60s: Petite Wife

Chapter 314: Diaries are also dangerous (Daisy and Shibi+)

314 Diaries are also dangerous

Shen Jiao suppressed a smile, walked over and helped Qian Shumeng, who was still shaking.

"Oh, I have to sit down, I'm dizzy!" Qian Shumeng leaned back on the chair and breathed a sigh of relief, but he was no longer dizzy.

"Who is Captain Grolitz you're talking about? What did he do?" Shen Jiao asked curiously.

Qian Shumeng took a gulp of water, peeled a few more peanuts, and then explained, "It's a perverted murderer that Mr. Holmes dealt with as I said before."

"For the public, he is a veteran with many military exploits, and a handsome diplomat. He is a very popular person in the upper class, but in fact, he is a pervert who likes to kill, especially young and beautiful girls. So many killings!"

Shen Jiao couldn't help but shivered again, and the overcast wind behind her blew even more fiercely.

"You mean that Shen Xiu is a pervert? She killed a lot of people?"

Qian Shumeng shook his head and peeled off a small peanut. The peanuts from the Shen family were the specialty of Sheng County. They were fragrant and crunchy. reason.

"Not necessarily. We're not reasoning now. Everything is possible. Let's come to a conclusion first, and then slowly look for evidence!" Qian Shumeng said excitedly.

Shen Jiao is not as interested as she is, she doesn't like looking for evidence at all, she prefers a simple and straightforward method, if it is not a matter of killing her life, and it will make grandpa sad, she really wants to kill Shen Xiu with a single sword!

"How to find evidence?" Shen Jiao asked sullenly.

Qian Shumeng raised his small fist and said, "If you don't enter the tiger's den, how will you get the tiger's son? We must go deep into the enemy's rear, not afraid of danger or difficulty, and vow to find out the enemy's secrets!"

My brain is pumping again!

Shen Jiao rolled her eyes, hugged Xiaojiao and lay back on the rattan chair, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

"Jiaojiao, come and paint, let's finish this book today!" Qian Shumeng took a moment, then remembered her business and asked Shen Jiao to work together.

"No, your hands are sore, go to sleep!"

Shen Jiao grunted a few times, put Dabao and Xiaojiao on one of her shoulders, plugged her ears, and automatically cut off Qian Shumeng's broken thoughts.

Qian Shumeng raised her hand at Shen Jiao, made a face, and had to write by herself.

During this period of time, the school was too violent. I heard Qian Shumeng say that her Chinese teacher suffered, she was beaten all over her body, and she lost half her life, so she couldn't come to class at all.

And her math teacher also suffered. Although she was not beaten, she was also suspended, and she didn't come to school for half a month.

The teachers of the two major subjects of Chinese and mathematics have all suffered, and half of the classmates went to the streets to beat people. This is a fart!

Every day, their class is in a state of anarchy and no organization. They go to school to report a story, and everyone arranges the rest of the day by themselves.


Qian Shumeng was like a sparrow in flight. He fooled around with Wu Gangqiang all day long. The place where he mingled the most was Shen Jiao's house, which led to a sharp decrease in the number of nuts in the Shen family during this period.

It was all made by these two guys!

One loves to eat peanuts, the other loves to knock walnuts!

They are all mice!

Shen Jiao was very curious about Qian Shumeng's two teachers. She had heard Qian Shumeng talk about it before. The language teacher was a gentle young man in his twenties. He was gentle and shy, and was very popular with female students.

The math teacher is a beautiful and stylishly dressed young girl in her twenties. She is very popular with male students!

The key is that the two teachers are from innocent families, and there is nothing to criticize, so why did they suffer?

Qian Shumeng sighed and said sympathetically, "The diary written by our language teacher was discovered by another male teacher in his dormitory and reported him. It's over, the job is gone, and he beats himself up. Half dead!"

Shen Jiao was very curious: "What diary did you write? Why did you get beaten?"

Qian Shumeng's face flushed red, and he actually twitched, hesitatingly said: "It's nothing, it's just that the Chinese teacher likes the math teacher, and he wrote a lot of romantic poems in his diary about his admiration for the math teacher. The school leader said that he It's the bourgeoisie, the voice of the West, so..."

Speaking of this, Qian Shumeng was a little outraged. That diary was made public by some good people, and she naturally read it. In her opinion, this is a love letter written by a young man to the lover of his dreams, which is normal. , why is it associated with the bourgeois poisonous weed?

One of the words that made the poor Chinese teacher suffer a serious crime, in Qian Shumeng's opinion, is nothing at all, but in the eyes of the school leaders, it is a heinous crime. The original text of the sentence is as follows:

"My dear, your intoxicating fragrance, your daughter Xiang, makes me fascinated, makes me toss and turn, and your beautiful body and beautiful curves make my heart flutter--

I dreamed of you several times in my dreams, wearing a layer of veil, walking towards me - when I woke up in the morning, I was left with only cold pants and a cold heart..."

Well, although this Chinese teacher's diary is ten thousand times more enthusiastic than his appearance, it is also a little more explicit!

But this pretty lady, a gentleman, how could she be a hooligan?

"According to my opinion~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If our teacher is really a hooligan, it's not wrong, but he only has the guts to write a diary. Usually when he sees our math teacher, he blushes, and he doesn't even say a few words. It's really unjust!" Qian Shumeng said injustice.

Wu Gangqiang said with disdain: "Who makes him stupid, just keep silent about what he thinks, he has to write it down in a diary, it doesn't matter if he writes it, and let others know that it's not his own death! "

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Shen Jiao hurriedly asked, "Then why is the math teacher suspended? It stands to reason that she is fine!"

Wu Gangqiang was a little indignant, and explained: "This diary is written so blatantly, there are too many rumors in the school, how can the math teacher stand it, and the suspension procedures are done in a fit of anger. It's all because of that idiot!"

Finally, I was looking forward to a beautiful and gentle math teacher. Now, I don't know what kind of witch will be sent in the future!

Shen Jiao sighed and sighed: "This tells us that we can't write what we have in our hearts in the future, just leave it as a handle. There are too many villains in the world, and it's hard to guard against it!"

Isn't this Chinese teacher just letting the villain do the math!

At the same time, she also secretly rejoiced, fortunately, she has a treasure bowl and can hold any secrets, no one can find it, she will be able to sit back and relax in this life!

The three of them sighed with emotion. Qian Shumeng also changed her habit of writing a diary because of this lesson. She burned all the diaries she wrote before, and she didn't keep a single one!

In the afternoon, Shi Hongmei came with Ma Xinghua with her two children in her arms. Because Shen Jiao and Qian Shumeng wanted to learn crochet, Shi Hongmei came to teach them on the weekend.

The old sheep loves to eat fish

The fourth update will be delivered. I will make an appointment tomorrow. Please subscribe and ask for a monthly pass. Good night, good dream! mwah!

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