60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and fifteen malted milk

315 malted milk essence

Shi Hongmei didn't really want to bring the child over, because she was afraid that the child would be too small, but Ma Xinghua took the lead for her.

This was the first time Shi Hongmei came back to Shen's house, she looked a little restrained, Shen Jiao invited her to sit with a smile, and grabbed some peanuts for Ni'er. Very watery.

Shen Jiao hugged the chubby little tiger and teased her. She often went to feed the two children, and they were already familiar with each other. The two children were not afraid of life in front of her.

"Oh, Xiaohu, why are you gaining weight again? My sister can't hold you anymore, you little pig!"

Shen Jiao shaves Xiao Hu's fleshy nose, the little guy giggled and giggled, his body also arched up, and the two little fat hands kept raising, as if he wanted to touch Shen Jiao. Face.

"No, this little guy is too heavy. Sister Hongmei, please bring him back. I'm afraid of falling on him."

With Xiaohu making such a fuss, Shen Jiao couldn't bear to hug her. Fearing that she might fall the little guy, she hurriedly returned the child to Shi Hongmei. She also took Xiaohu's fat hand that seemed to be borrowed and bit it lightly. It was soft and elastic. Shen Jiao couldn't help but bite again, feeling a special sense of accomplishment.

Xiaohu looks so good, she deserves a lot of credit!

"Let me hug, Sister Hongmei, quickly teach Jiaojiao and Shumeng how to crochet, and when you're done, you have to take care of the white-eyed wolf!" Ma Xinghua took Xiaohu.

The white-eyed wolf is their group's unified name for Shen Nianzhi and his wife, but no one remembers his real name.

Shen Jiao ran into the house and soaked a few cups of malted milk essence. She put too much malted milk essence. Before she walked out of the living room, Qian Shumeng smelled the fragrance of milk and ran over to help Shen Jiao get the tray.

"Jiaojiao, you really don't have enough loyalty, why didn't you give me a dip before?" Qian Shumeng couldn't help but complain.

"Didn't I forget? Besides, I stopped talking when you came back!"

Shen Jiao stuck out her tongue, she really forgot, because she herself doesn't like drinking malted milk very much, she prefers drinking milk powder, and she only remembered it when she saw Nier and Xiaohu just now.

Relatively speaking, malted milk is cheaper than milk powder, and milk powder is limited in supply. Only newborns and critically ill patients can be rationed. Other ordinary people are not eligible to buy them at all. Neither limit nor proof.

Wheat milk essence is not so troublesome, as long as you have a ticket, you can buy it, but most people are reluctant to buy it to eat, even if it is a gift, few people buy it, it is too expensive!


Shen Jiao brewed six cups, except for Xiaohu, who happened to have a cup. She took a cup and handed it to Ni'er. She smiled and said, "Ni'er, drink it quickly, she will grow taller after drinking it."

Shi Hongmei was a little embarrassed. She had never even seen such a high-level thing before, let alone drank it. She didn't have to think about it to know that it was definitely very expensive. How could a commoner like her afford it? !

"Sister Hongmei, Sister Xinghua, hurry up and drink it for me. I don't like drinking it. It's been almost two months since a jar of malted milk was opened. If you don't drink it, it will expire!" Shen Jiao laughed. .

Qian Shumeng cocked her nose and sniffed the fragrance of the milk intoxicated, exaggeratedly relieved, and heard the words: "Jiaojiao, you said it earlier, with me here, how can it expire!"

"And me, Jiaojiao, if you have anything you don't like to eat in the future, just tell my brother, it's not a waste to keep it!" Wu Gangqiang also joked.

Shi Hongmei and Ma Xinghua were infected by their unsightly tone, but they were not so restrained. Ma Xinghua was originally a cool temperament, but after seeing the wealth and wealth of the Shen family and the farm, she hid in the depths of her heart. She had low self-esteem and ran out to make trouble, which made her feel awkward all the time.

Seeing Qian Shumeng's unabashed attitude at this moment, she couldn't help but relax, and she was still a little unconvinced.

