60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and sixty-two Dove who hates to marry (Anitaqing and Shibi +)

Shen Jiao and Hand Fu hadn't seen each other for several years, so she wanted to talk to her. After Hand Fu made the bed, she climbed onto her bed and murmured with her.

"Dove, why are you reporting so late? It's been almost a month since we went to school." Shen Jiao was very curious.

Handoff rolled her eyes at her and said angrily, "It's not for you!"

It turned out that Han Defu was planning to go to a local university, and the school had already contacted her, but Han Qixiu called back and told her to come to study here.

Because it's a school transfer, the procedures are quite troublesome. It's Han Qixiu who has something to do with it, so it's better to get it now!

Shen Jiao was very heart-warming and sweet when she heard it, wishing that Han Qixiu would appear in front of her now and give her a ruthless kiss.

"Uncle Xiu really has nothing to say to you, when will you get married?" Handoff asked.

Shen Jiao hugged the doll with a sweet smile and said, "Brother Han said that I will get married when I turn 18, and it will not be until the second half of next year."

Handoff was extremely envious, thinking of her own long-term marriage, she couldn't help sighing.

"Jiaojiao, you are so happy. You can marry Uncle Xiu in just one year. I don't know how long it will take?"

Shen Jiao seemed to be in a situation, and hurriedly asked, "Dove, do you have a partner? Where are you from? Do I know each other?"

Handoff rolled her eyes at her and choked, "Don't you know? What else do you ask?"

Shen Jiao shouted that she was wronged: "Where did I get it? Brother Han didn't tell me!"

Handoff snorted and didn't speak. Shen Jiao, who was scratching like a cat, hurriedly asked, "Which one is it? Dove, tell me!"

"Which one is there? Isn't it just stinky!"

After grinding for a long time, Handoff hummed and said a name.

Shen Jiao was suddenly dumbfounded, and it took a long time for her to react, and she whispered in her ear, "Dove, you're crazy, Virtue and you are cousins, how can we get married?"

Handoff glared at her and replied in a low voice, "You're not related by blood, why can't you get married?"

Shen Jiao is really stupid, Fat Virtue and Dove are not related by blood?

What's going on here?

Han Defu explained in a low voice: "His father of Virtue is not our Han family, but the child of my uncle-in-arms comrade-in-arms. His comrade-in-arms and his wife died, and my uncle and grandfather adopted Virtue's father. In fact, Virtue should be surnamed Chen, not his surname. Han!"

Shen Jiao didn't expect Han Dexing to have such a background. No wonder this guy is white and fat, not like a man from the Han family!

"Has the virtue been on the Han family tree?" Shen Jiao asked.

Handoff scratched his head in distress, and said dejectedly, "My uncle is a busy man, and he has put the whole family of Virtue on the Han family tree!"

Shen Jiao said sympathetically, "In this way, the elders in the clan will probably not agree to your marriage with Dexing, right? After all, the Han family has an ancestor's teaching, and people with the same surname are not allowed to get married!"

"That's what bothers me. My uncle, that old antique, wouldn't agree to anything, and I'm so mad at me!"

Han Defu grabbed her hair so hard that it made a rustling noise. Shen Jiao hurriedly grabbed her, and if she let this girl grab her, her scalp would be scratched!

"Can you change Dexing's surname back to Chen? That way you can get married?" Shen Jiao came up with an idea.

Han Defu said angrily: "Virtue told my uncle last year, but my uncle said that it's okay to change his surname, but he must abolish the martial arts he learned from the Han family. Virtue agreed, but I didn't agree. If martial arts is abolished, what will virtue still be? Achievement in the army?"

"Virtue's greatest wish is to become an excellent soldier, and I can't hold him back!"

"What should I do then? Don't you want to marry Dexing?" Shen Jiao knew how deep the relationship between these two was. She was a childhood sweetheart, how could she still tolerate others?

Handoff said proudly: "Don't be afraid, I'm fighting a protracted war with those old stubborn gangsters. The big deal is that I stole the household registration book with Dexing and registered it with the Civil Affairs Bureau. Will Guan Clan admit it!"

Even though he said that, Shen Xiu knew that this was just the bottom line. How could a marriage without the blessings of relatives lead to a happy life?

"Then what did Brother Han say? Does he support or oppose?" Shen Jiao asked.

Handoff scratched his scalp again and said dejectedly, "Uncle Xiu didn't make a clear statement, he said let me and Dexing concentrate on our career first, and said that we are not young, so don't be in a hurry!"

"Then take it slow. Brother Han has his own reasons for saying this. It's right to listen to Brother Han!"

For Han Qixiu, Shen Jiao has 120,000 points of blind admiration!

How could Brother Han be wrong!

Han Defu didn't have the confidence of Shen Jiao, and she was probably a fan of the authorities. She glanced sourly at her friend who had bubbles of happiness all over her body. When she thought of her concentric sweetheart, she didn't know she had to wait until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse. !

"Uncle Xiu told me and Dexing not to be in a hurry, but I am more anxious than anyone else. Jiaojiao, you are only eighteen years old. Uncle Xiu is going to eat you up. This girl is almost twenty!"

Can you be in a hurry?

It's a pity that she and the stinky virtue didn't even dare to touch her!

There are eyeliners all around, so I can't do anything!

Shen Jiao blushed and flew over with a small white eye. She could smell a sour smell through the doll, which shows how much this girl hates marrying!

"It's so annoying, don't talk about me anymore, Jiaojiao, when are you going to visit your uncle in G province? You and Uncle Xiu always go to the Han house before they get married, right?" Handoff asked.

Shen Jiao replied shyly, "Brother Han said that he will take me to this summer vacation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'm not in a hurry now."

Han Qixiu had already told her about this, and the main reason was to bring her back to see Han Qingye, Grandpa Han Defu and other elderly people. As for Han Qixiu's parents—

"Don't worry about them Jiaojiao, just treat them as ordinary friends!"

That's what Han Qixiu said at the time, with a cold expression on his face, completely unlike the warmth when talking about Han Qingye. Shen Jiao has experienced it herself, so she understands that Han Qixiu must have a reason for saying this.

"Dove, who else is in Brother Han's family? Do they get along well?" Shen Jiao asked.

Handoff was already a little sleepy. Hearing the words, he regained his energy and asked in surprise, "Uncle Xiu didn't tell you about his family?"

"I didn't say anything. He just told me to treat his parents as ordinary friends. I don't understand, so I asked you!"

Handoff sighed and said vaguely, "Then just listen to Uncle Xiu. You can do whatever he asks you to do, and don't care about the rest!"

Although she didn't know too much about what happened back then, the mother of Uncle Xiu was quite disliked by her, so was it any wonder that Jiaojiao could get along with her?

It's better to ignore it, to save trouble later!

"Is there any misunderstanding between Brother Han and his parents? Dove, Dove!"

Shen Jiao called out several times, but the only sound that came back was slightly heavy breathing, mixed with small grunts!

This guy Handoff has slept like a pig!

Shen Jiao shook her head and smiled. She covered Handoff with a blanket. She felt sleepy too. She was too lazy to go back to her bed, so she fell asleep next to Handoff!

Before going to bed, I was still thinking—

Is brother Han, like her, not welcomed by his parents since he was a child?

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