60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and seventeenth what kind of skin is this (reward +)

Shen Jiao's state was very wrong. Ma Xinghua put her hand on her forehead and asked worriedly, "Jiaojiao, are you alright? Fortunately, the temperature is normal."

Ma Xinghua let out a sigh of relief, but she knew that Shen Jiao's body and bones were extremely poor. She used to get sick often on the farm, and now she doesn't know if she is better.

Shen Jiao ignored her and asked Shi Hongmei, "Sister Hongmei, when does Shen Xiu go out during the day?"

"I don't know about this. I only go on weekends during the day. She goes out on weekends in the afternoon to read books in the bookstore, and she doesn't leave every weekend." Shi Hongmei said.

Shen Jiao figured it out, today is the weekend, which means she has to wait another week, she can't wait anymore, she wants to see it now.

"Jiaojiao, what's wrong with you? Do you want to go to Shen Xiu's house?" Qian Shumeng asked curiously.

"Yes, I want to see that mink collar." Shen Jiaozhen frowned.

Qian Shumeng wanted to ask again, but Wu Gangqiang seemed to see something was wrong, so he said to Shen Jiao, "Then let's see it now, let Sister Hongmei go first, I'll find a way to lead Shen Xiu out, Jiaojiao you. You can see the mink collar."

"Yes, yes, I'll go now. Sister Xinghua, you go with me too. I can't open the lock." Shen Jiao got up excitedly, she didn't eat the dumplings, she put on her coat and was ready to go out.

Although everyone was puzzled by Shen Jiao's behavior, they didn't ask any further questions. The three of them ate the dumplings in the bowl and went out with Shen Jiao.

Xiaohu and Nier asked Shi Hongmei to send it back to Mrs. Xu, so she went to Shen Xiu's house first. Shen Xiu's place was not too far from Huaiyang Road. .

Shen Xiu's family lived on the first floor. It was a large courtyard. There were several families. Shen Xiu pushed Shen Nianzhi and his wife to bask in the sun in the courtyard.

Shi Hongmei went in to greet her, and helped her push Shen Nianzhi and his wife in. The two of them were in good spirits, clean and fresh, but they only giggled and drooled.

An old lady walked in and said to Shen Xiu, "Someone called you!"

Shen Xiu was a little bewildered, but she still walked out. After she stepped over the threshold, Shen Jiao and Ma Xing slipped into Shen Nian's house together. Shi Hongmei pointed to a vermilion lacquered camphor wood box and said, "It's right here. Inside the box."

There was a large black lock hanging on the box, which was bigger than the door locks of ordinary people.

"What's in there? It's locked so tightly." Qian Shumeng couldn't help saying.

Shen Jiao glanced at Ma Xinghua, she walked forward knowingly, took off the hairpin attached to her head, and opened the lock with ease just like opening the door of Sun Maodan's house before.

Qian Shumeng stared at her with bright eyes, and kept shouting, "Master!"

Ma Xinghua pushed open the lid of the camphor wood box and made a 'squeak' sound. Shen Jiao, who was already nervous, couldn't help jumping, her eyes fixed on the box, and her palms were sweating.

Everyone looked at her in surprise, but it was just an ordinary box. I didn't understand why she was so nervous!

The lids of the box were all opened, revealing the contents of the box, which were all neatly folded clothes, trousers belong to trousers, and clothes belong to clothes.

Shen Jiao stepped forward and turned over her clothes. Her movements were very gentle, and she tried not to mess up. The white sable collar was easy to find. Among the many blue-gray-black clothes, the pure white sable collar was particularly conspicuous. Shen Jiao noticed it at a glance. exist.

Gently dragged the master out, and a piece of white skin appeared on his hand!

Indeed, as Shi Hongmei said, she is especially white and beautiful!

But this leather will definitely not be mink!

As the eldest lady of the Shen family, she has owned all kinds of skins, such as fox skins, mink skins, squirrel skins, tiger skins, bear skins, and peacock skins. The most worn skin, as soon as she got started, she knew that this white skin was not mink!

Not even fox fur!

Not even squirrel skins and any other skins she's worn!

What kind of leather is this?

The whole body is pure and white, and there is no variegated color. What other animal has such skin?

Shen Jiao thought of a possibility, but she didn't dare to think further!

She was afraid that it was true!

"Jiaojiao, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?" Ma Xinghua sensed that something was wrong with Shen Jiao and quickly supported her.

Shen Jiao's face was pale at this time, her forehead kept sweating coldly, her body trembled slightly, and her palms were cold. She didn't really want to do this, but she couldn't control her body. As soon as she touched the piece of skin, Shen Jiao realized that she I can't control this body.

A kind of fear from the depths of her soul swept her!

"What are you doing?" Shen Xiu's voice sounded.

She stood at the door with a face full of anger. She didn't know who was calling just now. She chatted with her, but she felt something was wrong, so she hung up the phone. When she came back, she saw Shen Jiao and her group rummaging through boxes and cabinets in her house. .

When Shen Xiu saw the white leather on Shen Jiao's hand, her complexion changed greatly, and she stepped forward to grab the leather back.

Shen Jiao flicked her body and avoided it with great ease. She took the soft sword from her waist, pulled out the scabbard, and shook it lightly. The cold sword pressed against Shen Xiu's throat~www.wuxiaspot.com ~Everyone was startled and looked at Shen Jiao in panic, not knowing what to say, so they started!

Also used a sword!

"Jiaojiao, if you have something to say, don't be impulsive!"

Qian Shumeng was so anxious that she was dying, why did this little girl turn her face when she turned her face?

Shen Xiu was also taken aback by Shen Jiao, she didn't dare to move, for fear of being pierced through her throat by the tip of the sword!

"Shen Jiao, you're crazy! Do you want to kill someone?" Shen Xiu roared.

Shen Jiao sneered and raised the leather on her hand: "What kind of leather is this?"

"Mink!" Shen Xiu replied calmly.


Shen Jiaosu's hand shook lightly, and the soft sword flicked on Shen Xiu like a leather whip, and Shen Xiu bent down in pain.

Qian Shumeng still wanted to stop Shen Jiao, although she also hated Shen Xiu, but using lynching was illegal!

Ma Xinghua grabbed her, shook her head at her, and pulled Shi Hongmei, who was panic-stricken, aside. Wu Gangqiang, who had been hung up, also hurried over. Seeing the scene that only appeared in this movie, she couldn't help but open her mouth.

"What's the matter? Jiaojiao is on his body?" Wu Gangqiang asked Qian Shumeng in a low voice, and got two iron sand palms.

Shen Jiao looked at Shen Xiu coldly and asked, "What kind of skin is this?"

"Mink!" Shen Xiu still answered.


She flicked again, this time Shen Jiao used more force, Shen Xiu couldn't help humming softly, she couldn't help but get angry, she picked up the stool on the ground and was about to smash it at Shen Jiao.

"Shen Jiao, don't deceive people too much!"

Seeing that the stool was about to hit Shen Jiao, Wu Gangqiang was so anxious that he wanted to step forward to help, but Shen Jiao twisted again, and the stool hit the ground, making a loud 'bang'.

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