60s: Petite Wife

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The Leng Su man said "no" and was about to hang up the phone like last time. Shen Jiao hurriedly asked, "Comrade, don't hang up yet. Where is Han Qixiu?"

"No comment!" a cold voice.

Shen Jiao's heart sank to the bottom, her reason told her not to think wildly, but in fact she couldn't stop thinking, the more she thought, the more panicked, the more afraid she became.

"Comrade, may I ask if something has happened to Han Qixiu?" Shen Jiao asked anxiously.

"No comment!"

After speaking, the man hung up, and the sound of 'dudu' came from the microphone.

Shen Jiao forgot all about Shen Xiu at this moment. Compared with Han Qixiu's life, this matter of Shen Xiu can be ignored!

Do you want to visit NJ?

This thought popped into Shen Jiao's mind. Once the seed sprouted, it immediately sprouted into a towering tree, and the desire to go to NJ became stronger and stronger.

When Shen Jiaxing came back from get off work, he was shocked when he saw Shen Xiu who was **** tightly, and when he saw Shen Jiao with disheveled hair, he was even more frightened.

"Jiaojiao, what's going on?"

"Grandpa, woo!"

Shen Jiao's grievance came out immediately when she saw Shen Jiaxing, looking at him with tears in her eyes, seeing Shen Jiaxing's heart hurt.

"Jiaojiao, don't cry, you cry so much that grandpa wants to cry too. Tell grandpa, who bullied you?"

Shen Jiaxing immediately forgot about Shen Xiu lying on the ground, took out a handkerchief to wipe Shen Jiao's tears, and sniffed hard.

Qian Shumeng and the others held their faces firmly, watching the grandfather and grandson put on a show of bitterness, a handkerchief was wet, Shen Jiaxing simply went to the bathroom to get a towel, and carefully wiped Shen Jiao's face!

That movement is gentle, tsk tsk!

It's like rubbing tofu!

I always heard how Shen Jiaxing doted on Shen Jiao before, but I only heard about it. Now that I saw it with my own eyes, it was an eye-opener!

This is really a pearl in the palm of your hand that you are afraid of melting in your mouth, and you are afraid of falling!

The three of them left with Shen Jiaxing and walked out of the gate of Shen's house. Qian Shumeng sighed and said with emotion, "I suddenly understand Shen Xiu a little bit. It's strange that I don't have any psychological problems after being stimulated like this every day!"

Wu Gangqiang is also very concerned!

Ma Xinghua didn't think so: "Jiaojiao has a good heart and looks beautiful. Mr. Shen loves her more. If I were Mr. Shen, I would also love Jiaojiao, not a bad person like Shen Xiu!"

Qian Shumeng and Wu Gangqiang shook their heads and smiled, but said nothing.

Shen Jiao choked about the matter of Shen Xiu killing Xiaojiao, Shen Jiaxing heard the cold hands and feet, looked at Shen Xiu on the ground in disbelief, at this moment Shen Xiu was awake, just closed her eyes, her eyelashes kept shaking. .

"You really did this?" Shen Jiaxing asked in pain.

Shen Xiu shook her head and said, "No, Shen Jiao wronged me."

Shen Jiao roared angrily: "You admitted it in front of everyone just now, don't you want to blame it again?"

"Just now, you used torture to extract a confession, but I made a trick. Grandpa, you have to believe me, how could I do such a thing, it's all Shen Jiao who wronged me!"

Shen Xiu was bitten to death and refused to admit it, saying that Shen Jiao deliberately harmed her and let Shen Jiaxing decide!

"If you didn't kill Xiaojiao, where did the skin come from?" Shen Jiao spread the white skin and shook it at Shen Xiu.

"I bought it!" Shen Xiu's face was calm, not panic at all.

Shen Jiao was so angry that she burst into tears again, how could there be such a shameless person in the world!

She handed the skin to Shen Jiaxing and whimpered: "Grandpa, look, this is Xiaojiao's skin. Where can I buy cat skins in Haishi? Shen Xiu is lying, she killed Xiaojiao!"

