60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and fifty-three dare to **** my man, kill without mercy (book city tranquility and Z

353 Dare to rob my man, kill without mercy

Gao Shufang just moved to Hao Yuhua's top bunk, and Hao Yuhua's bed was next to Shen Jiao's, that is to say, she and Shen Jiao became neighbors.

Shen Jiao raised her eyebrows slightly and moved the pillow to the side of the windowsill. She didn't have the habit of smelling other people's stinky feet!

Especially Gao Shufang's stinky feet!

In the next two days, Gao Shufang calmed down a bit, and stopped making troubles all day like before. Miao Shuifeng didn't turn on the water for her anymore, but only played for Song Shuang and Shen Jiao!

She's not an idiot either. She can't feel who treats her well and who treats her badly!

Gao Shufang only restrained herself for two days, and on the third day, she began to reveal her true shape!

During the noon break, Shen Jiao put down the curtains and lay on the bed with the doll in her arms to read a book, intending to watch it for a while before going to bed. Gao Shufang jealously glanced at the new women's watch on Shen Jiao's wrist and the big doll she was holding.

These are all she wants to have!

But she actually didn't!

Because her father said that a revolutionary family should be hard and simple, and not to learn the decadent style of the bourgeoisie!

Gao Shufang's eyes lit up, thinking of what she heard about Shen Jiao's family in the past few days, she couldn't help feeling proud!

But she's just a capitalist lady. What is worthy of Battalion Commander Han?

Battalion Commander Han was also confused, he didn't think about his own future!

"Hmph, the capitalist lady just can't change the dog to eat shit. She has to hang up a curtain when she sleeps and hold dolls. It's all bourgeois poisonous weeds!" Gao Shufang's voice was so loud that everyone could hear it clearly.

Naturally, it also includes Shen Jiao!

In the entire dormitory, she is the only one who is a capitalist, and she sleeps with curtains and dolls in her arms. She is obviously talking about her!


Shen Jiao pulled open the curtain, looked down at Gao Shufang below, and said coldly, "Gao Shufang, if you don't fart, others won't treat you as dumb. Shit!"

The others were lying in bed for a morning break, but a quarrel between the two naturally woke them up, listening to the show with pointed ears!

Miss Capitalist VS Commander's Daughter

Who wins and who loses?

Gao Shufang scolded with her arms on her hips, "Shen Jiao, what the **** are you doing? You are a capitalist lady with the face to go to college? You are a poisonous weed among the people!"

Not to be outdone, Shen Jiao replied, "I'm a GNB student recruited by the state, what's the matter with you, Gao Shufang? You can go to university with a **** like you, why can't I?"

"Nosy and fart!"

Thinking about it, she still can't solve her hatred. Shen Jiao also scolded the words she learned from Aunt Lu's son Hanhan next door, and she felt relieved!

Gao Shufang raised her neck and stared at Shen Jiao angrily. She had never seen such an arrogant capitalist lady like Shen Jiao!

Isn't Miss Capitalist supposed to be a human being with her tail tucked?

Where did Shen Jiao get so arrogant?

"You're just relying on Battalion Commander Han's power. Let me tell you, Shen Jiao, as far as your family is concerned, it is absolutely impossible for the army to agree to your marriage with Battalion Commander Han. Just wait for your divorce!"

Gao Shufang was elated, as if she saw the tragic end of Shen Jiao's abandonment!

This sentence touched Shen Jiao's back scale. She has two back scales, one is Shen Jiaxing and the other is Han Qixiu!

"It's not your decision about my marriage with Brother Han!" Shen Jiao glared at Gao Shufang angrily.

"If I were you, I would quit on my own initiative. Don't delay the future of Battalion Commander Han. Even a capitalist young lady would dare to think of Battalion Commander Han? Humph!" Gao Shufang sarcastically, her brows and eyes full of disdain.

Miao Shuifeng said: "Everyone is a classmate, if you have something to say, just say it!"

"Shut up, don't mind your own business!"

Gao Shufang reprimanded the past in a cold voice, but she didn't dare to scold the hillbilly bumpkin again!

Sister Dong walked in with the lunch box in hand, and saw that the two youngest girls in Fate were hairy like black-eyed chickens, no one would let anyone!

"What's this about?"

Sister Dong hurriedly put down the lunch box and came forward to persuade him to fight.

It's just that the two black-eyed chickens don't give her a shot!

"Gao Shufang, are you still shameless? You talk about other people's fiancés all day long!" Shen Jiao sneered.

"I'm just holding grievances for Camp Commander Han, Shen Jiao, you are not worthy of Camp Commander Han!" Gao Shufang said bitterly.

"I don't deserve it? Could it be that you deserve it?"

Shen Jiao was just scolding casually, who knows—

Gao Shufang's complexion changed slightly, and her expression became unnatural. After a long time, she said sharply, "Of course I am more qualified than you. I come from a family of root Hongmiaozheng, and I am a thousand times stronger than you, a capitalist lady!"

Shen Jiao, including Big Sister Dong, all changed their faces. I didn't expect that Gao Shufang would be so bold and covet someone else's fiancé!

It's really shameless!

"Gao Shufang, you're so shameless, Brother Han, he won't take a fancy to a shameless and shameless **** like you!"

Shen Jiao was really **** off. After a long time, the real rival in love was here!

This stinky woman kept saying that she was fighting for her elder sister's sake, but in fact she took a fancy to Han Qixiu herself, so shameless!

The skin is thicker than the city wall!

"You dare to call me ugly? I'll beat you to death, you stinky capitalist!"

The ugly monsters are also Gao Shufang's inverse scales. This time, they are so stimulated that they will go up to beat Shen Jiao.

Shen Jiao wanted to teach this woman a lesson for a long time, and she took the red book she put beside her pillow - M Quotations, a thick and hard hard book, as hard as a brick!


The red book smashed **** Gao Shufang's forehead. Gao Shufang swayed a few times, feeling that countless stars were dancing in front of her~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and her eyes couldn't see clearly!

Sister Dong was terrified, she said she did it!

She hurriedly helped Gao Shufang to sit on the bed, and asked her if she was okay.


Gao Shufang screamed in fright, her little round face turned pale!

Miao Shuifeng said enthusiastically, "It doesn't matter. Bleeding is better than no bleeding. Bleeding means there will be no congestion!"

Sister Dong also understands some medical principles, so she comforted: "Sister Shui is right, it's okay to bleed from your nostrils, Xiao Gao, are you disgusting?"

Gao Shufang is actually not disgusting, but she wanted to be disgusted by Shen Jiao, she had an idea, she fell over to Sister Dong, and cried out, "I have a headache, I feel nauseated, and I can't see anything!"

Shen Jiao was so angry that she got out of bed and grabbed the red book to smash it down again!

Sister Dong hurriedly pulled Shen Jiao away. She used to think that Shen Jiao was a soft girl with a soft voice and a soft body, but now it seems that her temper is not much better than that of Gao Shufang!

"Xiao Shen, if you have something to say, don't be impulsive!"

"Eldest sister, she's about to rob my fiancé, how can you make me calm down?"

How dare you covet Brother Han, kill Wushe!

Gao Shufang couldn't bear the blame, she said sharply, "When did I steal your man? You are talking nonsense!"

"You robbed it just now, shameless fox spirit!" At this moment, Shen Jiao's combat power was ramped up violently, turning into a little pepper in the sky!


Zhu Siya's voice came from outside the door!

The old sheep loves to eat fish

This is thanks to the reward and update of Shucheng Ningzhiyuan Children's Shoes, thank you, good night, alright!

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