60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and sixteen white mink collar

316 white mink collar

As soon as Shi Hongmei finished speaking, she saw that everyone was looking at her with strange expressions, making her inexplicable.

Speaking of which, although Shi Hongmei knew that Shen Nianzhi and his wife were not good things, she did not know that Shen Jiao and Shen Xiu had a holiday, and she had a good impression of Shen Xiu, thinking that this girl was filial and capable.

Strictly speaking, Shen Jiao and Shen Xiu are two cousins. The younger sister, Shen Jiao, is beautiful and kind-hearted, but she is a little squeamish, just like the high-flying flower clinging to the oak tree, lovable.

Although her elder sister Shen Xiu looks a lot worse, she is filial, sensible, and tenacious. She is like a weed in spring.

Of course, Shi Hongmei was just talking about things. In her heart, she naturally ranked Shen Jiao first, and Shen Xiu was completely incomparable!

Shen Jiao is the great benefactor of her mother three. Without Shen Jiao, their mother three still don't know if they can survive. Not only her whole life, but also Nier Xiaohu, she has to teach them to remember Shen Jiao's great kindness, Remember it forever!

"What happened?" Shi Hongmei felt guilty when they saw it.

Shen Jiao smiled and said, "Nothing, Sister Hongmei, what kind of person do you think Shen Xiu is?"

Shi Hongmei also felt that the atmosphere was not right at this time, but she still honestly expressed her feelings. To be honest, there is no exaggeration.

"She's a strong girl. In other girls' homes, when something happens at home, she can't cry to death, but she's calm and calm like no one else, she can do whatever she needs to do. She's even more powerful than some adults!"

Qian Shumeng suddenly sneered: "I don't think she is calm, but she has a heart like stone!"

Shi Hongmei was dumbfounded and looked at Shen Jiao in amazement, with a bit of panic, thinking she had said something wrong.

Shen Jiao reassured: "Sister Hongmei, don't think too much. Sister Shumeng and Shen Xiu are a little bit difficult to deal with. It has nothing to do with you. I'll cook some snacks!"

Just as Shi Hongmei was about to refuse, Qian Shumeng shouted happily, "Cook the little wontons that Aunt Lu brought me just now!"

"Can you eat a bowl of wontons alone?"

Shen Jiao glared at her angrily, she only remembered little wontons every day!

Shen Jiao cooked black sesame dumplings, and she made them in Xinquan Village. One meal will last a lifetime!

Ma Xinghua helped her to hold out the crystal clear bowls of glutinous rice balls. Everyone couldn't help but sniff at the sweet fragrance.

"It's really fragrant, even more fragrant than what my mother made!"

Qian Shumeng helped to distribute it to the big guy. After the distribution, he couldn't help but pick up a bowl and eat it. When he ate a glutinous rice ball, he would praise it, and everyone else was very excited.

Ma Xinghua had eaten it in the Shen family before, so she didn't find it unusual, but Shi Hongmei was the first to eat this rare thing. She just thought that it was so beautiful to eat like a table tennis ball!

"It's delicious, mother, what's this called?" Ni'er ate one and squinted her eyes in satisfaction.

Where can Shi Hongmei answer, Qian Shumeng answered enthusiastically: "This is called tangyuan, which symbolizes the meaning of reunion. It is our unique food in China, and you can't eat it in other places!"

"Reunion? Mother, can I come back after I eat dumplings?" Ni'er said suddenly.

Shi Hongmei took the spoon and paused, thinking that her daughter could understand the meaning of reunion at such a young age, thinking of leaving their husbands three, and thinking of the bullying she received after her husband left, Shi Hongmei's eyes couldn't help turning red.

Shen Jiao sighed, beckoned to the big treasure on the osmanthus tree, and whispered 'dried fish', Xiaobao and Xiaojiao jumped over very quickly.

"Ni'er, this is my sister's baby. The one with different eyes is Dabao, and the one with the same color is Xiaojiao. Would you like to play with them?"

The child's ideas are all wild, and as soon as they come out, they come out. As soon as Ni'er sees two cats that are as round as white balls, she loves them so much that she immediately forgets the question just now and happily plays with Dabao and Xiaojiao. Son.

Shi Hongmei sighed and smiled gratefully at Shen Jiao.

She had always lied to Nier that her husband was away from home, fearing that her daughter would not be able to bear the fact of losing her father, but she didn't know how long she could keep such a statement a secret!

Shi Hongmei lovingly watched her daughter tease the cat and fed her some glutinous rice **** from time to time, but Dabao and Xiaojiao were too adorable. As long as she was a woman, no matter the age, she would fall in love with them irresistibly, and Shi Hongmei was no exception.

"This cat is really handsome, look at how soft this white fur is!" Shi Hongmei smoothed on Xiaojiao's back and couldn't help but praise her.

Xiaojiao felt very comfortable when she touched her, lying on the table squinting her eyes, and wagging her tail, she was very comfortable.

"When I saw Xiaojiao, I was reminded of Shen Xiu's leather collar. The leather was very white and soft. Shen Xiu said it was a mink fur. , that leather is really good, but it's a little too small, just enough for a collar." Shi Hongmei suddenly sighed.

Shen Jiao's heart moved, and she asked, "How big is the leather?"

Shi Hongmei compared the size, it was indeed quite small, only about the size of a collar.

"Is it pure white?" Shen Jiao asked curiously~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yes, it's all white, not a single stray hair, but it looks good, just like snow. "Shi Hongmei said.

Qian Shumeng sneered: "Shen Xiu's mother is really kind to her, she is willing to buy a white sable collar for her, and it is a white sable collar without any color, so she is really rich!"

Ma Xinghua asked in confusion, "Why is white mink so expensive?"

"Things are rare and precious. White sable skins are rare, especially the pure white sable skins, which are even rarer. Even money can't buy them!" Qian Shumeng explained.

But Shen Jiao wondered, when did Zhu Biyue become so generous?

Not to mention that she is somewhat patriarchal, it is impossible to pay a lot of money to buy a pure white sable collar. Even if she is willing to buy it, it is difficult to buy such a white sable fur in the sea market. She has a white sable. The skin was bought by Shen Jiaxing when he went to the Northeast to import medicinal materials.

But there is only one piece. It was obtained by a ginseng picker by accident. The color is as white as snow, which is very beautiful!

Where did Shen Xiu get the white mink fur?

Shen Jiao felt very uneasy, she didn't know why she felt this way, she felt heavy in her heart.

She has to go and see that white mink!

She must go see it!

She always felt that if she didn't watch it, she would miss something!

"Sister Hongmei, do you know where Shen Xiu put the mink collar?" Shen Jiao asked.

"Yes, she received it in the box, and the box where she put her clothes is usually locked." Shi Hongmei said.

"Sister Xinghua, when you have time to come with me, I have to look at the mink collar, I have to look!" Shen Jiao murmured, looking in a trance.

The old sheep loves to eat fish

The second one is here!

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