60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and sixty-three find a house

363 Find a house

Shen Jiao slept very unsteadily all night, dreaming of Han Qixiu as a child, not as powerful as he is now, but pitiful, huddled in the corner, a vicious woman was scolding him and whipped him with a leather whip. !

Han Qixiu had a lot of scars on his body, and it was dripping with blood!

In the dream, Han Qixiu kept crying, begging that wicked woman not to beat him again, but the wicked woman beat him even harder. Han Qixiu was covered in blood, and he lost a piece of good flesh!

Shen Jiao, who was next to her, saw her heart hurt like a knife, as if these whips were slapped on her body, the pain was so tight!

"Brother Han, I'm here to save you!"

Shen Jiao rushed up in anger, punched and kicked the wicked woman, and kicked her fiercely!

"Oh my god!"

The wicked woman was kicked to the ground by Shen Jiao, she couldn't even get up, and Shen Jiao couldn't care about her, she wanted to run to Han Qixiu's side to comfort him, give him warmth, give him comfort!


"Shen Jiao, get up for this girl!"

He Dong's roar came from her ears, Shen Jiao hadn't hugged her brother Han yet!

Let the lioness wake up with a roar!

Opening her big eyes, she saw the angry face above her head at a glance. Shen Jiao cried out in fright, and put her arms around the doll in a defensive posture. dt

It was Miss Handoff who was lying on top of her and was furious!

At this moment, this girl is rubbing her waist, staring at Shen Jiao, and showing her little fangs!

"Dove, are you sick? You screamed so loudly early in the morning that it woke me up from my dreams!" Shen Jiao complained.

He was almost able to hug Brother Han. How sad and painful it must have been for Brother Han at that time!

"Is it your brain? Did I provoke you? Give me a kick early in the morning and break my waist. If it wasn't for a guardrail, this girl would definitely be kicked by you. Get out of bed!"

"Shen Jiao, that's how you repay me? It's a shame that I have traveled thousands of miles to accompany you to study, you idiot!"

Han Defu bared her teeth and rubbed her waist, her teeth itch with hatred. She hadn't seen each other for a few years. Shen Jiao's kung fu has improved!

Only then did Shen Jiao remember that she seemed to have kicked a kick in her dream, and she even kicked a wicked woman!

How dare you kick Handoff!

"I'm sorry, I'll give you some medicated oil!"

Shen Jiao smiled apologetically, and got out of bed to get the medicinal oil, but Han Defu refused. Such a small injury is just a **** to her, just rub it and it will be fine, there is no need to rub the medicine Oil?

"Don't sleep with me tonight, if you sleep again, this girl will die!" Handoff said angrily.

When Shen Jiao saw her lively appearance, she knew that this girl was just taking advantage of the topic, and she raised her chin proudly, and said disdainfully, "When I rarely sleep with you, I snort all night and your ears will be deaf. It's gone!"

Handoff was so angry that his palms were itching, and he really wanted to fly over and punch him!

But still—

Dare not!

Only dare to fly over a little white eye!

"Dove, let's go have breakfast, I'll treat you to meat buns, our school's meat buns are delicious, especially real!"

After a while, Shen Jiao forgot what happened just now, and started talking to Handoff in a friendly way, but when Handoff heard that there was something delicious, and it was a meat bun, her mind was completely occupied by the meat bun. !

"It's a must for you to treat a guest. I'll hang out with you in the future, eat and drink spicy food, do you hear me?"

"Okay, eat you like a little fat pig, just like a fat man, that's called a husband and wife look!"

"This girl is naturally beautiful. No matter what she eats, she won't gain weight. If I walk around, I'll starve to death. I haven't eaten well for three or four days!"

"Fellow fellow, hurry up and catch up, Shen Jiao treats you today, let's eat more!"

Han Defu didn't forget to greet Miao Shuifeng. The words were all familiar, not like a friend she just met. Miao Shuifeng touched the back of her head, wearing the clothes Shen Jiao gave her, fresh and light like a bud. followed behind!