Shen Jiaxing traveled south and north, and he handled thousands of skins, not to mention tens of thousands. His eyesight was obviously extraordinary, and the heat was dozens of times stronger than Shen Jiao's. As soon as he took the skins and got started, he could feel the difference in the skins.

"Shen Xiu, what kind of skin is this?" Shen Jiaxing asked in a deep voice.

"The mink fur, my mother bought it." Shen Xiu bit her hard and didn't let go.

Shen Jiaxing sighed and glanced at her in disappointment. Shen Xiu was heartbroken by this look, and she didn't understand why Shen Jiaxing looked at her like this!

Isn't the leather all the same?

As long as she was bitten to death, Mink wouldn't let go, and Shen Jiao said that she couldn't do anything about her, Grandpa would definitely not believe it!

It can only be said that Shen Xiu is still too young, with limited knowledge and experience. He never thought that an experienced expert would be able to figure out the essential difference in the skin as soon as he got started!

And Shen Jiaxing is the leader among such experts!

"Shen Xiu, you are so disappointing to me, why did you kill Xiaojiao? You still use such a cruel method!" Shen Jiaxing was extremely chilled. At this time, the little warmth that had arisen because of Shen Xiu's filial piety and sensibleness has now disappeared. do.

When Xiaojiao died, Shen Jiao was only five years old, and Shen Xiu was only seven years old. A seven-year-old girl, how could she be so cruel to cute Xiaojiao?

Rao is that as an adult, he can't be so savvy!

Naturally, Shen Xiu would not admit it, so she cried and begged. In the end, she said that Xiaojiao was not killed by her, but she asked others to kill her, because she was jealous that Shen Jiao had a Persian cat, but she couldn't even afford a raccoon cat. , that's what got crooked.

"Grandpa, I know I was wrong, please forgive me, I will never dare again!" Shen Xiu lay on the ground and cried.

Shen Jiaxing believed this statement a little bit. He really couldn't imagine the scene of a seven-year-old child attacking a kitten with a knife, or maybe he subconsciously didn't want to believe it.

Shen Jiao roared angrily, "You are full of lies~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You protested in front of me just now, saying that you peeled Xiaojiao's skin with your own hands, and you will..."

She really couldn't go on talking about the next words. Every time she said it, her heart would hurt again, and it was so painful that she couldn't breathe!

Shen Xiu said brazenly, "I just wanted to be angry with you on purpose. Xiaojiao was not killed by me, but a beggar whom I paid for."

Shen Jiao was so angry that her heart and lungs ached, she really wanted to kill this **** with a sword!

But she can't do this in front of Shen Jiaxing!

"Grandpa, the uncle and the uncle were also killed by Shen Xiu!" Shen Jiao threw a heavy bomb, causing Shen Jiaxing to jump up.

"What did you say? Jiaojiao, say it again!"

Shen Jiao looked at Shen Xiu and said word by word, "In order to escape going to the countryside, Shen Xiu deliberately poisoned the uncle and the uncle with gas."

"You are talking nonsense! How could I possibly harm Mom and Dad? Shen Jiao, you are talking nonsense!" Shen Xiu's expression changed greatly, and she yelled at Shen Jiao!

"Why are you so excited? Did I say that I was inconvenient?" Shen Jiao calmed down and looked at Shen Xiu coldly.

Shen Jiaxing was shocked by the news. He didn't know who to believe. He, who had always been decisive, became as indecisive as a woman.

On the road from NJ to Haishi, Han Qixiu, who was quite dark, hurried over, wrinkling his nose tightly. In the end, he couldn't take it anymore and covered his nose with a towel.

"Uncle Xiu, how long will it take to arrive?" A black, round-faced man poked his head out of the back compartment, his face was pale and weak, and he was actually a little fat man Han Dexing.

Now he has become a black fat man!

The old sheep loves to eat fish

The second thing is, the young master Han, whom you all have been thinking of, is back!

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