60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and sixty-six transactions

Hao Yuhua stared blankly at her classmate, and lay limply on the ground, covering her face as if she didn't dare to see anyone!

Her secret is about to be lost!

From now on, everyone will know what kind of woman she is!

They will all look at her with contempt, they will spurn her, and they will call her a shameless woman!

Hao Yuhua's mind became a mess, and she didn't dare to think about it at all. She only wanted to be able to turn back time, so that she would not go out, and would not encounter this scoundrel!

What should she do?

Hao Yuhua was desperate. If it wasn't for her desire to go to university, she would even want to leave and go to a village where no one knew her, and live a life of sunrise and sunset!

Hao Yuhua laughed at herself. She used to hate this kind of life so much and tried her best to escape, but now she misses that kind of life!

People in the city want to go out, people outside the city want to come in!

Is she in the city or out of the city now?

"Stop hitting, you're going to die!" The man on the ground curled up, hugging his head and shouting.

"Kill you rascal!"

Shen Jiao came to fire when she saw such a disgusting man, but it was a pity that this was not the back mountain of the farm, otherwise, she would have let this **** serve the wolf as a supper!

"She's just a broken shoe, don't be deceived by her fake appearance, she has slept with a lot of men!" The man shouted injustice.

Hao Yuhua closed her eyes in pain, here I come, finally here!

She only felt that her clothes had been ripped off, standing naked in the crowd, all of them looked at her with contempt, and many people spit at her and threw rotten eggs!

She is a broken shoe!

The broken shoes that everyone spurns!

Shen Jiao glanced at Hao Yuhua strangely, and felt that her behavior was very strange. Shouldn't she jump out and defend herself?

Why didn't you say a word?

The man smiled smugly: "Do you believe what I said? She's just broken shoes, and any man can do it. I'm her old friend, and I'm not a hooligan!"

"You are talking nonsense, I have nothing to do with you at all!"

Hao Yuhua summoned the courage to scold her and let her get involved with such a disgusting man, she would rather die!

The man laughed, looking around Hao Yuhua with his wicked eyes, his eyes flashed, and said, "I'm not talking nonsense, your name is Hao Yuhua, and there is a cinnabar mole on your chest, tsk, that mole is very good... "

Hao Yuhua's face was pale, his eyes turned black, and his body kept shaking!

"Shut up this girl, a stinky hooligan is a stinky hooligan, and you still want to make excuses? Be careful I will send you to eat a gun, just as the Public Security Bureau is cracking down hard during this period, you can count!" Handoff kicked the past. , unloaded the man's chin.

Shen Jiao also sensed something was wrong. Although this man was not a good person, what he said didn't seem to be fake, otherwise Hao Yuhua would not have behaved like this!

Could it be that Hao Yuhua is really the kind of person that men say?

It doesn't look like it!

Handoff picked up the man and said, "Send this **** to the Public Security Bureau, I won't fight him to death!"

"No, don't give it away!" Hao Yuhua begged.

Handoff ignored her and continued to drag the man to the car. The tall man was like a chicken in her hand, not daring to move at all.

"Please don't send it, I beg you!"

Hao Yuhua fell to her knees in a hurry, grabbing Handoff's leg tightly, tears streaming down her face, but the man was triumphant.

The two seem to have fallen over!

Shen Jiao looked strange and knew that there must be a hidden secret, so she asked: "Student Hao, what is the situation, please clarify, if what this rascal said is true, then you can treat us as meddling, don't worry. , Dove and I won't say a word to the outside world!"

"No, it's not what he said, no!" Hao Yuhua shook his head in pain.

"What the **** is the situation, tell me clearly, don't cry, I can see that this girl is annoying!" Handoff shouted impatiently.


Hao Yuhua murmured for a long time and couldn't utter a word. She just felt ashamed to say it, and she didn't know what Shen Jiao and Handoff would think of her after she said it?

It was this kind of person that Han Defu annoyed the most. Without saying a word, she threw the man to the ground and shook her head at Shen Jiao: "Jiaojiao, let's go, it's a good friend who dares to love someone, it's our nosy!"

Shen Jiao was also very annoying, she was going to keep up with Han Defu!

"I said, I said everything!" Hao Yuhua cried behind him.

Shen Jiao and Han Defu exchanged glances and had to turn back again. Han Defu removed the man's chin on all four feet and raised his chin at Hao Yuhua, "Speak!"

Hao Yuhua took a deep breath, took out a handkerchief and wiped away her tears, her eyes were red, which made me feel pity!

"I'm twenty-five years old this year," Hao Yuhua said.

Handoff and Shen Jiao didn't say anything, waiting for her to speak.

"I went to the countryside at the age of 18, and spent seven years in the most difficult countryside in S province. During these seven years, I worked like a man, and I never cried out for hardships~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I am not afraid of enduring hardships, I'm not afraid of getting involved, but I really don't want to spend my whole life in that place and never see hope!"

Hao Yuhua whispered about her experience, and her mood calmed down.

"Actually, I had the opportunity to go to university when I was 21 years old. At that time, our commune had two places. The commune secretary found me and he said he could send me to university, but I had to..."

Having said this, Hao Yuhua closed his eyes in pain and continued speaking through gritted teeth.

"The secretary of the commune asked me to accompany him for one night, so that he could give me a place to go to university. I refused without thinking at the time. Although I really wanted to go to university, I didn't want to do it this way."

"Beast!" Handoff was so angry that her eyebrows stood on end.

Shen Jiao was also very angry and couldn't help but ask, "What about later?"

Hao Yuhua became calmer and told the secret in her heart. She relaxed a lot and said softly: "Then the two places were given to two other educated youths in the commune, one male and one female. It's my classmate, everyone said that she only got the spot after staying with the secretary for one night!"

"I don't actually envy my classmates. I don't go to college if I don't go to college. I don't care, but since then, every time I've been assigned the hardest and most tiring work, it's even more tiring than a man. , I couldn't even stand up, I knew it was the commune secretary who wanted to force me to submit, so I kept gritting my teeth and enduring it for four years, I really couldn't bear it any longer."

Hao Yuhua couldn't go on, and covered her face and cried bitterly.

Shen Jiao could roughly guess what Hao Yuhua was going to say next, it was nothing more than giving in to reality!

Sure enough—

"I gave in, I gave in to the commune secretary, I accompanied him..."

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