60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and forty-four silent demonstrations

344 The Quiet Demonstration

Shen Jiao had doubts in her heart, so she couldn't help but feel her heart, her ears were pricked up, she wanted to hear what these two women had to say!

The young girl smiled and said, "Sister, why are you so shy? Isn't the matter between you and Battalion Commander Han a certainty?"

Shen Jiao felt relieved, it shouldn't be Brother Han!

Brother Han's target for sure is himself!

I don't know—

The older girl raised her eyebrows and said, "Shufang, don't talk nonsense, the eight characters haven't even been written, and Camp Commander Han heard that he has a fiancée."

The young girl snorted and said disdainfully: "Sister, you also said that you are a fiancee. As long as you are not married, you are fine. If you can't break the engagement, Han Qixiu should know who to look for as his daughter-in-law as long as he is not stupid? Unless he doesn't want to. Climb up!"

"Shufang, what are you talking about? Be careful, Dad will teach you a lesson!" the older girl reprimanded.

The young girl stuck out her tongue nonchalantly, lowered her head and drank the soup, but didn't make a sound.

Shen Jiao's fingers holding on to the chopsticks turned pale, and she bit her lips tightly. She resisted so much that she didn't throw the mutton soup in the bowl on these two sluts!

Everyone has named her by name. If she still doesn't understand the identity of this woman, she is really a pig's brain!

Come to think of it, this older girl is what those women said yesterday, the commander's daughter who is a perfect match for Han Qixiu!


She looks so ugly, she can't even match her toes!

Brother Han is absolutely right!

Thinking of Han Qixiu's attitude, Shen Jiao felt calmer and less angry!

It's just that it's hard to settle down in the end. What belongs to you has been coveted by others. Can you be comfortable?

Shen Jiao guessed right, these two sisters are the daughters of the commander of the S province military region. The older one's name is Gao Shuhui, 25 years old, the doctor of the military region hospital, and the younger one's name is Gao Shufang, 20 years old.

Once Han Qixiu was injured, it was Gao Shuhui who was in charge of the diagnosis and treatment. When she saw the heroic and extraordinary Han Qixiu, her heart sank, and all she wanted to do was marry such a man.

Commander Gao naturally raised his hands and feet about this matter. Others don't know Han Qixiu's foundation, but he is a clear man. Speaking of his hometown and Han's family, there are several floors!

Besides, Han Qixiu's personal ability is also top-notch in the military region. If such an excellent man really becomes the son-in-law of his Gao family, he will laugh in his dreams!

Gao Shuhui's personality is very gentle and tough. Although she couldn't help feeling for Han Qixiu, she was still rational. After learning that Han Qixiu had a fiancée, she backed away.

In this era, women are already harsh, especially women in rural areas. If they are divorced, it will force them to a dead end!

Gao Shuhui always thought that Han Qixiu was from the countryside, so she thought that Shen Jiao was also a rural girl, because she didn't want innocent girls to be hurt, although her heart for Han Qixiu was hot, she deliberately suppressed it.

It should be said that Gao Shuhui is still a girl with good character, not as self-righteous and narrow-minded as her sister.

Now her greatest hope is that the matter of Han Qixiu's fiancee is nothing, so that she can pursue her own happiness without distractions!


A real fiancee is not easy to mess with!

And she also has a sister who is like a hungry tiger going down the mountain, so she is not easy to mess with!

Zhu Siya naturally heard the conversation of the Gao sisters clearly, and the anger in her heart was even greater than that of Shen Jiao!

Dare to grab a man with Jiaojiao, I'm getting impatient!

With a small face, Zhu Siya stood up suddenly, startling Shen Jiao. Before she could react, Miss Zhu had already arrived at the table of the Gao sisters, which also shocked the two sisters.

Gao Shuhui knew the famous Zhu Tiger in the military region, and smiled gently: "Comrade Zhu, are you coming to dinner too?"

"Well, bring my sister to eat steamed buns."

Zhu Siya pointed to Shen Jiao on the table next to her. Shen Jiao scooped a piece of bloated steamed bun gracefully and brought it to her mouth, but she did not swallow it in a hurry, but raised her eyebrows and smiled at the Gao sisters. .

Calm down!

Beautiful and elegant!

This demeanor, this appearance, instantly compared the Gao sisters!

Seeing the astonishment in the eyes of the two sisters, Shen Jiao was very satisfied, Mammy was right, the best way to defeat an opponent is to make the opponent feel ashamed and shameless!


She is the style of a big woman!

You can step on your prestige without saying a word!

The Gao sisters were indeed intimidated by Shen Jiao. They had never seen a woman like Shen Jiao, who showed elegance in her gestures, and she was born so beautiful, everything was beautiful!

So beautiful that any woman would be jealous!

Gao Shufang was mad with jealousy at this moment. Because she is the daughter of the commander, she has always been the object of flattery. She is obviously only a middle-class person, but she is praised by the big guy as a shy fish and a geese, which also makes her self-confidence. Swelled to the top, from the bottom of my heart I thought that I was really as beautiful as Concubine Yang!

Because of her slightly plump figure and fair skin, many flatterers compare her to the ancient Concubine Yang, and of course Gao Shufang herself thinks so too!

If Concubine Yang found out about it, she would be so angry that she would jump out!

If this concubine looked like you, why would she be so desperate to hook up with the emperor?

Gao Shuhui was stunned for a while, then smiled at Shen Jiao and said, "Comrade Zhu's sister is really good looking!"

Zhu Siya remained expressionless and entered the topic coldly: "I just heard that Comrade Gao is going to marry Han Yingchang?"

Gao Shuhui's face turned red, and when she was about to say that it was not the case, Gao Shufang said proudly, "Yes~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Comrade Zhu will come to have a wedding wine then!"

"Shufang!" Gao Shuhui shouted unhappily.

This little sister of mine is really spoiled by her mother. She always speaks regardless of the venue, which is really worrying!

Zhu Siya sneered: "When did my brother-in-law become your Gao family's son-in-law? Why don't I know?"

Gao Shuhui's complexion changed greatly, her heart was sinking, she couldn't help looking at Shen Jiao, a woman who ate steamed buns more elegantly than imperial meals!

Could she be Han Qixiu's fiancee?

"Comrade Zhu, please don't listen to Shufang, I and Commander Han are just ordinary comrades-in-arms and have nothing to do with each other." Gao Shuhui explained with a strong smile, her heart aching.

Gao Shufang was not as good-tempered as her sister, and jealousy overwhelmed her mind, and she shouted in disbelief, "We haven't gotten married yet, and Comrade Zhu's brother-in-law is not afraid to call early!"

Zhu Siya twitched the corners of her mouth, looked at her coldly, and sarcastically said, "It's better than some irrelevant **** who wants to be my brother-in-law's concubine with a shy face, with a thicker skin than this steamed bun!"

Gao Shufang was so angry that she was about to wave and beat her, but Gao Shuhui was so frightened that she quickly grabbed her and kept saying nice things to Zhu Siya.

"In the future, keep your mouth shut, and let me hear such shameless words today, hum!"

Zhu Siya picked up the plate containing the melon seeds, and gently broke it, just like breaking a steamed bun, a plate let her bend down, and then gently squeezed, the white powder fell on the table like snow .

"Are your bones hard or is this thing hard?"

Zhu Siya glanced at Gao Shufang disdainfully, then turned around and returned to her seat.

The old sheep loves to eat fish

I recommend Feng Qing’s young educated youth to get space, farm in Lingquan, watch me achieve Bai Fumei, and play in the 1960s.

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