60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and fifty-two families are unfortunate

Miao Shuifeng swallowed the shampoo in one gulp in the big guy's dumbfounded eyes, screeching, screeching, three mouthfuls finished making a milky white shampoo!

Shen Jiao was stunned for a while before she came to her senses. She ran forward and slapped her paw. She reprimanded, "You're crazy, this is a shampoo, not for eating!"

At the same time, she is also secretly glad that her homemade shampoo is not poisonous, goat milk, pearl powder, eggs, honey, sesame leaves, etc., are all edible.

Miao Shuifeng smacked her lips and said with a smile: "It's delicious, it's even better than sheep ****, I'll take another bite!"

The corner of Shen Jiao's mouth twitched, as if she saw Zhu Siya, who was thin and small back then, very similar to Miao Shuifeng's state now, she would take a bite when she saw a stone!

"This is poisonous, eat it carefully, it will hurt your stomach!"

Shen Jiao deliberately scare her, but she forgot her nature as a foodie, she dared to nibble on a stone three times, not to mention this fragrant and sweet shampoo?

Miao Shuifeng didn't eat it anymore, but she put it away carefully, planning to take a sip in the future if she has nothing to do. You can't make something so delicious in one go!

As for the few yellow hairs on her head, that's all trivial!

It doesn't matter if you don't have a belly!

"Sister Shui, eat this, this is edible, but shampoo can't be eaten anymore!"

Shen Jiao took out a pack of biscuits from the drawer, which were ordinary rectangular biscuits with fine holes and dipped in a lot of sugar. Ordinary people like to buy these affordable biscuits for their children.

However, Miao Shuifeng has never eaten it, and it can even be said that she has not even seen it!

Smelling the aroma of the biscuits, the greedy worms in her stomach began to roll, but she still resisted and didn't dare to stretch her claws!

Dad said that people who are poor can't be poor, and they can't stretch out their hands to ask for things from others!

In fact, she felt that it didn't matter whether she was poor or not!

It's good to have a belly!

Shen Jiao smiled and put all the biscuits on Miao Shuifeng's paws: "It's been more than a month since I bought the biscuits. If I don't eat them, they will go bad. Sister Shui, please help me eat them!"

"Then...then I'll help, it's a pity if it breaks!" Miao Shuifeng said Ai Ai.

"Yeah, it would be a pity if it was broken!" Shen Jiao smiled with frowning eyes.

The reason why she gave Miao Shuifeng biscuits was because she found that Miao Shuifeng always ordered the cheapest meals in the past few days, and sometimes she didn't even order vegetables, she just ordered rice from the free vegetable soup in the cafeteria.

Twenty taels of rice and two cents, and free clear soup, just like that for one meal!

It's no wonder that her hair is as dry as thatch. How can this idea be nutritious!

In fact, the school's living allowance is 17 yuan and 50 cents per month, and the tuition and books are free. The 17 yuan and 50 cents are only for meals and daily necessities, which is completely enough!

Shen Jiao made a rough calculation. According to the living standard of eating a large dish for two days, 12 yuan per month is more than enough, and she can save 5 yuan and 50 cents to buy daily necessities. As long as she is not extravagant, the living allowance given by the state is enough.

Speaking of the big dishes in the cafeteria, there are generally three kinds of dishes, braised pork, braised hairtail, large steak, and a quarter of a cent. Shen Jiao thinks the taste is very good, at least the braised hairtail is much more delicious than the one made at home!

There are also some other dishes such as fried pork slices with potatoes or fried tofu with spicy peppers. The taste is not bad. For a dime, the vegetables are even cheaper, ranging from five to two, and the average student can afford it!

It's been almost a week since Miao Shuifeng started school, and she only had two dishes, and they were all boiled winter melon slices and boiled cabbage for two cents. She couldn't see any oil stars. The pig food, Shen Jiao would vomit after eating it!

Miao Shuifeng also worked very hard in her studies, because she was not as good as others, so she used her sleep time to read. Several times when Shen Jiao woke up, this guy was still reading in the corridor by the dim street light!

The next day, he was still the first to get up in the dormitory, helping Shen Jiao, Song Shuang and the others to bring back the boiling water, and also keeping the dormitory hygienic.

Eating so poorly and sleeping so little, Miao Shuifeng's body will collapse sooner or later!

Shen Jiao didn't mean anything else. One was to thank her for helping her open the water, and the other was because she saw Zhu Siya's shadow on this girl Miao.

Since God gave her a chance to live again and let her live so happily, then she should help poor people like Zhu Siya and Miao Shuifeng!

For her now, this is just a little effort!

Miao Shuifeng broke off a small half of the biscuit and put it into her mouth carefully. Instead of gobbling it down like she did, she kept it for a long time until the biscuit turned into a paste, and then she swallowed it reluctantly.

The rest of the biscuits refused to eat, they were carefully wrapped and put in the drawer!

Shen Jiao knew what the girl wanted to do at a glance, and deliberately reminded: "The biscuits are going to go bad in a few days. Sister Shui, you have to eat them as soon as possible, otherwise you can only throw them away, broken biscuits are poisonous. what!"

"Poisonous? I still want to bring it back to my aunt and aunt to eat during the Chinese New Year!" Miao Shuifeng sighed regretfully, staring at the biscuits on the table with hatred.

Why can't you let it go!

It's really not useful!

Shen Jiao covered her mouth and laughed cooingly, this girl Miao Shuifeng really looks like Zhu Siya!

Gao Shufang went back to the dormitory in the evening, her eyes were red, and it was Gao Shuhui who came back with her. It seems that the school notified her~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Gao Shuhui apologized to Miao Shuifeng and Shen Jiao as soon as she entered the dormitory, her attitude Very sincere.

Shen Jiao didn't say anything, she just told Gao Shufang to pay attention to what she said in the future, next time she won't be as polite as today!

Miao Shuifeng was better at speaking, but just smiled naively and accepted Gao Shuhui's apology!

In fact, Shen Jiao also knew that Gao Shufang didn't repent sincerely at all, otherwise it wouldn't be her sister who came forward to apologize!

"I want to change the bed, it's uncomfortable to sleep under!" Gao Shufang said suddenly.

Gao Shufang was talking about the empty upper bunk bed, which never came, and Hao Yuhua was sleeping below.

"Then change it!"

Gao Shuhui thought that the bed was empty, so she didn't think much about it and helped her sister make the bed and hang the mosquito net.

"I'm going back to the hospital, please calm me down. Next time if something happens again, I'll tell my dad!" Gao Shuhui frightened her.

"Got it!" Gao Shufang looked extremely impatient.

Gao Shuhui glanced at her helplessly, said nothing, and walked towards the door.

"Sister!" Gao Shufang suddenly called out to Gao Shuhui, and ran over affectionately, completely different from just now.

"Sister, give me some money, I don't have enough money to spend!"

Gao Shufang dragged Gao Shuhui to act like a spoiled child, but Gao Shuhui couldn't beat her, so she had to give her ten yuan: "You can save some money..."

"Understood, let's go!"

Gao Shufang seemed to dislike the lack of money, so she pulled her face down and waved her hands to chase people away.

Shen Jiao couldn't stop sneering, Brother Han was right, the Gao family was really unfortunate!

Raised something like Gao Shufang!

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