60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and sixty-four is too ugly and hurts the eyes

When Han Qixiu came forward, the move went very smoothly. On the same day, Shen Jiao moved out with Han Defu, and gave the rest of her quilt to Miao Shuifeng.

Miao Shuifeng's bedding is very thin, but now I don't think that it will definitely be unbearable when the weather is cold!

Gao Shufang looked at Shen Jiao jealously, Han Qixiu wouldn't let Shen Jiao move even a bowl, and he took care of even the trivial matter of folding clothes, he was more concerned than serving the Empress Dowager!

It would be great if the woman who was spoiled and cared for was her!

It's a pity that Han Qixiu didn't say anything to her, he didn't even speak coldly!

He didn't even glance at her from the corner of his eye!

If Gao Shufang, who was hit hard, didn't know about Han Qixiu's family background, she might have given up on it. Although the potential stock is good, she can't keep up with it!

But since she learned about the profound background of the Han family from Gothe, her heart immediately became extremely firm!

Rather than saying that she likes Han Qixiu, it is better to say that she is in love with the power and position of the Han family!

Don't look at her talking about 'my father is the commander' all day long. It's the same as thinking about what she wants. It's because she knows in her heart that her father has a little face in the military division, but he doesn't even have a fart in other places. neither!

That's why, she only dared to act like a tiger in Dongping City!

But she is not reconciled. She loves vanity and she is not willing to stay in Dongping City. She wants a better life, a higher status, and a woman that everyone envy!

Han Qixiu was able to bring all this to her!

So she must firmly grasp the big tree Han Qixiu!

In order to become the Supreme Being, she Gao Shufang can do anything!

What is the face?

Self-esteem is a piece of shit!

Conscience can also let a dog take it away!

As long as she becomes Mrs. Han, all these things can be returned to Zhao Di. Who else would dare to say that she didn't say a word?

Shen Jiao felt Gao Shufang's hot eyes, and when she looked up, she saw this woman staring at her brother Han like a golden mountain!

The fire in my heart suddenly surged up!

A shameless woman!

Annoyed, Shen Jiao glanced around and took the teacup on Miao Shuifeng's table. There was a large half of the tea in it. Miao Shuifeng loved strong tea, but was reluctant to buy tea, so she bought the cheapest tea bricks. Every day, I have to knock a piece down, and the bubbles are thick, bitter and astringent!

Most people can't even drink it, but Miao Shuifeng drinks it with relish!

Shen Jiao poured the half cup of cold tea and poured Gao Shufang, who was staring at Han Qixiu, the tea and the tea leaves.

"Gao Shufang, you are so shameless. If you want a man, find someone else. Don't stare at my fiancé all day!" Shen Jiao's voice was fierce.

Han Qixiu actually felt Gao Shufang's hot eyes for a long time, although he felt tired, but he also wanted to see what Shen Jiao would do. Han Qixiu, who had been careful, endured his nausea and waited for his little daughter-in-law to rise up!

Jiaojiao did not disappoint him!

When he heard Jiaobao say 'my fiancé', Han Qixiu only felt that all the 36,000 pores on his body were completely refreshed!

From head to toe, from outside to inside!

I really want to take my daughter-in-law and go to the woods to have a good meal!

It's really rare for him to die!

Gao Shufang wiped the tea foam from her face with one hand, and was so angry that she wanted to stand up and curse, but her mind changed, and she thought of one of the thirty-six strategies her husband taught her husband—

Men like gentle women, so you can't be gentle in front of men!

"Commander Han, Shen Jiao is going too far!" Gao Shufang squeezed the chrysanthemum and squeezed out a delicate voice from her throat, sweeter than the cream on the cake.

"Oh my mother, goosebumps have grown. Gao Shufang, how are you feeling? Speak well to this girl!"

Handoff rubbed his arms in disgust, his body was shaking, and he glared at the culprit!

Damn, people are really incomparable, Jiaojiao's voice sounds very natural and very nice, but Gao Shufang's voice just wants to shake her fist!

Gao Shufang lowered her head aggrievedly, clipped the chrysanthemum again, and said coquettishly, "Captain Han, they bully others in the dormitory every day, you have to do justice for me!"


This time, it wasn't just Han Defu who got goosebumps, Miao Shuifeng and Song Shuang also rubbed their hands together and looked at Gao Shufang with contempt, so shameless!

Shen Jiao's face flushed with anger, and she wished she could pull out a soft sword and stab this shameless woman in the opposite direction!

Han Qixiu patted her hand and smiled at her, miraculously calming Shen Jiao's furious heart!

"What's the name of this female classmate? Do I know you?" Han Qixiu said coldly.


I don't know who sprayed it out, and Gao Shufang didn't care who it was. She was hit by Han Qixiu's words and said extremely aggrieved: "Commander Han, I'm Gao Shufang, the youngest daughter of Commander Gao. We used to..."

"Commander Gao is really unfortunate. How could he give birth to a shameless daughter like you? It seems that I have to find a chance to have a good talk with him!"

Han Qixiu didn't want to listen to her at all, he felt disgusted talking to such a woman, he didn't even want to look at her, how could Jiaojiao look so comfortable!


Someone spit out another voice, this time Gao Shufang saw who it was~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was Hand Fu, the devil she didn't dare to provoke!

"Captain Han, how can you say that to me? I..."

Gao Shufang was really aggrieved. She gave all her heart to it, but the other party not only did not accept it, but also abandoned her like garbage!

This makes her feel so bad!

Han Qixiu interrupted her again: "Student Gao, don't make this face in front of me, it's too ugly and hurts your eyes!"

He looks so ugly and has the face to like him?

It's too much for his Han Qixiu's share!


Shen Jiao squirted triumphantly, knowing that her brother Han would not like this stinky woman!

Gao Shufang looked at Han Qixiu in disbelief. She never thought that these ruthless and vicious words would come out of the mouth of the man in front of her. He was so gentle and soft-spoken when he spoke to Shen Jiao!

Why do you treat her like a severe winter?

Handoff watched the big play with excitement, Uncle Xiu's poisonous tongue reappeared in the arena, I'm looking forward to it!

"Commander Han..." Gao Shufang felt that she should say something, but Han Qixiu simply did not allow her the opportunity to continue!

"Also, Shen Jiao is my fiancée, and I can't bear to break a strand of her hair. If I find out that someone dares to hurt my fiancée, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

The last sentence Han Qixiu used a little momentum, but this thought alone made Gao Shufang tremble with fright, her calf trembled, and Xu Weihong and the others did the same. I just thought that Han Qixiu was a bit more terrifying than Shura!

How could Shen Jiao bear such a terrifying man?

"Jiaojiao, let's go!"

Han Qixiu turned his head and gave Shen Jiao a gentle smile, melting the ice on his body, as if the killing **** just now was just a flash in the pan!

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