60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and ninety-nine Ah Fei and Depression 3 (reward +)

Wu Gangqiang, who was sweating coldly, pretended to be calm and hurriedly explained: "Comrade, you misunderstood, we are brothers and sisters, these two are my cousins, we are just kidding!"

Shen Jiao also came to her senses. She had heard from Han Defu before that although the men and women of this dynasty were not too particular about their defense, the crime of hooliganism was very serious. It's even more miserable, and it can't be turned over in a lifetime.

Thinking about it, it must be the 'stinky rascal' that Qian Shumeng called just now that caused the trouble!

Shen Jiao also broke out in a cold sweat, and her heart moved. She remembered what Han Qixiu said before, don't panic when you encounter a problem, delay it if you can, mess it up if you can't, mess it up, and this matter will be resolved.

She hurriedly smiled and said: "Cousin, I told you and cousin not to make trouble on the street, but you just didn't listen to the persuasion. All right now, let this aunt misunderstand?"

"Auntie, this is my cousin, the son of my eldest uncle, this is my cousin, the daughter of my third aunt, my mother is the eldest, my grandmother gave birth to eight daughters and four sons, but unfortunately only four daughters survived. , two sons, so I have three aunts, two uncles, my mother is the youngest..."

Shen Jiao didn't even know what she was talking about. Her mind was like a mush, and she made up a bunch of random things, so she even forgot what she said before!

I don't know if saying this will cause confusion.

Even if it's not messed up, Wu Gangqiang can think of a good way to come out after so long, right?

She doesn't want to go to the office, it doesn't sound like a good place, and this woman doesn't seem to be a good person. When she gets to her place, she doesn't know how to deal with her!

Qian Shumeng's mind was not slow, so she hurriedly followed after hearing the words, "Who made my cousin the most abhorrent? He wouldn't let me play with the camera. I'll go back and tell my uncle to let him punish you!"

The three of them hadn't rehearsed beforehand, yet they were able to tell Shen Jiao's fabricated lies to the point where they made falsehoods seem real, making the old lady burst into tears and couldn't stop wiping away her tears.

"Only one of my six children survived. Your grandma is so lucky!"

The old lady sighed and shed tears, and staggered away.

Shen Jiao and Qian Shumeng looked at each other, feeling a little guilty for some reason!

It's just that the middle-aged woman is not as easy to fool as the old lady. She glanced at the three of them and said with a sneer: "I have seen people like you a lot, cousin cousin? Love brother love sister, right? Take out the household registration book and prove it. Come out, who can prove that you are relatives?"

Shen Jiao couldn't help her eyebrows, this woman is really abominable, isn't it just a joke, what are you doing with such a high profile?

It wouldn't be because you were in a bad mood after arguing with your husband, find someone to vent about it!

Not to mention, she was a blind cat who ran into a dead mouse. The middle-aged woman quarreled with her husband before going to work, and she was in a bad mood. Shen Jiao and the three of them ran into her gun.

Looking at the splendid outfits of these three people again, I thought that I would have to quarrel with my husband because of a few taels of food stamps. The fire of jealousy suddenly burned and rushed directly to the top of my head!

If you don't shoot them, who else will you shoot at!

The three of them were finally taken to the street office by the roadside, with two simple bungalows, two desks, a few chairs, and a slightly plump aunt, who was reading a newspaper, and in front of them stood a steaming The enamel jar is printed with five bright red characters of 'the most glorious labor'.

"Director, this man is a hooligan on the street!" The middle-aged woman simply explained what happened.

Shen Jiao noticed that the director's aunt's eyes were bright and she was staring at the camera on Wu Gangqiang's chest. She was secretly happy and exchanged glances with Wu Gangqiang.

The middle-aged woman, on the other hand, looked like she was doing business, she took out a pen and paper and asked them the same way as interrogating prisoners.



"Home address!"


"Liu Xiu."

"Zhang Qiang."

"Li Meng."

The three of them reported false names in unison. They are not idiots, so they have to keep their real names. If they get out, those rumors will really drown people!

The Huangpu River can't wash away their innocence!

"Director, this auntie is so fierce, can we chat with you?" Shen Jiao blinked her big eyes, like a little white rabbit, I felt pity.

The auntie director was also very polite, ignoring the livid face of the middle-aged woman, took the three of them to the next room, and closed the door intimately. Shen Jiao and Wu Gangqiang looked at each other and smiled.

There is a play!

Wu Gangqiang didn't want to talk nonsense to her either, he said directly: "We absolutely cannot be the third one, the comrade just now misunderstood. Think about it, with our family upbringing, how could we be hooligans!"

The director's aunt is smiling, but her stomach is sneering. It's just that a family like yours is playing hooligans!

Why don't you call it a beast with a crown?

"Then what are you talking about? You have to give me an explanation!" The director's tone softened, and Shen Jiao and Wu Gangqiang were even more delighted.

"There is an explanation, there is definitely an explanation!"

Wu Gangqiang took out a handful of food stamps from his pocket. They were all national food stamps, about ten pounds. Which one is lost, please ask the director to help us find the owner of the food stamps, so that he won't be in a hurry!"

The director's eyes brightened even more, and Shen Jiao's heart became clearer. She also took out a stack of things from her bag. They were all one-yuan and one-corner banknotes, about ten or so.

"You can pick up the money and the ticket and keep it for yourself. We don't care about picking up the money in our streets~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The director reluctantly handed over the food ticket and returned it to Wu Gangqiang, lowering his voice.

"What are you doing, auntie?" Wu Gangqiang also lowered his voice.

The two of them whispered, like an underground worker.

The director leaned into Wu Gangqiang's ear and said mysteriously, "I'm in charge of the tickets, preferably bicycle tickets."

Wu Gangqiang's eyes shot up. Damn, this auntie really dares to say it!

Who doesn't want a bicycle ticket?

Taiping Qiaotou is now priced at 60 yuan a piece!

"Auntie, can you exchange for another ticket? Would you like a radio ticket?" Wu Gangqiang wondered.

"I don't care about the radio tickets, I just care about the bicycle tickets." The director smiled, very amiable.

Wu Gangqiang wanted to say something else, but Shen Jiao decisively took out a bicycle ticket from her bag and shook it at her until her eyes were glued together. She was so happy!

At first, I just wanted to blow up people!

Who would have thought that a heavenly king would actually explode?

Can the three little devils really come up with Jin Gui's bicycle tickets?

Oh yo yo, this trip to catch the rogue is too good a deal!

After a friendly and harmonious negotiation, the auntie director enthusiastically sent the three of them out, all the way to the entrance of the alley, and whenever they met, she said, "The children of my relatives came to see me on purpose, they are beautiful!"

Everyone is happy!

The old sheep loves to eat fish and said that this chapter is to thank jly69 and the reward and update that I miss so much, thank you! Note: Ah Fei refers to female hooligans, in Shanghai dialect, Yasan refers to male hooligans, and most of them scold men! Recommend the cultivating text of thorn young shoots: Fight monsters and upgrade to win treasures, there is no male protagonist, there is little ambiguity, there is blood and coldness, there are expectations for life and there is helplessness, the story of modern women crossing the world of cultivating immortals without changing their original intentions

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