60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and seven murderers released

307 The Murderer Is Out

Shen Jiao explained that Shen Xiu was exempted from going to the countryside because her parents couldn't take care of herself, and looked at them with bright eyes.

Qian Shumeng slapped Wu Gangqiang on the back heavily, and there was a crisp sound. Wu Gangqiang frowned tightly, restraining himself from humming.

"That's right, Shen Xiu, in order to escape from going to the countryside, resorted to such a poisonous plan, tsk tsk, this kind of woman is what the snakes and scorpions are talking about!"

Shen Jiao's upper and lower teeth began to tremble again, and she stammered, "That's her biological parents, how could she just let it go?"

Qian Shumeng said in disapproval: "Mr. Sherlock Holmes said that all impossible facts must be excluded first, and the rest, no matter how bizarre or unbelievable, must be irrefutable facts, so we rule out all impossible facts. Yes, the rest may be—

Shen Xiu is the murderer! "

"Don't worry about why she succeeded? Just worry about the final result!"

Qian Shumeng, who was still unfulfilled, said disdainfully, "It's not like there are no cruel women, so what is it to kill your parents? It's not uncommon for Emperor Wu of the past to kill even his own children!"

Wu Gangqiang also sighed: "Yes, the most poisonous thing is the heart of a woman!"


Qian Shumeng slapped it down fiercely, and waved a small fist at him!

Wu Gangqiang rubbed the numb spot and said to Shen Jiao: "Shen Xiu's motivation should not only be to avoid going to the countryside, she probably wants to move back to your house, think about it, her parents are stupid, and her brother is outside. , She had such a miserable life, if you and your grandfather were a little softer, they would take her back to live, right?"

Qian Shumeng nodded and said, "A garden house and a small single room, all fools know where to live comfortably!"

Shen Jiao breathed out with difficulty, her throat was very dry. Although Shen Nianzhi and Zhu Biyue were ruthless and ruthless towards Shen Jiaxing, they had nothing to say to their children. Besides, the reason why they wanted to cut off their relationship with Shen Jiaxing was because they were worried. Inflict the children.

From the point of view of children, they are ungrateful white-eyed wolves!

But in terms of parenting, they are loving and righteous loving fathers and mothers!

Shen Xiu, how could she succeed?

"I have to tell Grandpa about this, and I have to let the police take her away, and I can't let this poisonous snake stay with me!"

Shen Jiao was distracted, and she was about to go back after riding her bicycle. Now she just wanted to find Shen Jiaxing, expose Shen Xiu's true identity, and then report to the police to arrest Shen Xiu.

Wu Gangqiang grabbed the back seat of her bicycle and stopped her: "Jiaojiao, don't worry, you go to the police so rashly, without any evidence, why should the police believe you?"

Qian Shumeng also said: "Besides, even if the police believed you and arrested Shen Xiu, she was only fifteen years old, and at most she was sent to a juvenile detention center. After a few years, she went out to the streets and still arranged for work. !"

Shen Jiao became anxious: "Then what should I do? Could this poisonous snake be allowed to lurk around me and grandpa? Who knows if she will attack grandpa?"

"Jiaojiao, you have to be more careful, this Shen Xiu is ruthless, she has a higher chance of attacking you, it's quite scary for a woman to be jealous!" Qian Shumeng reminded her.

Shen Jiao understood what she meant. After such an analysis, she also thought of some things that she had ignored.

In the past, although Shen Xiu didn't pay attention to the original body, she often saw Shen Xiu observing the original body in the dark, those cold eyes, like a poisonous snake!

Even thinking about it now makes people feel chills, just like her mood at the moment!

"Then what should I do?" Shen Jiao asked.

"Let's investigate quietly, Mr. Holmes said, no matter how flawless a crime is, as long as it's done by a human, there's no reason that can't be solved, Shen Xiu will reveal the flaw sooner or later, and then we'll give it to her. One hit kill!"

Qian Shumeng waved her small fist, looking even more excited than Shen Jiao, with golden light shining in her eyes!