In terms of friendship, she was the first to know Jiaojiao!

No one wants to be ahead of her!

Qian Shumeng took a sip of wheat milk essence and said moved: "Jiaojiao, you are a good friend, really, we will be good friends for life!"

Shen Jiao was also very moved, and just wanted to answer "Okay".

Miss Qian opened her mouth again: "I don't ask for anything else, I will come to your house to play in the future, you only need to give me the real malted milk essence like today, so that the flower of our friendship will surely be able to Open for a long time!"

"I'll strangle you, a flower of friendship, and I'll give you boiled water next time!"

Shen Jiao took back all her emotions and glared at her fiercely!

A dog's mouth can't spit out ivory!

"Sister Jiaojiao, my mother asked me to bring it here."

Next door, Hanhan came in with a bowl of small wontons, smiled timidly, sucked in his nose and swallowed a few times in his throat.

"Thank you, Hanhan, and thank you, Mom, for Hanhan to drink this cup of malted milk."

Shen Jiao took the small wontons with a smile. During this time, Aunt Lu would always bring some food, dumplings, small wontons, dumplings, etc. Her craftsmanship was very good, and the food she made was clean and delicious. Shen Jiao It did not refuse.

But she doesn't accept it for nothing. After a few times, she will return some gifts, such as really good cloth, sheets, sugar, etc. In short, the weight is a bit heavier than what Aunt Lu sent, which also caused Aunt Lu to send things more diligently, which made Shen Jiao was a little speechless.

Hanhan took the cup and took a big sip of malted milk. He was very happy, and smiled sweetly at Shen Jiao: "Sister Jiaojiao, you are beautiful, and the malted milk that comes out is delicious, even better than my mother's. , My mother's malted milk is the same as boiled water, it's not good to drink."

Speaking of which, a few traces of sadness appeared on Hanhan's chubby face, which looked very funny.

Qian Shumeng laughed and said, "I think Aunt Lu is similar to the woman next door to me, but Aunt Lu is much better. She takes good care of the outside world. My neighbor, tsk tsk!"

Shen Jiao asked with a smile, "Is that the neighbor you said the whole family had to eat for 16 days?"

"Yes, who else is there besides her? You don't know, this woman has a good face and is stingy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Every time a guest comes to the house, she must make malted milk essence, but she doesn't care how many cups of malted milk essence she makes. , I only use half a spoon, and I have to shake it back."

"Then pour this half spoonful of malted milk into a large cup, then pour in boiling water, shake it, even if it is rinsed, and then pour it into a small cup for the guests to drink, you say, what is the difference between this and plain boiled water? "

Qian Shumeng didn't wait for them to answer, and Gu Zi continued: "The most hateful thing is that this woman has to stick her orchid fingers up every time, and say in such a particularly awkward tone--

This is called wheat milk essence. It is a high-end product. Most people are reluctant to take it out to entertain guests. It is only people from rich families like us who bring it to entertain guests. You drink more, don't be polite! "

While talking, Qian Shumeng imitated her neighbor's demeanor. She raised her orchid fingers, raised her small chin, twisted her head slightly, and squinted at everyone, making everyone happy.

Enough laughing, enough drinking!

Shi Hongmei took out crochet and wool, and patiently taught two stupid students to learn. Shen Jiao was better, and her claws were much more flexible than Qian Shumeng.

Qian Shumeng is a clumsy person, she can't even get a needle after learning for a long time, so she jumps with anger.

Shi Hongmei said with a smile: "Speaking of which, I have taught so many students, and even Shen Xiu is the smartest. You don't need me to teach, just watch me hook and learn."

The old sheep loves to eat fish

Thank you Taosuoren's peach blossom fan, thank you Lonely look back on the children's safety charm, thank you for being robbed by a dog, book friend 122****51, Breeze Doll, lovehong119, Aixinjueluo Hongye's safety charm, thank you all , Today's 4th update, yesterday the client drew it, and chapter 314 can't be displayed. It should be fine today!

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