60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and twenty-five durians (reward +)

325 Durian

Shen Jiaxing yawned and walked down the stairs. There were a lot of things to do today, so he deliberately got up early and made some food to take on the road. Jiaojiao got motion sickness.

I don't know if Han Qixiu is okay?

Although Shen Jiaxing scolded fiercely, he was still very worried about Han Qixiu. If nothing else, Han Qixiu would be Jiaojiao's future husband!

If something happened now, what would Jiaojiao do?

Well, it's fine to just die neatly. Anyway, Jiaojiao hasn't married yet, and she hasn't done anything about the marriage contract. It doesn't affect Jiaojiao's reputation, so it's no big deal.

I'm afraid that Han Qixiu, who lacks arms and legs, becomes a disabled person, that would be really miserable, Jiaojiao!

So God bless, or let the stinky boy go down and harm people!

Or let him come back in full force!

Shen Jiaxing didn't know yet, the person he was thinking of not only came back with full beard and full tail, but also ate his precious granddaughter as a Xiao Long Bao!

Shen Jiaxing walked into the kitchen and prepared to spread the egg pancakes. He walked to the jar with the eggs, and wanted to get a few eggs, but as soon as his hand went in, he was stunned for a while, and then he stretched out his expression even more strangely.

The jar was still full of eggs when the eggs were boiled yesterday morning, why is it half empty now?

Shen Jiaxing didn't believe in evil, so he moved the jar to a bright place, his face sank all of a sudden, and there were indeed many fewer eggs, at least a dozen!

Did the mouse come to the door last night?

Shen Jiaxing quickly rejected this inference. With Dabao and Xiaojiao here, there is no mouse hair at home. It is impossible for such a daring mouse to come and kill him!

If it's not a mouse, then what?

Confused, Shen Jiaxing put down the jar and glanced at the stove, only to find that the briquettes in the briquettes oven were not black as before, but turned maroon, and there were many broken egg shells in the trash can next to them.

Obviously, a thief came to the door last night!

And he was so brave that he boiled his eggs with his fire, and threw the egg shells in his trash can!

Too arrogant!

It's crazy!

Shen Jiaxing was so angry that he grabbed a spatula and wanted to go out to find the trace of the thief's bones. He didn't even think about how the thieves' bones would stay at the crime scene after a night.

Not stupid!

Of course, the Shen family's thief bones are so rampant, not only did they stay, they also slept soundly on the sofa!

Looking at the two thieves' bones sleeping soundly in the living room, Shen Jiaxing couldn't help laughing and laughing, and was extremely surprised. Why did Dexing and De come to the sea market?

In other matters, Shen Jiaxing's brain was quite useful. He immediately thought of Han Qixiu, trotted to the door with the spatula in hand, and saw the green jeep at a glance.

A heart fell instantly!

It's okay, it's okay, all must be back!

Jiaojiao won't cry!

But where did this stinky boy go to sleep?

Why didn't you see him?

Father, they slept soundly in your baby granddaughter's bed!

Shen Jiaxing didn't think much, turned around and was about to go back to the kitchen to cook breakfast, but when he saw two door gods standing at the door, he stumbled in fright!

"Hello, Grandpa Shen!" The door **** greeted with a smile.

"Okay, it's interesting to run into the house in the middle of the night to be a thief? Hurry up and take a shower, it's stinky!" Shen Jiaxing glared angrily.

The two sniffed each other, and both frowned in unison, exhaled in disgust, and ran to the bathroom in a hurry!

Shen Jiao took a shower, changed her clothes, went downstairs, and said happily to Shen Jiaxing who was busy in the kitchen, "Grandpa, Brother Han is back!"

"Well, I'm back!"

Shen Jiaxing, who was stirring the batter, responded subconsciously, but after a while he realized something was wrong, raised his head and asked, "Jiaojiao, how do you know that Han Qixiu is back?"

Shen Jiao's face blushed, she pretended to be calm and said, "Well, I saw Brother Han in the corridor just now. Grandpa, what are you eating this morning? I'm so hungry!"

As soon as Shen Jiaxing heard that her granddaughter was hungry, she had no time to think about other people, so she speeded up and asked Shen Jiao to go to the living room: "I'll have it right away, Jiaojiao will go outside to play, Virtue and Dewei are also here!"

"Really? Then I'll go find them!"

Shen Jiao's eyes lit up. Ever since Han Dexing and the others joined the army, they haven't seen each other for two years!

The brothers Han Dexing sat in the yard and pinched walnuts. Without a hammer, they just squeezed the walnuts gently. The walnuts cracked open with a 'click', revealing the two pieces of flesh inside, and then threw them into their mouths. , Smell the fragrance!

"Virtue, Dewei, why didn't Dove come along?" Shen Jiao ran over and shouted.

The two of them got up with a smile, they were much taller and stronger, their faces lost their tenderness, and they turned into mature iron-blooded soldiers!

"Dove is still studying, why are you coming here?" Han Dexing smiled and handed the peeled walnut flesh to Shen Jiao.

Shen Jiao took a piece and ate it, and complained, "I want to die for Dove. If only Dove could study in Shanghai, then we can play together again!"

Although Qian Shumeng was also straightforward, she was too straightforward and a little unreasonable. Shen Jiao felt that it should have something to do with her growing up in foreign devils. This idiot is boundless!

It's more comfortable to play with Dove!

There are also Sister Si Ya and Sister Xinghua, but unfortunately they are busy and have no time to play with her!

Han Qixiu changed his clothes and went downstairs. He ran to the car and carried a stinky hedgehog down. Han Dexing and Han Dexing immediately became bitter and covered their noses.

Smelling this, they would rather go to the toilet!

"Jiaojiao, this is durian, don't look at it smelly, it tastes delicious!" Han Qixiu smiled~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Shen Jiao's eyes lit up, durian!

She likes to eat it the most!

In her previous life, because she liked to eat this kind of fruit, my grandfather specially invited people to plant a large piece of durian in the south. Every year when the durian matures, a special ride will send it to Kyoto. Fortunately, the durian can be stored for a long time, and it is not necessary to use it like Yang Guifei. Labor and money!

"Thank you, Brother Han, durian is my favorite!"

Shen Jiao happily hugged the durian. The ten-pound durian almost slipped her hand, so Han Qixiu hurriedly took it.

This durian was completely ripe, and some parts were cracked, exuding an intoxicating fragrance, Shen Jiao sniffed intoxicated, refreshed!

Han Dexing and the others couldn't help frowning, how could such a stinky thing smell so vigorously?

"Jiaojiao, don't you feel bad?" Hande asked.

"It's not stinky, it's so fragrant, this is delicious, I'll cut it open with a knife later, it's very delicious!" Shen Jiao took out the fruit knife, took it to Han Qixiu, and opened the durian with three strokes.

The fragrance is even more intense. Brother Han Dexing couldn't stand it anymore, so he went outside to breathe!

Han Qixiu's face was not too good-looking, so he held it back and didn't say a word!

He can't show weakness in front of Jiaojiao!

Can't even stand the smell of durian, what a man!

The old sheep loves to eat fish

The third update, this is a piece of reward and update from the starting point. As of today, it can be considered that the reward owed by Dianniang has been added!

Note: Durian was introduced to China in the Ming Dynasty. When Zheng He went to the West and passed through Southeast Asia, he found the fruit of durian. After tasting it, he felt very delicious, so he named it 'Nostalgia', which means missing his hometown. Rumored to be durian.

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