60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and thirty-nine defending sovereignty

339 Defense of Sovereignty

With suspicion in her heart, Shen Jiao couldn't help but slow down her steps and pricked up her ears.

The slender-faced woman is the daughter-in-law of a company commander in the battalion. Her surname is Li Xuelian, but she is not a pure and clean snow lotus, but a gossip lotus with a good tongue. What's new in the military area will definitely be spread from Li Xuelian's mouth within three days. come out!

A woman like Li Xuelian, no matter where she is, more or less always has one or two long-tongued women like her. It doesn't seem normal if she doesn't!

Liu Aifang didn't want to talk about people's right and wrong behind her back, she just smiled lightly, but Li Xuelian said with great interest, "I can't figure out if I say Commander Han, what a good girl Comrade Gao is. Although she is a few years older than Han Ying, the third female junior is a perfect match for Han Ying!"

Some other family members also gathered around with interest. When Shen Jiao and Liu Aifang were talking just now, these military wives were secretly hiding in the room and observed Shen Jiao from head to toe.

Someone said: "If you want to say that Pan Zhengtiao is smooth, Comrade Gao can't compare to this girl Shen, tsk, this girl Shen is really handsome!"

"You look good enough to eat? This girl Shen looks like we're not the same as us. She's so cute. If I were a man, I would definitely not marry such a daughter-in-law. I don't like her!"

"It's enough to eat in the middle! Men don't all like fresh and tender ones. If I were a man, I would also choose Miss Shen. Look at how exciting it is!"

"You know shit, do you have a man's stuff?"

"Why don't I know? My family, when I was just married, played with me every night to the death, but now it's better. I don't come back once in ten days and a half. Don't you think that the old lady is not fresh?"

"It can't be your family that can't do it!"



Shen Jiao blushed when she heard this. Isn't she just talking about the commander's daughter, why did she bring it up?

Boo Boo!

She listened impatiently, and quickened her pace to leave. She didn't care too much about Han Qixiu's affairs with that Gao comrade!

She believed that Comrade Gao must have something wrong with Han Qixiu, but she was not worried at all!

Brother Han doesn't like other women!

Brother Han only likes her!

Shen Jiao smiled confidently, raised her brisk pace, and walked towards the grass behind the family's courtyard like a dance, taking the big treasure and the little treasure to catch butterflies to play!

The discussion upstairs continued, and the topic on the kang had already turned back to the commander's daughter. Li Xuelian was a firm and high-ranking faction, and she was full of disdain for Shen Jiao.

"No matter how beautiful a woman looks, she is just like scum after giving birth to a baby. Comrade Gao is the commander's daughter, and she is also a military doctor. If Commander Han finds Comrade Gao, you don't have to worry about it inside and out. An Xin Heart waiting for promotion!"

Another woman whom a man could not ignore for half a month was Jiang Yuying, the wife of an instructor of a certain company. She wore patched clothes and had a very bright personality. She didn't deal with Li Xuelian too much.

Hearing the words, he said, "Commander Han is not the kind of softhead who relies on women. I heard that Commander Han's family background is not worse than that of Commander Gao's. Does he deserve to be promoted by marriage?"

Others couldn't help but their eyes brightened, and they asked, "What's going on with Han Ying's family? Don't you say it's an ordinary family?"

How does Jiang Yuying know what's going on in Han Qixiu's family? She said that just now, but she heard her husband's analysis while eating. He said that Han Qixiu could be promoted to battalion commander at a young age, and his family background must be awesome!

She was not convinced just now that Li Xuelian had the upper hand, she said it quickly, and now she can't help but regret it!

At the moment, he said vaguely: "Why do you ask so clearly? Anyway, Han Ying's family background is definitely not ordinary, and you don't think about it. If his family background is low, he can be a battalion commander at such a young age?"

Everyone suddenly realized: "Yes, I heard that the battalion commander Han is only 22 years old, tsk tsk, my family is 32 years old, and they are still grinding on the company commander!"

"Sister Yuying, you are really amazing, why don't you think we didn't think of it!"

Jiang Yuying raised her chin proudly at Li Xuelian, which attracted Li Xuelian's disdainful eyes, but when Liu Aifang saw her eyes, Shen Jiao was even more worried in her heart.

These military wives are of mixed quality, most of them are rural women, and some of them do not know a few big characters, their quality is generally not high, and they have more or less some minor problems.

Rao was the women's director in the village for several years, but she felt a little overwhelmed in managing these military wives!

Can a girl as delicate as Shen Jiao be able to handle it?

Liu Aifang is not optimistic about Shen Jiao. In fact, she is more optimistic about that Gao girl!

I believe that under the leadership of the commander's daughter, their family members in this battalion will unite as one and become half the sky drop of the soldiers of the whole battalion!

There is a particularly lush wild grass behind the family courtyard. The wild grass grows waist-deep, like a vast green sea. Dabao and Xiaojiao are playing in the wild grass with joy, and Shen Jiao looks at them with a smile.

There are many children playing here, most of them are three or four years old, six or seven years old, there are a dozen or so, they should be the children of the family home.

These children should be acquainted with Dabao and Xiaojiao, so they happily surrounded them when they saw the two cats, but they were timid when they saw Shen Jiao, and stopped in the distance and dared not come up.

Shen Jiao looked amused, took out a handful of colorful assorted candies from her handbag, beckoned to the children~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and looked at them with a smile.

"Sister invites you to eat candy."

Candy is always full of temptation for children, which can make them forget their fear and restraint. A few daring children excitedly took one, and found that Shen Jiao was good-looking and kind, and their courage became fatter, and they greeted other children. Come over, Shen Jiao generously grabbed the candy from the bag and distributed it to each of them.

"Sister, is Dabao and Xiaojiao your cat?" a child asked.

"Well, they are my good friends and my family." Shen Jiao took out two dried fish from her handbag and fed them to the cat.

"Sister, are you Battalion Commander Han's mother-in-law?" a timid boy suddenly asked.

Shen Jiao was suddenly confused, mother-in-law?

With a blushing face, he answered honestly, "Not yet... not!"

But it will be later!

Another girl said with sugar in her mouth: "My mother said that the mother-in-law of Camp Commander Han is Comrade Gao, and the others are not."

On closer inspection, this girl looks a bit like Li Xuelian, with a mean look in her eyes, not too flattering, at least Shen Jiao doesn't like it, she doesn't like it very much!

Shen Jiao, who was only 16 or 17 years old, forgot her restraint and barked at the girl, "I am the wife of your battalion commander Han, what kind of woman with a high surname and a low surname? They are not my brother Han's mother-in-law, how far is it? How far!"

Dare to rob Miss Ben's brother Han!

Let's eat her sword and talk about it!

The old sheep loves to eat fish

Thank you for the two 1888 book coins from the bookstore Jingjingyuan, thank you for the God of Wealth jar in Shi Nian ii, thank even Qing 90, lovehong119, Breeze Doll, 1 Flying Bottle 1 for the peace talisman, today is the fourth watch, thank you all!

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