60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and forty suddenly fat and thin

340 Fat and thin

Shen Jiao has a beautiful appearance and a soft voice. She has Dabao and Xiaojiao assorted candies for extra points. The children have a good impression of her, and soon her 'sister' became longer and her 'sister' became shorter, and she was very affectionate.

Except Li Xuelian's daughter Zhi'er!

Because of her poor speech, Shen Jiao firmly listed her as a non-contact user!

Don't tell her that adults don't care about children, not all children are angels!

Back then, at the age of seven, Shen Xiu was able to do something bad to kill Xiaojiao!

Bad guys are of all ages!

Shen Jiao didn't say that Zhi'er must be a bad person, but who asked Zhi'er to say that Brother Han's wife was someone else!

She just doesn't like this girl, she doesn't like it very much!

Anyway, Brother Han has said that people she doesn't like don't need to pay attention, even the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother don't need to pay attention!

With Young Master Han's backing, Shen Jiao didn't feel at all that it was a shame for her to care about a seven-year-old girl!



Dabao and Xiaojiao, who were having fun, suddenly stopped, their bodies arched up, their white hairs stood up like hedgehogs, and they kept roaring into the grass.

Shen Jiao looked strange and walked over quickly, only to find that it was a cauliflower snake two or three meters long, with its head held high and its letter spit out, confronting the two cats.

She picked up a stone and wanted to drive away the snake, but Dabao jumped on it first, and actually bit her with the cauliflower snake. Xiaojiao, not to be outdone, jumped at the snake's tail. The cauliflower snake with the thick arm of the child was completely suppressed.

Not long after, this cauliflower snake turned white and was bitten to death by Dabao and Xiaojiao!


Dabao and Xiaojiao kicked the snake's body, motionless, and walked towards Shen Jiao triumphantly, flicking her tail, Shen Jiao rewarded a piece of dried fish by herself, and patted their heads in disgust.

"It's so dirty, let me go back to take a bath, and I won't go to bed without washing it!"

As for the poor cauliflower snake, Shen Jiao happily pulled a piece of thatch, roughly tied the dead snake, and lifted it straight up!

Han Qixiu said that he was going to eat in the cafeteria at night, so this snake should add food to the cafeteria!

"These candies are for you, my sister is going home!"

Shen Jiao grabbed assorted candy for these children again, dragged a thick snake, and went home happily!

The children half-opened their mouths and stared blankly at Shen Jiao's back, always feeling that something was wrong!

Why is Sister Jiaojiao not afraid of snakes?

Shouldn't the girl's family be frightened to drop the golden beans when they see a snake?

Especially since she is such a handsome girl as Sister Jiaojiao, why doesn't she cry?

Shen Jiao dragged the cauliflower snake up the stairs slowly. Li Xuelian was about to go to the vegetable field to pick some vegetables when she collided with Shen Jiao at the corner of the stairs, and a thick rope was thrown towards her!

"Mom, you... why did you get a snake back?"

Li Xuelian's heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly took two steps back. Even though she was a woman who grew up in the countryside, she was panicked by such soft things, especially cold snakes, her calves felt weak when she saw it!

Shen Jiao remembered her voice, it was the woman who said she was not good enough for Jiao Di Di, hum!

Also said that she was not very useful?

I am even afraid of snakes!

Shen Jiao deliberately lifted the dead snake a little higher, and shook the snake's head towards Li Xuelian, so frightened that Li Xuelian's whole body became weak, and she couldn't even hold the vegetable basket, she stammered, "Shen...Shen...girl, you Get this thing away now!"

"What's there to be afraid of when snakes are dead? This sister-in-law is so squeamish. There are mountains everywhere in our barracks. There must be a lot of snakes. If you are afraid of snakes, why are you going out in the future? You go out!"

Shen Jiao was joking half-truths, but that snake head wouldn't let it go no matter what!

Let you say that she is not worthy of Brother Han!

I can't scare you to death!

Jiang Yuying was going to the vegetable field to cut vegetables with a vegetable basket, and she happened to hear Shen Jiao say what Li Xuelian said, and she felt so happy!

It's much more enjoyable than cursing yourself!

He walked up in three steps and two steps, and greeted Shen Jiao with a smile: "Miss Shen, my name is Jiang Yuying, you can just call me sister-in-law!"

"Sister Yuying is good."

Shen Jiao smiled sweetly at Jiang Yuying. Although this sister-in-law has patches on her clothes, her stitches are smooth, meticulous and clean. At first glance, she looks like a cheerful and generous woman, but her family should not be very good!

Jiang Yuying glanced at the dead snake, and couldn't help being secretly startled, she really was a person who couldn't be seen, Miss Shen, such a delicate little girl, was not at all vague about catching snakes!

She is much more powerful than the old goblin Li Xuelian!

"Miss Shen is really powerful. She even dares to catch snakes. Unlike some women, who are neither fancy nor useful, she has an old bark face and wants to pretend to be a cucumber!"

Jiang Yuying's innuendo words are so obvious that even an idiot can understand who the woman with the old bark face is wearing a cucumber, and now the old bark is about to turn into green bark!

His face turned blue with anger!

Shen Jiao was also very relieved when she heard it. The enemy of the enemy is the friend who can unite. Tomorrow, let's share some greetings with Mrs. Jiang. As for the extra gifts, take it from this old bark!


Han Qixiu finished training and rushed home in a hurry, his heels seemed to be stepping on a hot wheel, and he rushed home like a tornado!

It's just because there are his fetters, his cares, and a baby that he is unwilling to let go of all his life!

Young Master Han, who rushed into the room in high spirits, jumped up because of a cold object~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and took out his dagger. When he saw the dead thing hanging above the door, he couldn't help grinning. Laughed!

It seems that Jiaobao's afternoon program is quite rich!

Han Qixiu looked into the lotus tent. The beautiful girl was sleeping soundly with her two cats in her arms. Her waist-length black hair was scattered all over her body. Spring is restless!

The satyr restrained his claws that were about to move, ran to the bathroom to take a fighting bath, and came out with wet hair on his head, lifted the gauze, lay beside the sleeping girl, and whispered in her ear: "Bad things, even taking Snake scare me, see how I punish you!"

For satyrs, they can always find an excuse to do bad things at any time!

This is the instinct of a satyr!

Do not!

It should be said that it is a man's instinct!

Young Master Han is one of the best, a fighting wolf among satyrs!

Shen Jiao was awakened by a passionate kiss, but when she opened her eyes, she saw that someone was doing something indescribable to her!

Where are the paws touching?

Someone kneaded for a long time and found a very serious question, why is the baby's flesh less?

Obviously, it still feels very thick at noon!

At least three taels of meat are missing!

"Jiaojiao, why do you grow fat for a while here? Something is wrong!" Young Master Han was very puzzled.

The embarrassed Shen Jiao blushed and pounced on someone, tearing and biting, punching and kicking.

"Bad, big bad, I'll bite you to death!"

The old sheep loves to eat fish

The second one is here!

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