60s: Petite Wife

: Who is coming in three hundred and fifty-nine (book city tranquility and Zhiyuan reward +)

Gao Shufang's voice is not loud, but it is definitely not too small. Everyone in the dormitory can hear it, and everyone can hear who she is talking about!

Miao Shuifeng paused, pretending that she didn't hear it and continued to eat the buns. Although Song Shuang had a fire in her heart, she resisted it. She just felt as disgusting as eating several flies. no!

Shen Jiao looked at her coldly, and sneered in her voice, "Vixen!"

The corners of Miao Shuifeng's mouth twitched, and the movement of eating buns quickened, chewing loudly!

"Who are you talking about?" Gao Shufang turned around and put her hands on her hips!

"Why are you so excited? Are you guilty?" Shen Jiao rolled her eyes contemptuously, she was indifferent, and she didn't take her opponent seriously at all!

"Don't be complacent with the surname Shen, you're just a capitalist lady from a stinky street. You can be a broken shoe in the future!" Gao Shufang cursed viciously.

Shen Jiao understood the meaning of broken shoes. She knew that this was a word that was dirtier and more insulting than fox spirits. If a woman was given the title of broken shoes, she would never be able to turn over again in her life!

"Gao Shufang, you are a rotten shoe. You stare at other people's fiancés every day. You are shameless. Your face is thicker than pigskin and stinky than a stinky ditch!"

Shen Jiao was so angry that she scolded her head to head, no education, no lady, all go away!

First, teach the **** in front of you a lesson!

"I beat you to death!"

This time, when Gao Shufang went home and acted like a spoiled brat, and with the assistance of the commander's wife, she was able to convince her father, Gao De, and did not expressly oppose her pursuit of Han Qixiu!

Moreover, Gao Shufang also learned about Han Qixiu's family background from Gao De's mouth, and the already eager Chunxin became even more restless, and she was even more determined to win over Shen Jiao and win Han Qixiu!

When Gao Shufang went back to school, her eyes lit up when she saw Shen Jiao. She couldn't hold back the arrogance she had held for a week. She would teach this thorn in the flesh when she got the chance!

Gao Shufang rushed towards Shen Jiao with a ferocious face, holding her hands up high, coming in a menacing manner!

"Oh, you can't fight, the security department knows that there will be punishment!"

Miao Shuifeng shoved the rest of the roujiamo into her mouth, rushed up in three and two steps, hugged Gao Shufang who was about to rush towards Shen Jiao, and kept saying that her classmates would love each other!

"Classmate Gao, how can you do something like this? Xiaoshen is the youngest. As big sisters, we should care and care for Xiaoshen just like we care for Huamiao, let her feel the warmth of the spring breeze, and let her..."

Miao Shuifeng kept telling Gao Shufang great truths, but she couldn't see it. This girl Miao's eloquence is really good.

The corners of Shen Jiao's mouth twitched like a cramp, she really wanted to laugh, she hurriedly thought about Gao Shufang's ugly face just now, and then suppressed her smile and kept her cold attitude.

"You let me go!"

Gao Shufang scolded furiously. Several times she had spoken the word "hills bumpkin" in her throat, but in the end she didn't dare to say it!

Her mother said that in the same place and at the same time, only one person can be found as an enemy, and even if the rest cannot be friends, they should not be enemies, so that they will not be defeated!

She wants to concentrate her firepower against Shen Jiao, Miao Shuifeng can't offend her anymore!

"Don't let me go, I can't watch you bully the motherland's flower seedlings!" Miao Shuifeng said righteously.

Hua Miao Shen Jiao imagined Gao Shufang's face again and suppressed her smile again.

"Fart, she's a poisonous weed, a fart seedling!" Gao Shufang roared.

"You're a fox with broken shoes!" Not to be outdone, Shen Jiao went back!

Gao Shufang's hatred, she really wanted to scratch Shen Jiao's face, but even though Miao Shuifeng was thin, her strength was quite strong. Can't break free!

"Miao Shuifeng, let me go, or I'll turn my face!" Gao Shufang finally warned.

Miao Shuifeng didn't dare to let it go, Shen Jiao was so delicate, how could she resist a slap from the fat girl Gao Shufang!

Dad said that the kindness of dripping water should be repaid by a spring!

Shen Jiao often gives her delicious food, but her kindness is more than a bucket of water. At this moment, her benefactor is in trouble, how could Miao Shuifeng not stand up?

If she hides behind and acts as a tortoise, and lets the villagers in the stockade know, how can she, Miao Shuifeng, have the face to return to the stockade?

"Student Gao, calm down, don't be impulsive!" Miao Shuifeng insisted.

Song Shuang also persuaded: "Yes, if the dormitory aunt finds out, our dormitory will be rated differently!"

"Let go!"

Gao Shufang doesn't care whether the dormitory has a bad rating or not, she just wants to beat Shen Jiao hard, and she has this bad anger in her heart!

Angry flames erupted!

Gao Shufang actually broke free from Miao Shuifeng's iron arm and rushed straight towards Shen Jiao, Miao Shuifeng was so frightened that she rushed forward to drag Gao Shufang, how could Shen Jiao bear this slap!

Song Shuang cleverly ran to close the door, but was in a hurry. The door was closed, leaving a gap!

Shen Jiao is not afraid of Gao Shufang, Zhao Si taught her kung fu to deal with five Gao Shufangs without any problem, she twisted her body, avoided Gao Shufang's attack, and kicked her foot towards Gao Shufang's leg~www.wuxiaspot. com~ The girl immediately fell on Xu Weihong's bed.


Gao Shufang's stomach hit the edge of the bed, and the pain made her gasp. Shen Jiao didn't plan to let her go easily, and took advantage of the situation to ride on Gao Shufang, just like riding a horse.

"Gao Shufang, do you think you are a vixen?" Shen Jiao twisted Gao Shufang's hand with her backhand and asked sharply.

"Shen Jiao, you have the guts of a leopard, be careful my dad caught you!" Gao Shufang was so painful that tears came out, and she felt that her face was dull!

Shen Jiao got up and sat down heavily, Miao Shuifeng couldn't help shaking her body, she only felt that her waist was hurting!

"Miao Shuifeng, pull her away!" Gao Shufang cried.

"Oh, why does my waist hurt so much? It must have flashed just now, classmate Song, help me go to the bed and lie down for a while!"

Miao Shuifeng supported her waist with one hand and limped to her bed, too lazy to pay attention to Gao Shufang!

Shen Jiao stood up again proudly, and pressed her down again. Even Han Qixiu couldn't bear this trick, how many times you stinky vixen could stop her!

"Are you a fox?"

Gao Shufang was in a cold sweat from the pain. She only felt that her waist was about to break. She wanted to turn Shen Jiao down several times, but this Shen Jiao was too slippery. Every time she tried to exert force, she pressed her down!

It hurts her to death!

Shen Jiao didn't expect Gao Shufang to answer either, she wanted to answer, so she would have an excuse to play!

"Oh, what kind of drama is this singing? I won't go to the wrong dormitory, right?" A crisp voice sounded from the door, full of jokes.

The voice was very familiar, Shen Jiao looked at the door in surprise, and jumped up in surprise!

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