60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and ten Yu Garden snacks (reward +)

310 Yu Garden Snacks

As soon as he came out of the street office, Qian Shumeng was downcast, like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Wu Gangqiang was so angry that he ignored her, and Gu Zi walked ahead.

Shen Jiao sighed and happily ran out to visit the temple fair. How could she know that such a thing had happened, how could she still be in the mood to play!

"I'm sorry, I won't talk nonsense anymore, no, I'll be a mute in the future, and I won't say anything!"

Qian Shumeng suddenly burst into tears, apologized while crying, and kept rubbing his eyes, looking very aggrieved.

Not only does she feel wronged, she is more afraid and regretful!

In the past, I only heard Mu's mother say how chaotic this era is now, and she should talk less, watch less, and cause trouble when she goes out, but she always thinks that she doesn't take it seriously, how can it be so serious!

But today, her personal experience gave her a head start!

It's just a joke. If it wasn't for the bicycle ticket that Jiaojiao took out, Wu Gangqiang would have been hurt by her!

Thinking of the possible consequences, Qian Shumeng was so frightened that she burst into tears, looking very pitiful.

Wu Gangqiang was both angry and funny when he saw it. He walked back and took out the handkerchief and threw it to her. He said angrily, "I know the lesson now? I told you a hundred times before and you couldn't listen, but now you should know it's amazing. !"

"Understood, I will be a mute in the future when I go out!" Qian Shumeng said with a flat mouth.

She took the handkerchief and wiped it on her face, and soon raised her eyebrows, sniffed the handkerchief in disgust, threw the handkerchief to Wu Gangqiang, and complained aggrieved: "Your handkerchief is so stinky, kill me!"

Wu Gangqiang took the handkerchief under his nose and sniffed it. He smiled and said, "But I haven't washed it for three days. I even wiped my nose yesterday!"


Qian Shumeng kept retching, took out a clean handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his face vigorously, until his face was flushed red, and his skin was about to break.

"Lang Ligran, yay, bazaar...!"

Wu Gangqiang hummed an out-of-tune ditty and rode on his bicycle shaking his head. Qian Shumeng glared at him and walked to Shen Jiao's side to take her car.

"I can't bring you!" Shen Jiao refused mercilessly.

"Then I'll take you!" Qian Shumeng said.

"I'm afraid of falling!" Shen Jiao answered honestly.

'Pfft! ’

Wu Gangqiang still couldn't hold back his squirting. He pointed his toes proudly, and hooked his **** at Qian Shumeng. His demeanor and actions were especially hated.


Qian Shumeng wanted to scold him, but Wu Gangqiang softly said 'dumb', she immediately covered her mouth, glared at Wu Gangqiang, pouted and jumped into the back seat.

"Jiaojiao, why do you carry a bicycle ticket with you?" Qian Shumeng asked curiously.

Wu Gangqiang also thought it was very strange, who would put such a precious ticket in a bag casually!

Shen Jiao had already thought about the draft and explained, "This is the ticket that Aunt Lu asked me to help get. It was originally given to her in the morning, but I forgot about it for a while, but it came in handy."

"No wonder that woman gave you so many dumplings!" Qian Shumeng suddenly realized.

Wu Gangqiang said with concern: "The tickets were given to those old ladies, how do you explain to Aunt Lu?"

"It's okay, I'll call Brother Han and ask him to get another one for me, it's just a little later!" Shen Jiao smiled.

When Wu Gangqiang heard that it was related to Han Qixiu, he stopped asking.

Bicycle tickets are a scarce commodity for ordinary people, but for people like Han Qixiu, it is very simple. It is a drizzle to get a few tickets!

"Let's go to Yuyuan Garden to eat xiaolongbao first. We didn't have a good breakfast, and I'm already hungry!" Wu Gangqiang said.

"I want to eat small wontons." Qian Shumeng sang against him.

"You eat small wontons, and I eat Xiaolongbao, and they don't talk to each other."

Wu Gangqiang was too lazy to spend time with her, so he parked his car and went to the snack building. There were many people in the building, many elderly people, and some young couples who came out to play with their children.

