60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and nineteen is a pervert

319 is a pervert

Shen Jiao gritted her teeth and pinched Shen Xiu's neck. She didn't think about anything at the moment, she just wanted to kill this beast and avenge the poor little Jiao!

Shen Xiu's situation didn't look very good. His eyes were only white, and his mouth was wide open, like a dying fish. There was only air left and no air left!

Qian Shumeng and the others were shocked by the conversation between Shen Jiao and Shen Xiu. It sounded that Shen Jiao used to have a pet named Xiao Jiao, and she was tortured and killed by Shen Xiu. Panic!

Although it's just a beast, if you want to kill it, it will give people a good time!

This one who is skinned alive and then disemboweled is too unhuman!

"This Shen Xiu is definitely a psychopath. She committed this kind of cruelty to animals just out of jealousy. Isn't it a pervert?"

What Qian Shumeng hated most was people who tortured and killed animals. At this moment, she, like Shen Jiao, wanted to strangle Shen Xiu, a pervert.

Shi Hongmei couldn't stop swaying, and when she heard Qian Shumeng's words, she was even more frightened, especially when she thought that she was still living in the same room with a pervert during this time, and the swaying was even worse!

Wu Gangqiang was the most rational person. When Shen Xiu was about to reach the limit, he stepped forward and pulled Shen Jiao away, and then let this little aunt pinched her down. Shen Xiu was really dead!

"Jiaojiao, don't get your hands dirty for this kind of person, it's not worth it!"

Shen Jiao didn't want to be reconciled, but wanted to rush up to pinch her, but Wu Gang grabbed her hard and tried to persuade her.

"My Xiaojiao died so tragically, she is a devil, an executioner, she killed my Xiaojiao, woo, I want to kill her to avenge Xiaojiao!"

Shen Jiao couldn't help but burst into tears. One of the horn braids fell apart, and one of the flowers fell off. Tears were all over her face, she looked so pitiful!

"Jiaojiao calm down, don't be impulsive!" Qian Shumeng stepped forward and comforted her.

"I feel bad in my heart, how painful it was for Xiaojiao at that time, she also put Xiaojiao's head on my dresser, and put Xiaojiao's body on my bed, and Xiaojiao's intestines... I hate it so much. what!"

Shen Jiao cried so hard that her voice was hoarse and her heart was twisted like a knife. Although the Xiaojiao whom Shen Xiu killed was not raised by her own hands, the Xiaojiao she raised in her previous life had the same experience. , cut off his head.

And the placement of Xiaojiao's corpse is surprisingly similar, as if it were an image reflected by a mirror!

By analogy, Xiaojiao, who came to her previous life, was also killed by a sister in the clan, right?

It is very likely that she is her good sister, that **** who is as ruthless as Shen Xiu!

Her poor little girl!

Ma Xinghua and the others also felt chills. Not only did they kill other people's pets, but they also put their bodies on their bed dressers to demonstrate!

Isn't such a person a pervert?

On the ground, Shen Xiu gradually recovered and coughed a few times, as if trying to get up.

Wu Gangqiang walked over and slashed a knife at the back of her neck, causing Shen Xiu to faint again.

"Jiaojiao, don't cry, you have to tell Grandpa Shen about this. Shen Xiu must have mental problems. You can't let such a dangerous person outside. Who knows what terrible things she will do!" Wu Gangqiang said.

"Yes, yes, you are so cruel to animals, maybe even killing people will kill you?" Qian Shumeng said loudly, she patted her forehead again, and suddenly said:

"Now I'm even more certain that she did this thing about Shen Xiu's parents. What else can't this woman do?"

Shen Jiao gradually calmed down, her whole body was cold, and her hands were trembling. She really misses Han Qixiu and wants to tell him her grievances!

"I'll take her back first!" Shen Jiao looked at Shen Xiu coldly.

"That's fine, I'll carry her!"

Ma Xinghua stepped forward and carried Shen Xiu on her back. She was tall and strong, and she carried Shen Xiu very easily.

Shi Hongmei stayed behind, and she was responsible for taking care of Shen Nianzhi and his wife.

When the enthusiastic old lady in the large courtyard saw Shen Xiu in a coma, she couldn't help asking a few questions.

"My cousin has been too tired recently. She fainted just now. We took her to the hospital." Shen Jiao said casually.

Hearing this, the old lady sighed, "Then go quickly, oh yo, your cousin has worked so hard these days, she is really a good and filial child!"

Shen Jiao pretended to hang her head shyly to hide the hatred on her face!

Shen Xiu, this bitch, she must tell Brother Han to avenge Xiaojiao!

A few people helped Shen Jiao to bring Shen Xiu home together. Shen Jiaxing hadn't gotten off work yet. Shen Jiao found a sturdy nylon rope, tied Shen Xiu firmly, and blocked her mouth.

Wu Gangqiang and Qian Shumeng were not worried about Shen Jiao staying at home alone. This Shen Xiu is a pervert who is more poisonous than a cobra. Shen Jiao is not her opponent. What if something happens!

Shen Jiao wiped her face with a hot towel, the scorching temperature scalded her face, making her feel a little bit of warmth, and she felt relieved.

I have to call Han Qixiu!

Shen Jiao threw the towel away, and didn't care about combing her messy hair, she hurriedly ran to the phone and made a long-distance call.

It's a pity that her luck was not very good today. There were a lot of people calling. After waiting for more than 40 minutes, Han Qixiu's phone hadn't been connected yet, and Shen Jiao was so anxious that she was about to cry.

Tears flowed down again!

Suddenly there is a feeling of being abandoned by the whole world!

"Wow, the phone can't get through!"

Shen Jiao's eyes were red and she had curly hair on her back. The white blouse on her body was stained with a little dust, which was completely different from her usual neatness and freshness.

It's like a child who was bullied by others outside and came back to complain to an adult, looking very aggrieved!

But it's also very cute!

Qian Shumeng and Wu Gangqiang twitched the corners of their mouths and held back their laughter~www.wuxiaspot.com~ didn't dare to laugh, otherwise Shen Jiao, the little leopard, had a temper attack, and they couldn't bear it!

Only now did they really realize that being soft and sweet is just the appearance of Shen Jiao, and the little leopard with small fangs is her essence!

Ma Xinghua was very distressed and went over to comfort her: "Jiaojiao, don't feel bad, it's not a weekend, the post and telecommunications office must be very busy, let's wait, it will be better soon!"


It's finally connected!

Shen Jiao burst into laughter, but when she heard the voice on the phone, her little face collapsed again!

The one who answered the phone was the sober man with a cold voice from last time, who said coldly, "Han Qixiu is not here."

Shen Jiao's heart sank. She hadn't received a call from Han Qixiu for half a month. He used to call every two or three days!

Thinking of the unfamiliar man who said no comment when she called some time ago, Shen Jiao became a little worried, and for a while she forgot her grievances and only remembered Han Qixiu.

Brother Han, isn't something wrong?

The old sheep loves to eat fish

Thanks for the 1888 book coin of the bookstore tranquility, thanks to the book friend 1606****787 and the hot pot Chuchuanchuan spicy sachet, thanks to lovehong119, the depressing persistence, and the kindness of the peace charm, it is still four shifts today!

Note: In the past, making a long-distance call was a particularly troublesome thing. You could not get through directly. You must first dial the post and telecommunications office, and ask the post and telecommunications office to manually transfer the long-distance call. If you are lucky, you can get through in a few minutes. If you are unlucky, you can wait for a few hours. It's a common thing, so people in the past were not a matter of urgency. Generally, they didn't make phone calls, but opted for another more convenient means - making telegrams. Now telegrams are also extinct!

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