60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and fifty-eight IQ regardless of driving

In the evening, Zhu Siya drove over. She was also driving a jeep, a car from the military division. Chang Hai heard that Shen Jiao wanted to learn how to drive, and immediately said that she would follow along!

God knows he wants to learn to drive for many years!

Shen Jiao originally thought that learning to drive was a very simple matter, but the last time she saw Zhu Siya driving, it was a matter of turning, pulling and stepping. How easy!

But when it was her turn to get started, she realized that it wasn't that easy at all!

"Step on the brakes, what are you doing with the accelerator?"

"This is a right turn, which way are you turning the steering wheel?"

"This time it's acceleration, you have to step on the accelerator, don't step on the brakes!"

With an emergency brake, Zhu Siya in the co-pilot bounced up, helplessly looking at Shen Jiao's children's shoes with an innocent expression!

Sighing deeply, she resisted the itch in her palms!

If the soldiers under her command were replaced, they would have been slapped earlier!

My mind is not clear, so I can learn again after I wake up!

But in front of her is Jiaojiao, her most cherished younger sister, so naturally she can't wait with her ears open!

"Jiaojiao, how could someone as smart as you not learn to drive?"

Zhu Siya really couldn't figure it out. She had such a stupid head, she only learned for half a day, and she was able to go on the road immediately. Jiaojiao is so smart, she should learn faster than her!

If Zhu Tong's shoes can be worn back in modern times and heard of the female driver's stalk, he will definitely understand a truth -

Learning to drive has nothing to do with IQ!

"Sister Si Ya, I was thinking about stepping on the brakes, but my feet didn't obey me!" Shen Jiao pouted, extremely discouraged.

Driving is much harder than riding a horse!

Zhu Siya sighed, she felt that she estimated that Shen Jiao's IQ was too high, in the words of whoever said, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment!

"Then let's rest first!" Zhu Siya was dying of exhaustion. Teaching Shen Jiao to drive was even more tiring than walking through the tropical jungle alone!

She would rather face a vicious enemy!

"Aunt Zhu, let me get started?" Chang Hai, who was sitting in the back, couldn't help it, and was eager to try.

Zhu Siya glanced at him suspiciously. Seeing his confident face, she let Shen Jiao get out of the car. She was still sitting in the passenger seat. As soon as Chang Hai got into the driver's seat, she grinned when she touched the steering wheel.

Shen Jiao stood on the side of the road in frustration, but saw that the car was still driving a little stumbling, but within a few minutes, the car drove very smoothly, turning, backing, braking, reversing, etc. The first time she was a little unfamiliar. But in the second or third time, you can clearly see that you are skilled!

In the back, Chang Hai became smoother and smoother, and he was almost the same as a familiar!

Zhu Siya simply got out of the car, let go of her hands completely, and sat down beside Shen Jiao to rest, feeling more relaxed in her heart!

It's not the teacher's problem!

The teacher taught very well!

The students themselves do not live up to their expectations!

"Let's learn tomorrow, Jiaojiao rest early!"

In fact, Zhu Siya felt that she was the one who should rest the most, heartbroken!

What are you most afraid of as a teacher?

What I am most afraid of is meeting students with poor understanding, who can't beat or scold students!

The next day Zhu Siya came as usual, but the students still didn't realize it!

Chang Hai can drive up the mountains and down to the sea, but Shen Jiao is still struggling to decide whether to step on the accelerator or the brakes?

Turn left or turn right?

Zhu Siya sighed faintly, and said to Shen Jiao, who bowed her head in frustration, "Jiaojiao, we won't learn to drive. If you want to call me later, I'll pick you up!"

"But people want to learn to drive!" Shen Jiao whispered.

She also wished she could go out for a drive in her car!

Zhu Siya frowned and patted her forehead, what should I do?

Chang Haiqiang held back his laughter and suggested, "Commander Han will be back soon. Aunt Shen can let Commander Han teach. I believe Commander Han can teach Aunt Shen!"

Zhu Siya was relieved: "Yes, yes, Captain Han is better than me. Jiaojiao will learn when Captain Han comes back!"

How could Shen Jiao not hear Zhu Siya's response, she raised her chin arrogantly, and hummed, "Brother Han must teach you better than Sister Siya, maybe I'll learn it in half a day!"

Zhu Siya gritted her teeth and rubbed her fists. She really wanted to punch the little head in front of her!

A stinky dead girl!

On the weekend afternoon, Zhu Siya drove Shen Jiao and Chang Hai back to school. As expected, Chang Hai's school was not far from the medical school, and it only took ten minutes to walk!

"Aunt Shen, rush me to your school tomorrow to play!"

Shen Hai, who got out of the car, kept beckoning, and his voice was so loud that it attracted many young yellow-haired boys, all of them wearing green military uniforms, obviously they were the children of the big courtyard, not ordinary students.

These young boys were shocked when they saw Shen Jiao, who was beautiful and handsome in the car!

"Haizi, who is that beauty? Let me introduce you to me!" Someone joked.

"Go, go, go, that's our battalion commander's fiancée, if you want to die, go try it!" Chang Hai glared angrily, pushed the group away and left!

These people are the children of the cadres of the military sub-district. All of them are not good birds. They know that they are outside all day long, and they will not be seen in class. They are more active than anyone else when they beat teachers and students and smash things!

"It's that Miss Capitalist, what's so amazing!" A fat boy with a medium stature looked disdainful.

"Why did your battalion commander find a capitalist lady to be his daughter-in-law? Are you mentally ill or don't want to be in the army?"

Another lanky boy is very strange. His surname is Liu Mingjun. He is the son of the chief of staff of the military division and the leader of this group of children. It is said that he once fought an old teacher to death, and he is a ruthless master!

And that fat boy is Gao Shufang's cousin~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is also the nephew of the commander's wife. His name is Xu Aimin.

It was the first time that Chang Hai heard about the composition of Shen Jiao's family. Although he found it strange, he did not change his face and said, "How do I know? Liu Jun, if you want to know, go and ask Camp Commander Han yourself, or ask Zhu Zhu. Tiger is also successful, she is the elder sister of Han Battalion Commander's fiancee."

After vaguely revealing Shen Jiao's background, Chang Hai ignored these people and walked to the classroom!

He couldn't get used to the way these people acted, and he couldn't change them. He could only choose to stay away!

Xu Aimin glanced at Chang Hai with disdain, and turned to chatting and laughing with Liu Jun. When it came to being proud, the group laughed recklessly, as if there was no one else around. Some students next to them looked at them with fear and deliberately kept a distance from them. !

I can't be bothered, I can only hide away!

When Shen Jiao returned to the bedroom, it was already dusk. Everyone was there, except Sister Dong and even Gao Shufang. Usually, she didn't come until Monday morning.

"Shen Jiao is back? What good things did you bring?" Song Shuang greeted warmly.

Shen Jiao gave her a strange look. She didn't understand why this girl suddenly changed. Isn't she taboo about her family?

"Just some clothes, here are a few roujia buns. I bought too much just now. Sister Shui, please help me eat them!" Shen Jiao handed the roujia buns that she had bought specially to Miao Shuifeng and thought about it. Handed one to Song Shuang.

"Thank you!" Song Shuang took it generously. Dongping City's Roujiamo is famous in the whole country.

Miao Shuifeng also took it over, smiled naively at Shen Jiao, and ate it in big mouthfuls.

"Beggars!" Gao Shufang scoffed disdainfully!

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