60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and six she is good (Book City Tranquility Zhiyuan reward +)

306 She is good

Aunt Lu watched with envy as the backs of the three young men riding bicycles disappeared, she was lost, and sighed faintly!

Comparing people with people is really maddening!

When will her family, Hanhan, be able to live a dashing life like these children!

Don't worry, there will be bread, cars, and houses!

Haha, the bread is already there, the house is good now, and the car will be available soon!

Auntie Lu's mood quickly rose. She was not enough, but she was more than enough. Which sisters in her work unit would not envy her current life?

I live in a garden house with an independent bathroom, so I don't have to flush the toilet every morning, and I also have an independent kitchen, so I don't have to share a small kitchen with others, squeezing people to death!

There is still money to be spent every month!

What's not to like about this kind of life!

Go back to study this bag, and find a way to get some wool and hook one. At that time, the stinky woman surnamed Qin will be so hot!

Qian Shumeng sat in the back of Wu Gangqiang's car, and the three of them set out for the most lively place in Hai City, the Temple of the City God.

"Jiaojiao, who knitted your bag? I'll knit one too." Qian Shumeng was still thinking about bags, girls always love beautiful things.

"Sister Hongmei, I bought the wool for her to crochet, doesn't it look good?" Shen Jiao proudly showed off to her.

"Then I will also give Sister Hongmei some wool and let her hook one for me. I want red flowers on a white background, it looks so good." Qian Shumeng said excitedly.

"Sister Hongmei has no time recently. She wants to take care of my white-eyed wolf. If you don't dislike it, I will give you my green and yellow flower. I haven't used it before!" Shen Jiao said.

Qian Shumeng was also very good at talking: "Okay, then I'll use your bag first, and then when Miss Hongmei is free, I'll ask her to hook a red flower on a white background."

She turned and asked, "Jiaojiao, why is that uncle of your white-eyed wolf so stupid? Even burning coal would be poisoned? Pigs are smarter than him!"

Shen Jiao had a headache when she thought of Shen Nianzhi's family, she said, "Who knows? Shen Xiu said that the wind closed the window, and then it was poisoned!"

Qian Shumeng blurted out and asked, "Then why is she alright? I remember you said her house was a single room before, right? She lives in one room, why does she have nothing to do?"

Qian Shumeng, who was deeply influenced by Sherlock Holmes' reasoning, suddenly became interested, and she did not wait for Shen Jiao to answer, so she took care of her own analysis.

"Now let's push back, Jiaojiao, there are two possibilities for the poisoning of the white-eyed wolf in your house. You kill yourself or someone else murders you. There is no third possibility!" Qian Shumeng said confidently.

Shen Jiao was worrying about this, but Qian Shumeng's words were like a guiding light, splitting her chaotic mind into two, making her thinking much clearer.

"I always feel that their poisoning is strange, how can there be such a coincidence in the world?" Shen Jiao doubted.

Qian Shumeng's eyes lit up, it's good that there is something strange, so that she has room to use her ingenuity!

He motioned Wu Gangqiang to stop, dragged Shen Jiao to the quiet entrance of the alley, and said mysteriously, "This means that your uncle and auntie may have been murdered, and this poisoning incident is most likely murder. !"

Shen Jiao's eyes widened in fright. The thoughts that had been lingering in her mind during this period of time came out again. The wind was blowing from her back, and it was so cold that her teeth were fighting!

"Then...then...you said...who did it?" Shen Jiao didn't even know how funny her voice was. Of course, no one would laugh at her, because Qian Shumeng and Wu Gangqiang were also shocked. .

Wu Gangqiang frowned and said, "Don't talk nonsense, why do you say it's murder without any evidence? Be careful to cause trouble!"

Qian Shumeng whispered: "The evidence can be found slowly, now we are reasoning, since we have speculated that it is murder, then we will speculate now who is the murderer, and the murderer will surface. !"

Everyone is a teenager, and after listening to Qian Shumeng's interesting talk, they couldn't help but become interested. The three of them got close to each other and reasoned in a low voice. From the outsider's point of view, the three young youngsters and the little girl were so close together. , Still so crazy, at first glance it doesn't look like doing good things!

Wu Gangqiang thought for a while and said, "Although Shen Nianzhi's husband and wife are not very popular, no matter how deep the conflict is, it will not be so big that they want to kill people. Vendetta can be completely ruled out, and as for making money, it can also be ruled out. Their family did not lose any property. The only thing left is to kill you!"

Shen Jiao: "But who would want to kill them? In the end, the two of them didn't die, they became idiots who didn't die. Shen Xiu didn't have anything to do. What did the murderer do?"

"Wait a minute, you've all gone into a misunderstanding, have you forgotten how poisoned Shen Xiu is? Since she said that there is a crack in the window, it means that this cannot be done by outsiders. Which murderer would kill and leave a crack? ?"

At this moment, Qian Shumeng's whole body exudes the brilliance of a wise man.

"One more thing, Shen Xiu's carbon monoxide poisoning..."

"It's gas poisoning."

Shen Jiao interrupted to make corrections, and immediately received two small glances of contempt and disdain from Qian Shumeng.

Wu Gangqiang kindly reminded: "Carbon monoxide is gas, carbon monoxide is the way it is written in books, and gas is our usual way of saying it."

Shen Jiao: ...

Qian Shumeng continued to analyze: "Shen Xiu, her carbon monoxide poisoning is very mild, and the symptoms of gas poisoning are so mild after breathing in gas for one night, which means that the gap is not small, and their room is only about 20 square meters~www.wuxiaspot. com~ According to the speed of air circulation, your white-eyed uncle and uncle can't be poisoned so badly!"

"So I suspect that Shen Xiu didn't stay in the room for too long that night, otherwise she couldn't be so slight."

Qian Shumeng came to the final conclusion.

Shen Jiao shook her head: "Shen Xiu said that she and Shen Nianzhi slept at the same time, about nine o'clock in the evening."

Wu Gangqiang also shook his head and said, "Book Dream is right, the room is just that big, if three people sleep at the same time, the gas suction time is the same, and if there is a gap in the window, the result can only be—

Either the three of them become fools at the same time, or the three of them are all right, there is no way there will be such a big difference! "

Qian Shumeng patted Wu Gangqiang on the shoulder and said to Shen Jiao, "So, Shen Xiu must be lying!"

The more Shen Jiao thought about it, the colder her heart became, and she couldn't help but ask, "Why does she lie?"

Qian Shumeng snorted lightly, spread out his hands and said, "There are naturally many reasons, there are two reasons for lying, one is to cover up the truth, and the other is to get some kind of benefit, Shen Xiu's lying is just one of them. one, or both."

Shen Jiao wondered, "Shen Xiu is tired like a dog every day. What's she good for? No, it's good, she's good."

Shen Jiao can be considered to have caught the things that were floating around in her mind these days, jumped up, grabbed Qian Shumeng's paws, and said excitedly, "Shen Xiu doesn't have to go to the countryside, that's the benefit. !"

The old sheep loves to eat fish

This chapter is to thank the book city Ningzhiyuan children's shoes for the reward, thank you!

Note: Sherlock Holmes is a fictional character who appeared at the end of the 19th century. Qian Shumeng lived in England and was naturally deeply influenced by his reasoning.

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