Ever since Handoff came, Gao Shufang, the commander's daughter, has never been able to show her majesty. I don't know how Handoff discussed life with her in the water room that night?

Since then, when Gao Shufang saw Handoff, it was like a mouse seeing a cat, and she didn't dare to make a sound!

Afraid of Wujiwu!

When she saw Shen Jiao, she naturally didn't dare to be provocative!

Shen Jiao only felt that the sun was everywhere, and she was bathed in the spring breeze every day, which was very comfortable!

Han Qixiu went to the mountain on the fourth day after Handoff came. It happened to be a weekend. Han Qixiu drove to the school and said that he wanted to invite Handoff for a big meal.

"Let's go to dinner first. After dinner, let's go to see the house. The conditions in the dormitory are too bad, so let's live outside."

Han Qixiu wanted Shen Jiao to move out for a long time, but he didn't dare to let Shen Jiao live outside alone when Han Dofu didn't come. Now that Dove is here, there is no need to worry about safety issues. Although Dove's kung fu is a bit poor , it is not a problem to deal with seven or eight men.

Shen Jiao naturally has no opinion. There is a disgusting guy like Gao Shufang in the dormitory, and she looks uncomfortable, so she might as well move out and clean up!

Handoff has no objection anymore, he can cook delicious food by himself if he lives outside, and he is much more free than school!

"Uncle Xiu, you must find a house with a kitchen!" Handoff emphasized.

Han Qixiu glanced at her lightly, and Han Defu was so frightened that she didn't dare to say a word!

Han Qixiu had already found the house. It was not too far from the medical school. It was about ten minutes by bicycle. There were shopping malls and vegetable markets around, and it was usually quite lively.

It is a small courtyard house with three entrances, courtyards in the front and back, and a well in the front yard. According to Han Qixiu, the water quality is very good and sweet.

"Brother Han, this house is really nice, I like it!"

Shen Jiao fell in love with this elegant little courtyard at a glance. Although it was not big, it was kept clean by the original owner. In addition, a lot of flowers and plants were planted in the front yard. Although it was not a precious variety, it also added to the yard. A lot of elegance!

In fact, Shen Jiao prefers such a simple courtyard rather than a garden house!

Han Qixiu looked at Shen Jiao dotingly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said softly, "Jiaojiao likes it. You can only find this yard in a short time. When you have time, you can find a bigger one."

"It's already big enough, Brother Han, don't bother, I like it here!" Shen Jiao didn't want Han Qixiu to worry, and she really felt good, much better than she imagined!

The yard looked newly renovated. Han Qixiu had the toilet specially repaired. The house was decorated according to Shen Jiao's liking. Even the curtains were light pink. As soon as you walked into the house, you could tell that the owner was a beautiful girl. .

The backyard is bigger than the house. The original owner has planted a lot of fruit trees, such as peach, plum, walnut, osmanthus, pomegranate, etc., about dozens of them, all of which are growing very well.

There is also a small vegetable plot, but now there is only a row of shallots left, and the rest are empty.

"This vegetable field will be grown by Dove in the future!" Han Qixiu said.

Handoff shouted unconvinced, "Uncle Xiu, why don't you let Jiaojiao grow up with me?"

"In the future, you will be called auntie outside and let your elders farm with you? Do you really want to do this?" Han Qixiu glanced at the past again, and the sight made Hand Fu feel cold.

"No, no, no need to be petite... Auntie, I'll take care of this idea all by myself!"

Han Defu swallowed her saliva and didn't dare to make a sound. She planned to wait for Han Qixiu to leave, and then coax Shen Jiao to cook something delicious for her!

Jiaojiao is much more coaxing than Uncle Xiu!

The old sheep loves to eat fish

Thank you Baobai Doll I for the He Shibi reward, I am really grateful, I am the first alliance leader in my life, thank you Baobai Doll i for the sachet, thank you for the miracle life 123 and Shi Nian ii for the peace talisman, thank you all support!

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