60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and forty-three sensible

After finally coaxing his sweet baby, Han Qixiu breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed his calf!

The little wild cat's claws are quite sharp!

After washing the clothes and chatting with Shen Jiao for a while, Han Qixiu reluctantly left.

Although he desperately hopes to sleep with his daughter-in-law in his arms!

But still can't!

He has to think about Jiaojiao, just tonight, how many pairs of eyes are staring at the entire family home!

If he dared to sleep in Jiaojiao's room, it would spread to the entire military region tomorrow, and even to Jiaojiao's school!

Han Qixiu went to the serious room on the third floor. When he got to the door, he deliberately raised his voice and said several words with the serious. Several doors were gently closed, and there was no sound again.

Seriously smiled and said, "Are you afraid of this too?"

Han Qixiu rolled his eyes at him: "I'm afraid? I'm worried about my Jiaojiao, forget it, I can't understand with a bachelor like you, go to sleep!"

Gu Zi got into bed, and soon started snoring!

His teeth itch with serious hatred, and he just wants to throw this shameless guy on the bed from the third floor, but he doesn't have that ability. Don't look at Han Qixiu's snoring now, but as long as he moves, this guy will definitely wake up immediately. come over!

The king of soldiers in the g military region is not blown out by strong winds!

After a night without dreams, Shen Jiao woke up with the loud bugle sound, stretched her waist languidly, the morning light shot in through the gap in the curtains, and shone on her face through the gauze, her eyes narrowed. Sewing, the two **** lying on the edge of the same bed are exactly the same.

The trumpet outside was loud and loud, completely driving away Shen Jiao's last drowsiness. It was the first time she felt so energetic in the morning. Even if she was as lazy as her, she couldn't help but feel refreshed.

"Jiaojiao, are you up yet?" Zhu Siya's voice sounded outside.

"Sister Si Ya, why didn't you go to the cafeteria for dinner last night?"

Shen Jiao hurriedly ran to open the door. Zhu Siya in a white shirt, army green trousers, stood beautifully outside the door, holding a lunch box in her hand, plus a large basin, filled with several large two-faced steamed buns, and some pickles.

"I had something to do last night. Jiaojiao eat quickly. After eating, I'll take you outside to play. Captain Han is not free today."

Han Qixiu used to be Zhu Siya's special training captain, so Zhu Siya has always used this title.

Shen Jiao was a little disappointed, but she didn't say anything. Grandpa said that when a man is working hard outside, a woman will take care of the backyard for him and support her husband's career!

She's not the kind of woman who doesn't know how to organize, so she doesn't need Brother Han to accompany her every day!

"Sister Si Ya, are you also from this military camp?" Shen Jiao asked curiously.

"No, but they belong to the same military region. Captain Han and I are of different nature now." Zhu Siya didn't explain much, and ate the rest of the steamed buns and porridge in large mouthfuls.

Shen Jiao changed into a small floral shirt with ruffles, and then put on the thin knitted sweater from yesterday. She went out with Zhu Siya and met many busy military wives.

"Miss Shen... uh, hello Comrade Zhu!"

Li Xuelian's greeting to Shen Jiao stopped abruptly, and the smile on her face froze. She greeted Zhu Siya timidly, her feet involuntarily stepping back.

Zhu Siya looked at her expressionlessly, pointed at Shen Jiao and said, "This is my sister, you take care of it during this time, don't let people bully her, understand?"

"I know, Comrade Zhu has one hundred and twenty hearts. If anyone dares to bully Miss Shen, I, Li Xuelian, are the first not to agree." Li Xuelian generally straightened her back and spoke in a loud voice.

Zhu Siya twitched the corners of her mouth in satisfaction, then squinted at the others, turned her head and smiled at Shen Jiao, tsk tsk, spring is blooming!

"Jiaojiao, let's go!"

When the two of them went far away, the other women who saw Zhu Siya and fled far away gathered again one by one.

"Miss Shen and Tiger Zhu are sisters? Why don't they have the same surname?"

"Maybe it's a cousin, ah yo hello, my heart is thumping with fright, and my legs are softening!"

"Me too. When I saw Tiger Zhu, it was the same as when I saw Battalion Commander Han. I didn't dare to make a sound."

All the women were chattering, and Li Xuelian's heart moved when she was relieved. The tigress in the military region was the sister of the fiancee of the battalion commander Han, and Comrade Gao had to be told about this earlier!

Although Dongping City is not as prosperous as the sea market, it is very lively, but Shen Jiao is not too interested in shopping, but bought a lot of clothes for Zhu Siya, including underwear, which were imported.

Don't look at Zhu Siya's skinny appearance, but the front is quite predictable. Just like Ma Xinghua, she is bulging and Shen Jiao's eyes are hot.

How nice it would be to give her half of it!

"Sister Siya, have you found someone yet?" Shen Jiao was concerned about Zhu Siya's life-long affairs. Zhu Siya was one year older than Ma Xinghua, and she was twenty-three this year.

Zhu Siya said nonchalantly, "Why are you looking for a man? I'm fine by myself now, and I haven't thought about it."

All of these men are like little chicks. She has dealt with them with one hand, and it's a fart to find them!

Shen Jiao stuck out her tongue and stopped talking about the matter. Speaking of which, if she hadn't met a rogue, she would never have thought about finding a man in her life!

I originally planned to spend the rest of my life alone, but who knows...

Thinking of Han Qixiu's scoundrel, Shen Jiao snorted inwardly with a red glow on her face.

When it was almost noon, Zhu Siya took Shen Jiao to lunch. She was driving Han Qixiu's car. Shen Jiao looked at her skillful movements with envy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhu Siya smiled and said: " Driving is easy to learn, I learned it in a day, Jiaojiao, you are so smart, you can also learn to keep it."


Shen Jiao is full of confidence in learning to drive. She only thinks that Zhu Siya can learn it in one day, and she can learn it in three days!

It doesn't look difficult!

Turn around, step on, pull and pull, it's much easier than riding a horse!

Zhu Siya took Shen Jiao to a lot of people in the restaurant. According to her, the steamed buns here are the most authentic, so many people come to the restaurant to eat mutton soup steamed buns every day.

Shen Jiao learned from Zhu Siya to break the buns into small pieces, soak them in the steaming soup, and wait for them to slowly swell. Not to mention the taste, the smell of this soup alone makes people salivate.

There were two young girls sitting on the opposite table, one was wearing a green military uniform and green military cap, with a dignified appearance, a calm temperament, and a moderate figure.

The other was a young girl in a white shirt and army green pants. She was in her twenties, with a slightly plump physique. She looked somewhat similar to the older girl, but she was not as prudent and looked more lively.

"Sister, what are you and Battalion Commander Han doing now? Can we drink wedding wine this year?" The young girl laughed and joked.

The girl in the military uniform had a slightly red face, raised her eyebrows, glared at her sister, and said angrily, "Don't talk about it, and don't look at where it is!"

Shen Jiao's ears were shaking, Captain Han?

Is it her brother Han? The old sheep loves to eat fish and said thanks to Shi Nian ii's God of Wealth jar, thanks to Shucheng Ningzhiyuan and Totoro for their 1888 book coins, thanks to book friends 1609****9463, book friends 122***84, even Qing 90 for their peace charms , Three shifts today!

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