60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and thirteenth Captain Roriguez (DaisyC and Cliff+)

313 Captain Roriguez

Shen Jiao took Xiaojiao down and gently touched her head. Xiaojiao turned her head sideways and called at her again.



A white shadow flashed under the osmanthus tree, and Dabao couldn't stand Xiaojiao's hooking up, so he jumped down and squeezed into Shen Jiao's arms. How could Shen Jiao hold her and share the big treasure with Qian Shumeng, who was already jealous.

Qian Shumeng took Da Bao with a smile. She fell in love with him at first sight when she saw him, always exaggerating that Bao was the most handsome cat in the world.

It can be said that the main reason why Qian Shumeng often sneaks to Shen's house to visit is that she wants to see Dabao.

It's just that Dabao doesn't care about her very much. Usually, he doesn't give her a face, his **** **** towards her and his little tail flicks. This is already polite!

At this moment, Da Bao has this look of disgust, his dexterous tail is swaying under Qian Shumeng's chin, and Xiao Aojiao can still be seen on Bai Yuan's face, all kinds of disgust!

Qian Shumeng didn't care at all, she smoothed Dabao's hair diligently, his movements were gentle, the smoothing made Dabao feel comfortable, his eyes narrowed, his buttocks were raised a little bit, and the rhythm of his tail flicking was a little slower.


Dabao waited for a long time and didn't get a response. He turned his head in dissatisfaction and shouted at Qian Shumeng. His pupils were all erect. Qian Shumeng was so scared that his liver jumped.

But the ancestors didn't appreciate it, and screamed even more fiercely, and even showed his little fangs!

"Dabao's buttocks are itchy, let you scratch him!" Shen Jiao couldn't see it, and pointed.

Qian Shumeng suddenly realized, looking at the great ancestor who continued to hold his jade buttocks, hesitant on his face!

How can you touch your **** balls!

A place to poop!

Shen Jiao snorted, "My eldest treasure washes his **** after every poop, it's cleaner than someone's paws!"

Someone rolled her eyes at her, but in the end, he stuck his paw on Dabao's ass, which he washed every day. Dabao then smoothed his hair, squinted his eyes and lay down again, his tail twitching softly.

After Shen Xiu saw Da Bao, her expression became even more strange, her temples throbbed faintly, as if she was holding back something, and her eyes were extremely wrong.

"You actually keep two Persian cats? Grandpa bought them for you?"

Shen Xiu's voice was also very strange, as if she was deliberately suppressing something.

Xiaojiao, who was sleeping comfortably in Shen Jiao's arms, suddenly opened her eyes, her whole body white hair stood on end, her blue eyes were round, she arched her body, and attacked Shen Xiu.


Dabao also arched his body, his voice became low, a bit like a dog barking, such a bark is only made when a cat feels threatened. .

"What's wrong with Xiaojiao? Good, it's alright, good!"

It's just that Xiaojiao and Xiaobao are not as quiet as they used to be, they bark more quickly, their bodies are more arched, and they will attack at any time.

"It's also called Xiaojiao?" Shen Xiu asked in a hoarse voice.

Shen Jiao was not in the mood to care about her, so she comforted Xiaojiao and Dabao who were fluffy, wondering why the two babies suddenly became angry!

"I go first!"

Shen Xiu left these words and left in a hurry, not as stubborn as before.


As soon as Shen Xiu left, Xiao Jiao and Da Bao became quiet, laying down again, smoothing down their hair, putting on their eyes, enjoying the caress of Shen Jiao and Qian Shumeng, and twitching their tails.

Calm and calm!

"What happened to the two of you? It scared my sister to death!"

Shen Jiao was relieved and patted the two cats on the head.

Qian Shumeng frowned slightly, her Sherlock Holmes mind began to wander again, and she said with great interest: "I think the abnormality of Dabao and Xiaojiao just now should be related to Shen Xiu, and they went quiet as soon as Shen Xiu left. Well!"

"What happened to Shen Xiu? She didn't do anything to Dabao and the others? Why are they going crazy!" Shen Jiao also felt very strange.

Qian Shumeng sat down with Dabao in his arms and analyzed: "Animals are very sensitive, especially cats, which are very mysterious creatures in the West. They say that they have a pair of magical eyes and can see us. Things that mortals can't see, maybe Dabao and Xiaojiao just saw something that made them feel dangerous!"

This is the first time Shen Jiao has heard that cats have this ability, but she has only heard of 'cats come to be poor, dogs come to rich', saying that the wild cat that she came to the house cannot be raised, and if you want to raise it, you have to raise expensive ones. The cat, like the Persian cat in her previous life, was bought by her grandfather with a lot of money.

"Then what did Dabao and Xiaojiao see? It's not a ghost, is it?"

Shen Jiao seemed to feel the gloomy wind behind her, she couldn't help shivering, and hugged Xiaojiao tighter.

Having experienced her own adventures, Shen Jiao believes in the myth of ghosts and gods. Maybe there are several ghosts around her now!

Qian Shumeng was a staunch atheist. She looked at Shen Jiao disdainfully and said, "How could it be a ghost? Don't say this outside, beware of causing trouble!"

When he said this, Qian Shumeng's expression was very interesting and proud. He could be able to return this sentence to Shen Jiao, and let her and Wu Heipang say that she couldn't speak all day long!

Shen Jiao rolled her eyes and was too lazy to pay attention to her.

Qian Shumeng continued to analyze: "I think it must be the breath of Shen Xiu's body that makes Dabao and Xiaojiao feel uncomfortable!"

"What kind of aura does Shen Xiu have? Why didn't I sense it!" Shen Jiao was still puzzled.

Qian Shumeng said angrily, "If you can sense that you are a cat~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is the same as murderous aura, although you can't see it, you can't touch it, but an executioner and a barber stand together, people We can definitely tell who is the executioner and who is the barber, because the executioner has murderous aura!"

Shen Jiao nodded her head again and again, and asked humbly for advice, "That means that Shen Xiu has murderous aura?"

"Of course, she is our main suspect right now. If she really did it, wouldn't she be murderous!" Qian Shumeng said.

However, Shen Jiao always felt that something was not right, Shen Nianzhi and his wife were still alive and well, where did the murderous aura come from?

Qian Shumeng also noticed something was wrong, and said to himself, "No, the white-eyed wolf is not dead yet. Could it be that Shen Xiu has other lives in her hands? Is she a perverted serial killer? Just like Rodri in the London murder case. Like Captain Geez, who got blood on his hands because of his perverted thinking?"

This girl seems to have eaten five stone powder, and keeps spinning in circles in the house, talking to herself as she goes, and keeps spinning.

The corners of Shen Jiao's mouth twitched, and after she turned around a dozen times, she reminded, "Aren't you dizzy?"

Qian Shumeng raised his head blankly, then staggered and staggered.

"Oh, my head is so dizzy, come and help me, Jiaojiao!"

The old sheep loves to eat fish

Note: Wu Shi San is an addictive drug, especially favored by celebrities in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and became popular in the upper class at that time, because after taking Wu Shi San, symptoms of rage and agitation would appear, so most of the literati in the Wei and Jin Dynasties were very arrogant. This is not natural, and has a lot to do with taking Wushisan.

Captain Roriguez was a perverted serial murderer in the Sherlock Holmes case. He killed many young and beautiful girls, and finally died under the sword of Sherlock Holmes.

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