There are all kinds of dim sum on the table in front of everyone, such as xiao long bao, fried dumplings, dumplings, chicken porridge, small wontons, dumplings, Yangchun noodles, etc. It is served in a simple and elegant dish, and it is very enjoyable just to look at it, and it is delicious.

Shen Jiao's eyes were hot, and she said to Qian Shumeng, "Let's eat one by one, let's try them all."

"Okay, I can't finish eating and make Wu Hei's bag round!" Qian Shumeng was very excited.

Wu Heipang rolled his eyes, but didn't say anything. He never said much about taking advantage of things.

Shen Jiao took out the money ticket and stuffed it to Wu Gangqiang, and asked him to buy some snacks. She and Qian Shumeng went to occupy a seat.

They occupied a table by the window. The small square table just seated four people. The dishes that Wu Gangqiang brought back filled the table. There were about ten items, and they only bought one.

Shen Jiao just looked at it with her eyes. It really tasted like a sparrow in her stomach. She only ate a small soup dumpling, a fried dumpling and a few small hunger pangs, and she was full. She looked at Qian Shumeng and Wu Gangqiang eagerly. eat.

Qian Shumeng ate the little wontons with relish. The pink fillings were looming in the transparent and shiny skin, some oily flowers floated on the clear fresh soup, and there were small transparent shrimps, dotted with green chopped green onions, and curling white. fog.

"To say that after I came back, I was most satisfied with the snacks in the sea market. I couldn't get tired of eating it, especially this little wonton. Yer... People outside can't make such delicious wontons!"

Qian Shumeng was very emotional, but he learned a lesson and didn't dare to talk nonsense any more!

"You can eat more if it's delicious, or do you want to buy another bowl?" Shen Jiao looked amused.

"Then let's have another bowl, I'll pay for it myself." Qian Shumeng was a little embarrassed, and trotted to the window, and came back with a bowl of small wontons in no time.

"Jiaojiao?" A familiar voice sounded, with some doubts.

Shen Jiao looked up, but saw an unexpected person, it was Professor Xu Qiao who had already returned to Haishi.

She wears a straight tunic suit, glasses with gold rims, shiny leather shoes, and straight trousers. Her complexion looks hundreds of times better than on the farm!

"Mr. Xu, what a coincidence!" Shen Jiao reservedly got up to greet her.

"Ah yo, it's really you, has your grandfather come back too? Why did Chen Guang come back?"

Xu Qiao looked very happy, she sat down and asked a series of questions, but a boy next to him who looked very similar to him looked at Shen Jiao in amazement, his eyes didn't move, and he just followed. It seems to be fixed.

"Let me introduce, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com This is my eldest son Xu Aihong, sixteen years old." Xu Qiao pulled her son and said.

Shen Jiao also introduced Qian Shumeng and Wu Gangqiang. Xu Qiao's eyes flickered and she smiled, "It's really fate. Your father and grandpa and I are old friends who have been through hardships together!"

Wu Gangqiang heard Wu Boda talk about Xu Qiao at home. He knew that his grandfather disliked this guy. Now that he sees this deity, he feels even worse. At first glance, he knows that he is not a fellow traveler!

Different ways do not conspire!

Xu Qiao didn't stop when she opened her mouth, and asked around to find out how Shen Jiao and the others came back.

"Mr. Xu, we're done eating, let's go ahead and eat slowly."

Shen Jiao waited for Qian Shumeng to finish eating the little wontons, and dragged her and Wu Gangqiang away, she was really tired of this fake foreign devil, and she felt a little nervous when she saw it.

"There are still several uneaten pancakes, I'll go get them back." Wu Gangqiang just walked out of the door, patted his forehead angrily, and ran back very quickly.


The plate is empty, where is there any other fried food?

The old sheep loves to eat fish

This chapter is to thank Shucheng Ningzhiyuan and Breeze Doll and other children's shoes for their rewards and updates, thank you!

I recommend Feng Qing’s young educated youth to get space, farm in Lingquan, watch me achieve Bai Fumei, and play in the 1960s.

Note: Yu Garden is located in the northeast of the old city of Shanghai, with Fuyou Road in the north, Anren Street in the east, and Shanghai Old Town God Temple in the southwest. Yu Garden is very beautiful. Now Yu Garden in Shanghai has become a tourist area. Shanghai Old Street is a beautiful commercial street.

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