60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and twenty-six who is pouring night incense (Book City Tranquility and Zhiyuan rewar

326 Who is pouring night incense

Shen Jiaxing was also attracted by the fragrance. Seeing it was durian, he smiled and said, "This stuff is quite nutritious. Jiaojiao can eat more. Don't throw away the shell. It can be stewed and eaten. It's very nourishing."

Shen Jiao took a piece of sweet fruit and licked it again and again, her eyes narrowed with joy.

"It's delicious, I haven't eaten durian for a long time!" Shen Jiao sighed.

It's been a long time, it's been a lifetime!

"Eat Jiaojiao, I'll bring it back to you later, anyway, I go there often!" Han Qixiu watched Shen Jiao eat happily, happier than himself.

Bring a few more for the next mission!

Even if Jiaojiao eats it every day, no one doubts it!

Shen Jiao took a piece and handed it to Han Qixiu: "Brother Han also eats it. This durian is very sweet and has a very positive taste."

After a while, she will save a few pieces in the treasure bowl, so she can eat it often in the future!

Han Qixiu didn't even blink his eyebrows, he swallowed the flesh with a strong aroma, and he didn't even have to chew it!

This is the latest way of eating that he has researched.

Kill two birds with one stone!

"Ah yo, Mother Bao Geng, did you use Yexiang to water the vegetables again? You don't want it? Do you have a sense of public morality?" Aunt Qin next door rang loudly on the third floor, and the Shen family could hear it.

Auntie Lu also shouted on the second floor, "Does it mean that we are going to be suffocated by pouring night fragrance into the yard? My family has been plagued with mold for eight lifetimes, and I have become neighbors with such incompetent people!"

It turned out that the knocked-out cement floor in the yard next door was done by the Huang family. The hard-working Aunt Huang ordered small green vegetables. In summer, he also planted a few loofahs or pumpkins, and even planted a lot of chrysanthemums and pickles in winter. But it was planted by Aunt Huang!

If you want the crops to grow well, Yexiang must be watered diligently!

Aunt Huang naturally understands this, so—

Every once in a while, she would drench her precious son's boy urine on the vegetables. The ecstasy scent made the Lu Qin family want to die!

Because of this boy's peeing incident, the two upstairs families united like never before to fight against the Huang family downstairs. Of course, the final victory belongs to the two upstairs families!

Aunt Huang hasn't drenched the boy for a long time!

And so—

This time, she put her hands on her hips quite confidently, assumed a compass posture, and shouted upstairs full of energy:

"The eyes are on the back of the head? Pop them out so you can take a closer look, is it the old lady who is showering the night with fragrance?"

The noise from the next door, like singing Pingtan, did not affect Shen Jiao's mood to enjoy the food at all. She didn't realize that Yexiang from the three families next door was the food she described!

Han Dexing and the others took porridge and egg pancakes and hid in the yard to eat breakfast. The smell in the house was really unbearable!

The two of them took a bite of the egg pancake, and they just listened to a few babbles of scolding.

Shen Jiao ate two pieces of durian, but Shen Jiaxing stopped her: "Jiaojiao, don't eat it, eat too much and get angry carefully, drink porridge and eat cake, save it for tomorrow!"


Shen Jiao reluctantly put away the durian and drank the porridge in small sips. She didn't eat a single bite of the cake. After eating two pieces of durian, her stomach was full!

The noise of the three women next door came to an abrupt end, because they finally found the source of Ye Xiang——

Shen family

The three looked at each other in dismay, and in a rare unity, they knocked on the door next door.

Han Dexing ran to open the door, the three of them were stunned, why are they strangers?

But after seeing Han Dexing's military uniform and the jeep at the door, they realized it in seconds!

"Little comrades, are you Master Han's orderlies?" Aunt Lu smiled attentively. She still counted on Master Han for her bicycle ticket!

I heard that all the officers in the army are equipped with servicemen. I think the officers who come to Master Han are definitely not small. Look, they are equipped with two servicemen!

Tsk tsk!

Aunt Qin didn't think so. Han Qixiu was only in his twenties, so how could he be as powerful as an official?

"Little comrade, are you Master Han's comrades-in-arms?" Aunt Qin glanced at Aunt Lu and Aunt Huang proudly. The term comrade-in-arms is not something that ordinary people can think of for an unskilled country bumpkin!

Han Dexing smiled naively: "Forget it, who are you looking for?"

Aunt Qin was shocked, does that count?

Isn't an orderly a comrade-in-arms!

I didn't expect that Mr. Han's officer would be so big. Oh, yo, this is incredible. Lao Qin said before that the army must be at least at the division level before ordering soldiers, which means that Mr. Han is at least at the division level!

Oh, I have to go back and talk to Lao Qin, and I must have a good relationship with the Shen family!

A division-level cadre!

What a great official!

"It's nothing, just come to drop by, you guys are busy, hehe!"

The momentum of the three women when they came was so frightened by the two door gods in military uniforms that they dared to question Yexiang again?

Shen Jiao walked out and said with a smile, "Aunt Qin, Aunt Huang, Aunt Lu, is there something wrong?"

Shen Jiao, who had just eaten 'Night Fragrance', hadn't washed her hands yet. Her hands and mouth were full of ecstasy scents. Han Dexing and Han Dewei automatically avoided Sanmi, and Aunt Qin and the others also covered their noses involuntarily.

Aunt Lu couldn't help but ask, "Jiaojiao, have you washed the toilet?"

It smells worse than a toilet!

Shen Jiao laughed and dragged the three of them into the room with great interest. The three of them stepped into the living room as soon as they stepped into the living room, so they just wanted to exit.

"Jiaojiao, what does your house smell like? It makes me dizzy, even worse than motion sickness!" Aunt Qin turned pale.

Shen Jiao smiled and handed the durian to them: "Here, it's this fruit, it's called durian, we don't have it here ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it's only available in the south, it tastes very good, you can eat it and see, it's delicious of."

"Don't eat it, Jiaojiao, thank you!" The three of them categorically refused, wanting them to eat such stinky things, they would rather go hungry.

It was Auntie Lu who finally looked at the bicycle ticket, she resisted nausea and put it into her mouth, bit it, but the unexpected taste surprised her to the extreme.

"Oh, this tastes pretty good, it doesn't stink at all!"

"I said it's delicious, I'll give you this piece, you can eat it all!" Shen Jiao smiled.

Aunt Lu really started to eat it. The more she ate it, the better it tasted. In the end, she couldn't even smell the stench, and she ate it with relish!

"This is the same as the stinky tofu here. It smells stinky, tastes delicious, and it's delicious!" Aunt Lu was so excited that she stretched out her hand to get the second of the three pieces that Shen Jiao prepared for them. .

"I'll eat and see too."

Aunt Huang, who didn't want to suffer any loss, took her share as if she was dying, pinched her nose, closed her eyes, and took a bite. Just like Han Qixiu, she swallowed it without chewing. After a while, her That portion is over!

"It's pretty good!" Aunt Huang insisted on saying this, and hurriedly said goodbye and left.

Aunt Qin was determined not to eat it, so she generously gave her share to Aunt Lu. The two also said goodbye and left. When they returned to the yard, they saw Aunt Huang squatting on the ground and retching, as if he had eaten poop.

Aunt Lu snorted and floated past her holding a durian!


If you grab food with her, you will have to spit it out overnight!

The old sheep loves to eat fish

The fourth one has been delivered, and the reward from the bookstore has also been made up. Thank you for your support, and we will make an appointment tomorrow!

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