60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and twenty-three 3 times soy sauce

323 Three times soy sauce

Shen Jiao bit without any ambiguity at all, she completely regarded Young Master Han's wind-catching ears as pig ears, and Xiaobei's teeth snapped up and down, biting down heavily.

It's just—

The confused young master Han can no longer feel the pain. He has now become a living fossil that cannot move!

Except the male hormones in the whole body are dancing!

Still dancing enthusiastically and unrestrained samba!

"Jiaojiao, good morning!"

Han Qixiu, who managed to revive her blood, carefully hugged her soft body, placed Shen Jiao on his stomach, and greeted her with a hoarse voice, trying to hold back something!

Shen Jiao was completely awake. She stared blankly at the black face in front of her, forgetting her shyness, and said in surprise, "Brother Han, is it really you? I thought I was dreaming!"

"Brother Han, it's great that you're fine. I called and the man opened his mouth and closed his mouth, but he didn't say anything. I asked you if something was wrong, and he didn't have any comment, which made me worry to death. , I was going to NJ with my grandpa, but I didn't expect you to come back."

Shen Jiao rambled on and on, thinking that Han Qixiu felt warm all over his body, and happiness flowed from every pore!

Of course, hormones have the upper hand right now!

Especially in the early morning of spring, this is the most easy time for spring to overflow!

Looking at the pink lips in front of him, Han Qixiu practiced countless movements in his dream, and finally realized it in reality!

"Jiaojiao, my baby!"

Han Qixiu pressed the petals and pink lips that he was thinking about day and night, and tasted the taste sweeter than honey. land!


Shen Jiao is completely numb, it's a pity that she has never had any intimate behavior of touching hands or more with the opposite **** in the past and present, not to mention this hot wet kiss!

She subconsciously wanted to break free, but her body was tightly bound by Han Qixiu, the sound of his heavy breathing and an indescribable intoxicating smell made her dizzy!

"Jiaojiao, don't move!"

Han Qixiu felt the tightness somewhere, took a deep breath, moved the person in his arms a little, and kissed the source of honey again, so sweet, so fragrant, he couldn't kiss enough for a lifetime!

It's much more delicious than Xiao Long Bao!

Shen Jiao was overwhelmed and let a certain hooligan do whatever she wanted, she didn't know what to do at all?

I can only passively endure Han Qixiu's passionate kiss!

And she didn't dislike Han Qixiu's kiss, but she was so dizzy, her eyes seemed to be unable to see anything, and her mind was blurred!

"Brother Han, I can't breathe!" Shen Jiao begged with wide eyes.

Han Qixiu reluctantly let go of the little man in his arms, and tightened his strength around Shen Jiao's iron arms. He really wanted to rub her into his body and become one with himself!

Never part!

"Jiaojiao, when will you grow up?"

Han Qixiu and Shen Jiao pressed their foreheads against their foreheads, their black eyes fixed on her, and Shen Jiao's face was blushing, as if bleeding.

The forgotten shame can be regarded as coming back!

Shen Jiao was so embarrassed in Han Qixiu's arms that she didn't dare to move, let alone look up at someone!

What did she do just now?

Too shameless!

They haven't even gotten married yet, so how could they kiss Brother Han?

Han Qixiu looked at the baby in the tortoise shell dotingly, laughed softly, and couldn't help but kissed the tender white ears again!

"Jiaojiao bit me just now, and I want to bite back!"

Feeling the warmth at the earlobe, Shen Jiao couldn't help trembling, like an electric shock, her whole body was numb, she couldn't describe the feeling!

"Brother Han!"

The soft voice sounded, which stimulated a certain young master to restrain his animal nature a little bit, and then quietly stuck his head out, with a little more strength to lower his mouth.


Shen Jiao cried out in pain, her eyes reddened with grievance, and she looked at someone accusingly.

"I'm sorry, I accidentally bit harder, I'll take it lightly!"

Young Master Han looked at the two teeth marks on the little ears with distress, who made Baby Jiao's ears so delicious!

No, it should be said that Jiaobao's whole body is delicious, and there is nothing that is not delicious!

Shen Jiao was both shy and angry, half coquettish and half angry, she covered her ears with both hands, stared at the rabbit's eyes, her slightly swollen lips were so puffed up that she could hang a soy sauce bottle!

Brother Han is really happy to see it!

Whether his baby is angry or coquettish, he never tires of seeing it.

"Jiaojiao, let me kiss again?" Young Master Han whispered.

"No, Grandpa will tell!" Shen Jiao hurriedly covered her mouth with one hand, only hating why she didn't have three hands!

"Just don't let your grandfather know, darling, let me kiss again!" A certain big-tailed wolf coaxed the little white rabbit in a low voice, writing the word 'pervert' from head to toe.

"No, you can't kiss, that's not right." Shen Jiao was able to regain her senses. The lady education she received from childhood made her refuse to say anything.


If the big-tailed wolf could easily let the little white rabbit go, he wouldn't be called the big-tailed wolf!

"You are my daughter-in-law, how many kisses are allowed by law. Now Jiaojiao wants me to kiss her, and she will give birth to a baby for me later, hehe!" Someone boasted boldly.

Shen Jiao was so shy that she pressed her face against Han Qixiu's chest. How could this shameless **** say she gave birth to a baby?

Too shameless!

"Brother Han, you are a rascal!"

A muffled voice came from his chest, Young Master Han grinned and bared his big white teeth, and the corners of his mouth pulled out an evil smile!

He was called a stinky hooligan. If he didn't carry out the hooligan to the end, wouldn't he be called in vain!


Young Master Han has always been a giant in action. Without saying a word, he pulled someone out of the turtle shell and kissed the sweetness that he couldn't get tired of eating.

Once raw and cooked twice, the third time you can make soy sauce!

Young Master Han's kiss in the third round is no less than that of an experienced old lover. After five or six minutes of the hooligan, he was content to let go of the dizzy little white rabbit~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He also licked the little white bunny's lips in a daze.

"Jiaojiao, we'll get married when you are eighteen!" Han Qixiu said affirmatively, not questioning.

Shen Jiao was still dizzy and looked at him dumbfoundedly, not yet understanding the meaning of this sentence.

But someone automatically understood it as a default, and grinned happily: "Actually, you can get married at the age of sixteen, and you can change the age of the hukou, but I have inquired that girls should have children after the age of eighteen. I'm not in a hurry, I'll wait until I'm eighteen, Jiaojiao, eat more and grow more meat!"

Speaking of which, a certain young master glanced at the Xiao Long Bao on her chest, Shen Jiao perked up her ears sensitively, and her consciousness seemed to come back!

Han Qixiu continued to present the treasure: "I got a lot of durian and papaya this time. The locals say that women eat well, and they can grow as much meat. Jiaojiao, you can eat more, so that our dolls will have milk to eat in the future!"

Of course, he can eat more himself!

Shen Jiao received someone's eyes again, and looked down, only to see that the neckline of the nightgown was a little wider, revealing fair skin, and there was something that had just developed.

In addition to this scumbag, Shen Jiao felt ashamed and angry!

Seven orifices give birth to smoke!

"Han Qixiu, I'll beat you to death, you stinky bastard!"

"Jiaojiao, don't hit, it hurts carefully, but bite!" The stinky hooligan demanded strongly.

The old sheep loves to eat fish

Thank you for the 1888 book coin of the book city of tranquility and far-reaching, thank you Baobei doll i and the sachet of Breeze Doll, thank jly69, loveghong119, 123 for the money of 000000, Qiye Breeze, x1m2y for the peace talisman, today's fourth update.

The broth is here!

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