60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and twenty-four received my knife is my person

324 The knife that took me is my person

Surrounded by angry little flames, Shen Jiao rode on a stinky hooligan. Armed to the teeth, eighteen martial arts such as tearing, biting, beating, kicking, pressing, and scratching were all tested on the stinky hooligan.

Han Qixiu was enjoying Shen's massage with a smile, and with the strength of Shen Jiao's idea, it hit him and it tickled his heart!

"Yes, it's just a little bit itchy!"

"Jiaojiao chews on my ears, my ears are easy to chew, don't bite my teeth!"


Shen Jiao was teased so that her face was flushed, and she was so angry that she pressed down on the top of Mount Tai, she almost——

"Jiaojiao don't sit there, oh, it's going to be crushed!"

Han Qixiu took a deep breath, dragged the little ancestor into his arms, and quickly rubbed his life!

Fortunately, fortunately, it hasn't stopped yet!

Han Qixiu breathed a sigh of relief, nibbled bitterly on the face of the man in his arms, and said hoarsely, "You little bastard, you almost murdered your husband!"

This time, she couldn't control her strength, and she gnawed a little harder. Shen Jiao's pain, embarrassment, grievance, and coquettishness flooded her heart one after another, and her eyes immediately turned red and choked.

"You are all bad guys, you know how to bully me, woo, bad guy, big bad guy!"

Miss Shen's crying skills are still very good, her tears are just like tap water, let it go as soon as you say it, dripping down and dripping on someone's hand, it's scalding hot!

Young Master Han suddenly panicked, all the **** was gone!

"Jiaojiao, don't cry, it's my fault!" She coaxed her daughter-in-law in a low voice.

"It's your fault, you're a bad guy, a stinky rascal!" Shen Jiao grunted, her tears still flowing happily, her tail raised even higher.

"Jiaojiao, I admit that you are a rascal. A hooligan will never admit it. You are my daughter-in-law, and kissing your daughter-in-law a few times is within the scope of the law. It is not a hooligan. You have to figure this out!" Young Master Han explained very seriously that it was not his. The pot must not be carried.

Shen Jiao was so angry that she took back her tears, raised her small fist at him, and roared, "Who is your daughter-in-law? Don't talk nonsense!"

Big villain, the matchmaker hasn't come to the door, and the decision hasn't been made yet, so he keeps saying that it's his person!

How can there be such a cheap thing in the world!

Han Qixiu was happy when he saw the fluffy little wild cat, and grinned: "Isn't my daughter-in-law just you, Jiaojiao? I gave you a token of love four years ago, and you will be my daughter-in-law if you accept it!"

Shen Jiao said suspiciously, "You fart, so I confiscate your token!"

Young Master Han giggled and said, "Bao Dao, that's what I'm going to give to my future daughter-in-law. Jiaojiao, you'll be my daughter-in-law if you accept it, so don't worry about it!"

Shen Jiao only remembered this, and secretly scolded Han Qixiu for being insidious and cunning. Looking at someone's self-satisfied appearance, she couldn't help but tug at his paw and bite it fiercely!

Bite you, you sinister villain!

"Jiaojiao be careful with your teeth!"

Han Qixiu didn't care, enjoying his little daughter-in-law's nibbling, itchy and crispy, how comfortable!

Shen Jiao bit her for a long time, but she still had a smile on her face. She didn't seem to be affected. She couldn't help feeling sour. Tears rushed up again, and she threw her black claws angrily.

"Toothache, hand pain, mouth pain, ear pain, it's all your fault, and my heart hurts..."

Shen Jiao's grievances for the past few days can be regarded as venting. She herself doesn't know what she is talking about. I understand what his wife is talking about!

"I'll rub it for you, it won't hurt!"

Han Qixiu was so distressed that he rubbed Shen Jiao's paws and gave her air. He was very busy!

