60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and sixty-five jumping beam clowns ignore (Anitaqing and Shibi...

Han Qixiu and the others left the dormitory. Everyone glanced at Gao Shufang, whose eyes were paralyzed on the bed, and couldn't help showing contempt. Even Xu Weihong didn't like her very much, and didn't rush up to her like before.

Today's folk customs are still very simple, men and women will be criticized for even pulling a small hand in public, not to mention Gao Shufang who is openly robbing a fiancé!

If Gao Shufang hadn't had the backing of the commander Lao Tzu, Xu Weihong would have been the first to report the broken shoes to the school leaders!

At the beginning, she relied on these small reports one after another to squeeze out many competitors, and only then did she get the university recommendation!

There are only a few places, and if she wants to get it, Xu Weihong can only resort to this ruthless move!

People do not kill themselves for their own sake!

Who makes heaven unfair!

Han Qixiu loaded the luggage into the car, glanced at Shen Jiao who was happy beside him, laughed in his heart, and said softly, "That Gao Shufang Jiaojiao doesn't need to pay attention to her, she's just a clown!"

"Well, I'm not afraid of her, she can't beat me, I beat her to the point of crying last time." Shen Jiao showed off proudly.

Han Qixiu smiled gratified, not caring at all about his daughter-in-law's beating, but said lightly: "Next time, let Dove come on!"

The named Handoff sighed faintly!

My heart is a little sour!

A woman who is protected by a man is comfortable!

It's a pity that her man is not by her side, and even here, she wouldn't dare to oppose Han Qixiu!

"Uncle Xiu, Jiaojiao fights really well!"

Handoff reluctantly explained that she also wanted to be a lady!

Han Qixiu glanced at her and said softly, "Jiaojiao's hand will hurt!"

Handoff flattened her mouth, and her claws are also very tender!

But she didn't have the guts to say it!

Shen Jiao felt sorry and whispered in Handoff's ear, "Don't be afraid, Dove, I'll fight with you in the future!"

Han Defu gave her a sideways glance, then looked at Han Qixiu with a cold face on the other side, and said angrily, "Is this girl afraid? Just like Gao Shufang, I can handle it with just one finger!"

"If you can't figure it out with one finger, go back to Haosheng Station in Xinquan Village and stand on the plum blossom pile!" Han Qixiu's cold voice came, and Han Dofu was so frightened that he immediately fell silent.

Shen Jiao glanced at Han Defu sympathetically, she was so timid!

Obviously Brother Han is such a good person, why are you afraid of being like this!

Han Qixiu also bought Shen Jiao a bicycle so that she could go to school. As for Shen Jiao's problem of learning to drive——

"I'll take Jiaojiao to learn when I rest next time. Jiaojiao is so smart, she must learn quickly."

Han Qixiu didn't take it seriously at all. How could his Jiaojiao fail to learn such a simple thing as driving!

Shen Jiao arrogantly said, "I think it's easy too. It must be because Sister Si Ya is not good at teaching, otherwise, how could I not learn!"

"Well, Zhu Siya is stupid and can't teach well!"

Daughter-in-law and other women, who is right and who is wrong?

Of course it was someone else's fault!

This is the basic quality of being a husband, a man must keep it in mind, and he must abide by it!

In the blink of an eye, it had been nearly a month since Shen Jiao moved out of the dormitory. October was approaching the end, and the weather in Dongping City was getting colder. Shen Jiao had already turned over her sweater and put it on before the others.

She has a lot of sweaters, not only the turtlenecks inside, but also the sweater jackets she wears outside according to the book. When she has nothing to do, she knits with sticks by herself, and unknowingly saves up A variety of sweaters.

Along with shawls, hats, scarves, and more, each one is gorgeous!

In fact, Shen Jiao didn't want to dress so flamboyantly. She originally planned to keep a low profile like she was on the farm. Sister Xue Dong and the others were dressed in plain clothes, but Han Qixiu didn't agree. She tried to buy her all kinds of new clothes, if it wasn't for Shen Jiao Discouraged, the house is about to be full of clothes!

"My women naturally have to dress up beautifully and compare all women!" Han Qixiu said.

Shen Jiao did exactly as he wished and became the object of envy, jealousy and hatred by all the women in the medical school!

Is the only one!

Not one of them!

The military camp is going to have a competition next month. Han Qixiu is very busy, and every day is dizzy. Shen Jiao feels sorry for him, so she stews a cup of tonic soup every few days and sends it to the military camp with Han Defu.

Han Defu could drive, so Han Qixiu kept his car, just to make it easier for Shen Jiao and the others to go to the military camp.

But Shen Jiao didn't know that Han Qixiu would go to the camp to run dozens of laps after drinking the soup she sent each time, and then jumped into the river to take a shower, repeating this!

Even so, Han Qixiu was reluctant to give half a drop of tonic soup to others!

How could the soup stewed by his wife's daughter-in-law be given to others?

Pained and happy, it was Han Qixiu's current state. Even though he was laughed at by San Yuzhu every day, Han Qixiu still refused to accept Shen Jiao's soup, and he could drink it as usual!

Thirteen more months!

He doesn't need to take a cold shower!


One evening in early November, Shen Jiao and Han Defu came back from the military camp. Dabao and Xiaojiao fell in love with each other in the back seat of the car. Shen Jiao sat in the passenger seat and closed her eyes, her lips were red and slightly swollen!

Every time I go back to the military camp, I will be hugged and eaten by someone.

"Dove~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'll go to the post office first!" Shen Jiao said.

She hadn't called Shen Jiaxing for several days, and she didn't know what happened to his old man. Shen Jiao was very worried about it!

Handoff turned the steering wheel and drove in the direction of the post office. There is a post office near the medical school, not too far!

"Dove, stop the car, is that person Hao Yuhua?"

Shen Jiao saw the familiar woman in the alley, Hao Yuhua, who was like an invisible man in the dormitory. At this moment, she was in the alley, and there was a man with the head of a roe and a rat who was doing something to her. Hao Yuhua kept dodging!

"Damn, you're a hooligan in broad daylight, courting death!"

Handoff couldn't bear to see men bullying women the most. Seeing that man hugged Hao Yuhua while touching and kissing him, his hands were stretched into Hao Yuhua's clothes.

Shen Jiao also followed. Although she didn't communicate much with Hao Yuhua, she was a classmate after all. Seeing that she was being bullied by hooligans, she couldn't just ignore it!

"Let me go!" Hao Yuhua kept dodging the man, full of shame and anger.

"Don't let it go, let me have a good life and kiss!" The man shyly kissed Hao Yuhua in his arms with a shy face, with thick lips.

"Son of a bitch!"

Handoff rushed forward with a kick. With this kick, she used twelve points of strength to kick the man to the ground, clutching her stomach and moaning constantly!

Shen Jiao also rushed forward angrily. This man looked somewhat similar to Sun Maodan. When she saw him, she thought of Sun Maodan back then, and rushed up with anger, just wanting to teach the man a good lesson!

"Kill you rascal!"

Shen Jiao kicked the man's stomach hard, just like kicking a sandbag, showing no mercy!

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