Heaven and earth!

After being bored for so long, I found something interesting for her!

Wu Gangqiang raised his brows and asked, "Don't put Sherlock Holmes on the left and Sherlock Holmes on the right, for fear that others won't know that you are a fake foreign devil!"

Qian Shumeng rolled his eyes at him: "I don't know who took my complete works of Sherlock Holmes to see, and I haven't returned it yet!"

Wu Gangqiang had a dark face, and replied, "I like Sherlock Holmes, but I don't talk about it all day like someone else, only to cause trouble!"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Shen Jiao hurriedly asked, "Who is Sherlock Holmes? His name is so strange, he doesn't look like a Chinese!"

Qian Shumeng burst out laughing: "He is a well-known private detective in country Y. There is no case in the world that he cannot solve. He is the person I admire most!"

Shen Jiao pouted, she is a foreign devil again, what is there to admire?

This girl, Qian Shumeng, is not good at this. She always talks about foreign devils, which makes people tired and crooked. Wu Gangqiang is absolutely right!

"No matter how powerful this Sherlock Holmes is, how powerful can Master Bao be? And Master Di, all of them are expert judges, much more powerful than foreign devils. Sister Shumeng, don't always worship foreign devils, we Chinese people are the most powerful, more powerful than those who eat. Foreign devils who drink raw meat are much more powerful!" Shen Jiao taught Miss Qian bitterly.

Wu Gangqiang's mouth twitched, where did Shen Jiao hear that a foreigner eats raw meat and drinks raw blood, so she must be a caveman!

Qian Shumeng was not convinced and retorted: "I am not belittling Chinese people, I am also patriotic, but you have to admit that our country is still very weak. Back then, the Eight-Power Allied Forces, R country, were all smaller than our country, but our country was These countries have been bullied so hard that they can't fight back, and they still haven't recovered, Jiaojiao, China is not very powerful now, it's only our ancestors who are powerful, we must see the facts!"

Wu Gangqiang thumped the wall angrily, gritted his teeth and said, "I only regret that I was not born in that era~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Otherwise, I will definitely go to the battlefield and kill the people of R country!"

Shen Jiao had heard Qian Wenliang talk about the history of blood and tears in China in modern times, and her emotions were also infected by the grief and indignation of the two, and said angrily: "Those people in the Qing Dynasty are all boneheads and useless, and my great country is all delayed by them. It's gone!"

"Okay, okay, let's not let these bad things affect our mood. Let's walk around and go to Yuyuan Garden to eat small wontons. I didn't have breakfast on purpose!" Qian Shumeng said in a buoyant voice.

Shen Xiu's panicked heart gradually calmed down. Qian Shumeng was right, she had to keep the same and respond to changes.

"Jiaojiao, remember to give me your bag when you go back. I will carry it to school the day after tomorrow, and my classmates will definitely be jealous!" Qian Shumeng reminded.

"I'll give it to you when Aunt Lu comes back. Didn't she borrow it to observe!" Shen Jiao said.

"Oh, then I'll have to wait for her. Then I'll go buy some wool first, and let Sister Hongmei help me knit one. No, I'll still learn crochet from Sister Hongmei and knit it by myself. That's what makes sense!

The more Qian Shumeng thought about it, the more excited he became. He wanted to buy woolen yarn now, and don't eat the little wontons.

The old sheep loves to eat fish

Thank you for the 1888 book coin of the book city's tranquility and far-reaching, thank you for the peach blossom fan of Breeze Doll, thank you for the faint smell 74, 1 flying bottle 1, lovehong119, Yuhou's peace symbol, thank you for all my friends who supported me, today's fourth watch, old man The same time and place!

Note: Sherlock Holmes was serialized in the book founded by Mr. Liang Qichao as early as 1899. In 1916, Zhonghua Book Company published a total of 12 volumes. In 1927, World Book Company published a complete collection of vernacular texts. Only then did Sherlock Holmes spread in China.

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