60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and sixty-seven, there are places where the sun can't shine

Shen Jiao sighed and said to Hao Yuhua, "Stop talking!"

She doesn't like doing this kind of gouging out scars, and thinking about this kind of scars being gouged out won't feel so good.

Hao Yuhua cried softly and said in a low voice, "I know you guys will definitely look down on me, I even look down on myself, but I really want to leave there and have a new beginning!"

"What is the relationship between this man and you? It seems that he has a lot to do with you!" Handoff asked.

"No, I have nothing to do with him at all, I'm just with the commune secretary..." Hao Yuhua kept shaking his head.

"Then why didn't you call for help just now? It's not far from the street. As long as you shout for help, someone will definitely notice this alley." Handoff said coldly.

Hao Yuhua's lips were trembling, and he explained in a low voice: "He is a second-rate in the village I used to stay in the countryside, and he often pesters me, I ignore him, and I don't know why he knows about the hemorrhoids on my body, I swear to God, if I If I have anything to do with him, I can't die!"

"Since you have nothing to do with him, what are you afraid of?" Shen Jiao was puzzled.

"As soon as he met, he talked about me and the commune secretary, and said that if I didn't obey him, I would go to my school to spread the word about me and the commune secretary. I was afraid..."

Hao Yuhua looked at the man on the ground angrily. Originally, she thought she was away from the pain and darkness, but this scoundrel awakened them again!

Han Defu wanted to say something else, but Shen Jiao tugged at her sleeve and shook her head gently.

Hao Yuhua's thoughts are not difficult to understand. Out of desperation, she sold her body, but she is not as free and easy as others. She cares more about this transaction than anyone else!

It can even be said that in her heart, this is a shame, a shame that will never be erased!

That's why she was afraid of this man's threat and her classmates knowing her history!

It's no wonder that Hao Yuhua is always like an invisible person. Thinking about it, she would have closed her heart a long time ago!

Handoff walked up to the man and kicked him on the chin: "Tell me, how do you know about the cinnabar mole on Hao Yuhua's body?"

The man was in so much pain that he wanted to hold back and say nothing, but as soon as Handoff lifted his foot, he was so frightened that he immediately spoke up.

"I peeked at her bathing before, and I could see clearly..."


Handoff kicked the man in the face, and half of the man's face was swollen.

"How did you know about her relationship with the commune secretary?" Handoff asked again.

"I guess, nine out of ten women in the village who have gone to college these years have obtained college places like that. Hao Yuhua has no way to go in her family. Apart from this way, she has no other way to go. Everyone in the village knows it!"

Hao Yuhua's little face turned pale again, bloodless!

Shen Jiao glanced at her and didn't know what to say. Before, she vaguely heard Ma Xinghua and Shi Hongmei talk about this kind of thing, but she didn't pay much attention to it at that time, she just felt that this kind of thing was too far away from her, she couldn't do it Care!

But now that such a thing happened in front of her, she was really angry!

Also feel happy!

If she hadn't been escorted by Han Qixiu, she didn't know what kind of experience would be waiting for her!

"Dove, what should I do with this rogue?" Shen Jiao looked at the man on the ground with disgust, she was really unwilling to let this rogue go.

Handoff rolled his eyes and said, "Send it to the Public Security Bureau and let him stay in jail!"

"No, he will tell everything about me, so I have no face!" Hao Yuhua pleaded.

Handoff looked at her with hatred: "He's just talking nonsense without any basis and evidence, who would believe his nonsense? As long as you bite yourself to death and don't admit it, you'll be fine, you're useless, and Dare to do bad things?"

Shen Jiao also persuaded: "Dove is right, you can catch a traitor and get a pair, you just don't have to admit it, the public security bureau has to pay attention to the evidence to catch a thief!"

Hao Yuhua's expression gradually recovered, and he seemed to have walked out of a dead end. After thinking for a long time, he gritted his teeth and nodded.

"Okay, let's take her to the Public Security Bureau!"

"That's right, shrinking from the bad guy is condoning the bad guy. If you stay for a while, you will insist that this man is playing a hooligan to you and slander you. Don't say a word about other things!" Handoff taught her.

"I see, thank you!" Hao Yuhua said gratefully.

"Thank you, you don't have to, just keep your back straight in the future!" Handoff said meaningfully.

Hao Yuhua's expression changed slightly, then he became firm and nodded vigorously.

There is a picket office not far from the alley. Hao Yuhua exchanged glances with Shen Jiao and Han Yuhua and Shen Jiao, rushed out of the alley and shouted, "There are hooligans, come and catch the hooligans!"

At this time, the people were very enthusiastic. No matter men, women or children, when they heard Hao Yuhua's cry, they all rushed over enthusiastically and asked Hao Yuhua, "Where is the rogue?"

"It's in there!" Hao Yuhua pretended to be afraid and pointed into the alley, and a group of people rushed in aggressively.

The man's hands, feet and chin were all connected by Han Defu. Shen Jiao and Han Defu pretended not to know kung fu, and took their bags and kept smashing them on the man's head.

"Girl, don't smash it, you'll have a concussion if you smash it again!"

The people who came to hear the sound were amused, UU reading www. uukanshu.com These two girls are so sturdy, how can hooligans have the strength to resist!

"Help, they want to kill me, help!"

When the man saw these people, it was like seeing the life-saving Bodhisattva, and he burst into tears.

"Kill you rascal!"

Shen Jiao became angry when she saw the man, picked up the bag and smashed it down again. There was a bag on the back of the man's head.

Hao Yuhua brought two men with red armbands over, and explained the man's hooliganism in a succinct manner.

Shen Jiao said first: "Comrade, this hooligan is so hateful. If you can't be a hooligan, you deliberately falsely accuse my classmate of being a broken shoe, saying that if she doesn't obey her, she will go to school to spread rumors, saying that my classmate has a bad style. hateful?"

"It's so hateful, this scum should be sent to a labor camp!" Everyone was indignant.

People say it is daunting, and most of the Chinese believe in no wind and no waves, and they say that flies don't bite seamless eggs!

If this man went to school to talk nonsense, one can imagine what happened to this beautiful female classmate!

Saliva and saliva will drown her!

"You are a good girl, you can't be weak towards this kind of hooligan. We must fight against criminals resolutely!" The man with red armbands praised generously.

No one doubted what Shen Jiao and the others said. Three beautiful female college students, men with such sloppy looks, didn't look like good people at first glance!

Whose words are more reliable?

Needless to say!

The man was taken away by two red armbands, and at the strong request of everyone, he was going to be handed over to the public security organ for serious treatment. I thought that the public security bureau, which was unable to gather enough hooligan counts, would definitely welcome this rogue comrade very much. Join the drops!

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