"It hurts here, it hurts there, and here..." Shen Jiao hummed and instructed someone, someone was like a pug, pointing where to go, without any hesitation!

"Does Jiaojiao still hurt?" Han Qixiu asked flatteringly.

Daughter-in-law must be served, or she won't have to eat in the future!

Although she enjoys someone's service, Shen Jiao still feels aggrieved. Now that the back mountain is here, how can she not say something happy?

"I couldn't find you on the phone. That man always said that he had no comment and wouldn't say a word. I was worried that something had happened to you. I was so anxious!"

Han Qixiu scolded his roommate half to death!

Son of a bitch, if you say "it's okay", you'll die!

Go back and teach this **** a lesson!

Can't beat him to death!

Look how frightened his baby is!

"Jiaojiao, don't worry, I'm fine, why did Jiaojiao call me?" Han Qixiu carefully wiped away the tears from Shen Jiao's face, but his heart was warm.

In this world, there is finally a second person who cares about him!

Shen Jiao felt even more aggrieved when she heard the words, her tears flowed even more fiercely, she sobbed: "Shen Xiu, she is a villain, she hurt my Xiaojiao, Shumeng said she was a pervert, brother Han, Xiaojiao died so miserably !"

Han Qixiu subconsciously looked at the two flirting cats under the bed. It was fine, but he quickly realized that Shen Jiao was talking about the cat that died tragically when she was a child!

Thinking of the nightmare that Shen Jiao had last night, it must have something to do with it!

Shen Jiao poisoned Shen Xiu's house with gas, and she talked about her discovery of Xiao Jiao's skin. When it came to Xiao Jiao's tragic death, Shen Jiao burst into tears and fell into Han Qixiu's arms.

"Brother Han, how painful it was for Xiaojiao!"

Han Qixiu patted Shen Jiao on the back to reassure her, the tender affection in his eyes completely disappeared, and only Binghan remained!

Shen Xiu is a bitch, but he underestimates her!

Fortunately, Jiaojiao discovered Shen Xiu's true face early, otherwise she would leave such a poisonous snake beside Jiaojiao...

After Han Qixiu's heart was cold, he didn't dare to think about it at all, dared not imagine the possible outcome of Shen Jiao!

"Jiaojiao don't feel bad~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'll let Shen Xiu pay for Xiaojiao's life, okay?" Han Qixiu comforted.

Shen Jiao cried for a while, her heart was more open, she nodded with red eyes!

"Okay, but will Grandpa be uncomfortable?" Shen Jiao was a little worried about Shen Jiaxing.

Han Qixiu said softly, "Just don't let your grandfather know the truth, Jiaojiao, don't worry!"

Shen Jiaxing is an old fool who has raised a litter of beasts. If it wasn't for Jiaojiao's face, he would definitely give this old guy a hard lesson!

However, this old guy can be considered useful, at least he has a good daughter-in-law for him. From this point of view, he can still bear it a bit!

As for the rest of the Shen family, hmph, in his eyes, they are no different from strangers!


Xiaojiao jumped up, squeezed into Shen Jiao's arms, stretched out her pink tongue and licked Shen Jiao's face, as if to comfort her, Shen Jiao hugged Xiaojiao tightly, and whispered, "Xiaojiao, this time my sister will definitely Protect yours!"


Dabao also jumped up and licked along with Xiaojiao. Han Qixiu saw the pain in his eyes and threw it out with one hand!

Damn it, sir, I haven't eaten enough yet!

"Jiaojiao, let's go down to eat durian papaya, you must like to eat it!" Han Qixiu said incessantly.

This guy didn't mention opening the pot, so he mentioned papaya, Shen Jiao immediately thought of what Han Qixiu had just said, stomped **** his stomach, jumped out of bed and left!

Han Qixiu gasped in pain, looked at Shen Jiao who had become refreshed, and smiled.

The little feet are quite strong!

The old sheep loves to eat fish

The second update arrived. I ate a few Oreos. Sweet, right?

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