have ordinary family conditions, and they have never seen glutinous rice cakes from the imperial kitchen.

"Teacher, Brother Zhuzi is very capable. My brother asked him to make cakes several times, and they are delicious."

Chen Hao delivered an assist in time, and took the opportunity to be lazy, taking a piece of cake to Chen Li, and taking a piece for himself.

"Second brother, where is the eldest brother?" Chen Li asked naively.

"He went to grandpa's house." Chen Hao replied: "When he comes back, he will bring back a lot of fish to eat."

"We have to leave it for big brother." Chen Li said coquettishly.

"By the time big brother comes back, the cakes will have gone bad, so we will eat them ourselves."

Chen Hao told the truth

, but Chen Li didn't believe it at all. She put the piece in her hand into Chen Feng's bedroom, and then came out to ask for another piece.

Ran Qiuye was very surprised by this. Can an ordinary three-year-old child do this?

Chen Feng is a genius, Chen Li is also a genius, why does Chen Hao become a fool when it comes to his turn?

Teacher Ran was very puzzled.

"Little Lili, you are such a good sister."

Chen Li looked up proudly.

"Yushui, send the plate to the old man and the old lady."

He Yushui shook his head and said, "I have sent them in advance."

When it was almost seven o'clock, in the expectation of the Chen family, Chen Jianguo came in with the person he was dating.

The old man stood up in shock.

Chen Jianjun frowned.

Chen Hao stood out: "Big White Rabbit!"

Chen Li's eyes lit up.

"Big White Rabbit!"

Lou Xiao'e was originally carrying a bag of gifts very nervously. When she heard the two little ones' words, she immediately laughed and took out the big white rabbit milk candy from the bag and distributed it to them.

Chen Jianguo smiled at his parents and elder brother.

He knew that if he didn't do this, they would definitely raise objections.

Now, when he brought Lou Xiao'e in, everyone nearby saw it.

With the old man's face-saving and righteous character, as long as Lou Xiao'e didn't make any mistakes, this matter would not be a big problem.

"Hello, uncle, aunt, brother Jianjun, and sister-in-law."

The old man sighed in his heart, but smiled on his face and said, "Okay, okay, come in and sit down, the food is ready, just waiting for you to be on the table."

Lou Xiao'e breathed a sigh of relief.

She was able to meet Chen Jianguo thanks to Chen Feng.

Last time she exchanged bicycles with Chen Feng, she came here several times to get mallards and duck eggs (Chen Feng was not at home, and the old lady and the old man gave them).

Once she ran into Chen Jianguo who was on vacation!

To be honest, Chen Jianguo's appearance is nothing to say. The genes of the Chen family have been improved from generation to generation, and their appearance is very good.

As for careers, let alone.

In front of the police, the eight major officials are all waiters, not good enough.

For Chen Jianguo, he didn't like the daughter of a capitalist.

But now he feels that this silly girl who was actually used as a hostage by her father is so naive that he wants to protect her.

Otherwise, there are too many people who can bully her!

"Come, let me introduce you. This is my second nephew Chen Hao and my third niece Chen Li. Chen Feng went to Tianjin. Otherwise, you can chat."

"Lili, call me auntie." Lou Xiao'e said while holding the little girl.

"Hello, auntie." Chen Li said obediently.

"Haha, Jianguo, Lili called me auntie." Lou Xiao'e happily took out a yuan and gave it to Chen Li.

Chen Hao saw it and hurriedly said: "Auntie, auntie."

"Haha, okay, it's for you." Lou Xiao'e said happily.

Chen Jianguo's eyes flashed with helplessness. This fool, how can he give so much money to his nephew and children when he first met!

Unfortunately, Lou Xiao'e didn't notice it at all.

The old man and the old lady looked at each other and had the same idea.

"This girl is stupid and rich, so she's easy to fool!"

Chen Jianjun pulled his brother over and asked, "What's going on?"

Chen Jianguo lowered his head and told the story regardless of the "confidentiality" request.

Wu Yulong, that bastard, thought that the food at the resettlement site for the disaster victims was most likely taken out by the big capitalists in Sijiu City.

Among the unofficial forces, there are only a few in Sijiu City who have the ability to secretly purchase so much food.

The Lou family is one of them.

Therefore, he, who was pursued by Lou Xiao'e, was temporarily undercover by Wu Yulong in the name of carrying out a mission, and accepted Lou Xiao'e's pursuit in order to get closer to the Lou family and confirm whether the Lou family was related to this matter.

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