60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and eight smelly hooligans

Qian Shumeng, a girl who wanted to come out, was so tickled by her bag that she left the little wontons behind her.

"Didn't Jiaojiao give you one, what other wool did you buy?" Wu Gangqiang frowned.

"One is not enough, we have to ask for two!" Qian Shumeng said.

"Why do you want so many bags? Waste!" Wu Gangqiang couldn't help choking.

"For my mother, Mother's Day is coming soon, I want to give her a gift, you know the shit!"

Qian Shumeng slapped him hard behind his back, causing Wu Gang to bark in pain.

After Qian Shumeng's popular science, the two bunnies understood what Mother's Day was. Shen Jiao was shocked when she heard that it was a foreigner's festival, and said with disdain, "What's better than a barbarian festival in Fanbang? Let's do it!"

Wu Gangqiang also agreed: "Yes, the festival of the little foreign devils is determined. We celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival of the Chinese people, and there are brownies to eat. I asked my mother to pack more meat browns, which are delicious."

"And in the future, don't hesitate to tell the foreigner's story, and you're not afraid of causing trouble to Uncle Qian and Aunt Qian. If you want to send gifts, you can secretly send them." Wu Gangqiang taught her hard.

Qian Shumeng seemed to realize his mistake, so he didn't refute him as before, but kept his mouth shut.

Shen Jiao rounded it up and said, "Let's go to the Chenghuang Temple first, and then cook dumplings after we come back. That Auntie Lu's craftsmanship is quite good, not as bad as the taste of a restaurant."

"Now there is still such a generous person? You will give away thirty or forty dumplings as soon as you give it away. Jiaojiao, you are so lucky. You have met such a good neighbor. You don't know the woman next door to me, tsk tsk!"

"It's okay to be stingy to outsiders, but also to your husband and children. A piece of fermented bean curd is placed in a small plate. There are six people in their family. How many days do you think they will eat?"

Qian Shumeng pouted, her expression slightly exaggerated, making Shen Jiao secretly amused.

"Two days!" Shen Jiao said a conservative number.

"No more, guess up!" Qian Shumeng shook his head flatly.

"Five days?"

"More points!"

"Six days?" Shen Jiao asked suspiciously with wide eyes.

Wu Gangqiang turned his head and smiled and said, "At least ten days."

Qian Shumeng breathed a sigh of relief, compared his fingers, it was the size of a rubber, and smiled: "Yes, the longest record in their family is sixteen days, a piece of fermented bean curd with such an idea, six people ate for sixteen days, oh, oh Oh, I'm afraid there will be worms at the end of the meal!"

Shen Jiao was surprised and couldn't help asking, "How do they eat?"

Qian Shumeng said with a graphic gesture: "Well, when eating, use chopsticks to poke on the fermented bean curd, you can't poke hard, you have to dip it lightly, and then put it in your mouth and tut, just this tut, One bowl of soaked rice is finished, you must not poke more than three drops, otherwise, the woman's scolding can be heard all over the street, tsk tsk!"

Qian Shumeng imitated her neighbor's way of eating fermented bean curd, which made Shen Jiao burst into laughter and her stomach hurt!

Wu Gangqiang sighed, disapproving: "What does it mean to eat a piece of fermented bean curd for 16 days, we have a family in our compound, and he is a battalion commander. There are six children in the family, and two old people. Those days were good, tsk tsk, I know. What do you mean by not being able to open the pot? The battalion chief's family is truly incapable of opening the pot, let alone a piece of fermented bean curd for 16 days, their family needs a sour radish and the whole family will have a big cake for three days!"

"And his baby, who is still naked at the age of five or six, is still a female doll. People in the courtyard can't stand it anymore. The owner put together a piece of clothes and the west family put together a pair of trousers. top clothing."

Shen Jiao's forehead was sweating when she heard it. What kind of reputation does a five- or six-year-old girl have with her bare buttocks?

Qian Shumeng couldn't believe it. She came back from country Y. Although her material life was richer than that of other countries, she didn't endure much hardship. She couldn't imagine such a life at all, she felt like she was listening to a fantasy.

"The battalion commander's salary shouldn't be low, right? How can it be so tight?"

Wu Gangqiang said disdainfully, "There are so many babies, there are elderly brothers to help, and his wife has no job. Even if he earns nearly 200 salary a month, there are so many people to share, it's not enough!"

Qian Shumeng said indignantly, "You know you can't afford it, so why would you give birth to such a child? Didn't you harm the child? How could such a person be a battalion leader?"

Wu Gangqiang sighed: "This belly has to be born, right? After birth, it has to be raised, right? Could it be drowned in the toilet?"

Qian Shumeng shouted angrily, "Don't make your belly bigger!"

Wu Gangqiang's eyes widened as if seeing the idiot's dream in his heart.

"What are you looking at?" Qian Shumeng shouted viciously, feeling a little like being strong from the outside and doing things at the same time.

Wu Gangqiang twitched the corners of his mouth and joked: "How can you control the size of your belly? It's strange that the belly is not big when a man and a woman sleep alone on a kang. They say that foreign devils don't like to wear clothes. Kiss and touch, you stayed at the foreign devil for so long, why didn't you get enlightened!"

After speaking, he sighed a few times, shook his head regretfully, whistled, and looked irritated.

Shen Jiao's face flushed when she heard this, she gave Wu Gangqiang a hateful look, her head was silent, and she was too lazy to care about these two annoying guys.

Obviously they were discussing fermented bean curd, why did it involve giving birth to a baby?

I'm really not ashamed!

Qian Shumeng's eyes widened and he was stunned for a minute, but he could be considered to have reacted. His blood was pouring towards his head, and his eyes were all red.

"Wu Heipang, you stinky rascal, I'll beat you to death!"

Qian Shumeng was in a hurry~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I didn't know what he was calling, so he punched and kicked Wu Gangqiang in public, and even used his teeth. It can be said that he was fully armed.

Wu Gangqiang didn't think much of it, he covered his head with both hands, dodged with a smile, and Shen Jiao also leaned against the wall with a smile to watch the excitement.

No one noticed that a middle-aged woman wearing a red armband and an old lady came over, the old lady was carrying a vegetable basket with a lot of vegetables in it, pointed at Wu Gangqiang and said, "Comrade, here Someone is playing a hooligan!"

The middle-aged woman has short ear-length hair and is thin, as thin as Zhou Xiuying, but Zhou Xiuying's face is very gentle, but this middle-aged woman has protruding cheekbones, thin lips and triangular eyes. good talker.

"Come with me!" the middle-aged woman said solemnly.

Before Shen Jiao and Qian Shumeng could figure out the situation, they looked at the middle-aged woman ignorantly. Wu Gangqiang's brain turned fast, and he quickly thought of the reason. He was so frightened that cold sweat broke out, and his teeth tickled with hatred.

Qian Dazui, this big-mouthed woman, will kill me now!

If this old lady is really allowed to go to the office and wear the hat of a 'little rascal', how will he be in the compound in the future!

Grandpa was afraid that he would have to break his legs!

The old sheep loves to eat fish. Note: Mother's Day was initiated by a kind woman named Anna Jarvis in the United States. She ran for it for more than 40 years. Until 1913, the United States Congress determined that the second day of May every year This Sunday is the statutory Mother's Day, and it is stipulated that every family should hang the national flag on this day to show respect for the mother, and Anna Jarvis's mother's favorite carnation also became the flower of Mother's Day. After that, Mother's Day was like this. It has spread all over the world, and it was probably in the 1990s that Mother's Day became popular in China, and it was influenced by compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao.

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