60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and sixty-nine 1 string of thunder

When Shen Jiaxing mentioned that Qian Shumeng had an accident there, Shen Jiao was taken aback and hurriedly asked, "Grandpa, what happened to Shumeng?"

Although the relationship with Qian Shumeng has faded a little over the past few years, it is still a childhood friend, and there is some kind of friendship!

The middle-aged uncle outside the phone booth was really anxious. It's been half an hour since the girl picked up the phone. It seems that she still has something to say!

'bang bang bang'

The uncle hurriedly knocked on the door and shouted, "Girl, hurry up, I'm in a hurry!"

Just as Shen Jiaxing was about to speak, Shen Jiao was startled by the uncle outside, but when she saw that the uncle was jumping up in a hurry, her eyes were staring like a copper bell, making Shen Jiao's heart thump in fear.

Feeling guilty!

Nowadays, everyone's contact information is basically writing letters, five-cent stamps, and one-cent envelopes. You can write your thoughts on letter paper, which is economical!

If it is a little more urgent, people usually choose to shoot telegrams. One word is worth a penny, so everyone is racking their brains to save words. If you can get three words, you will never have four words, and if you can get two words, you will never have three words. !

The telegram usually arrives the next day, but if there is an urgent matter and you need to arrive the same day, you can only make a phone call. Few people use this method!

The main reason is that it is too expensive to make a phone call. Generally, it is not a matter of human life. No one would be willing to use that money to make a phone call!

Furthermore, it is because telephones are not popular nowadays, most of them have telephones in work units. There are very few people who have private telephones like the Shen family.

Therefore, the uncle said there was an urgent matter, which must have been really urgent. Shen Jiao hurriedly said to Shen Jiaxing, "Grandpa, I'll call you later!"

Shen Jiao opened the door, embarrassed and smiled at her uncle, "Uncle, please fight!"

Uncle Shen was blinded by Shen Jiao's smile. He didn't expect that there was such a beautiful girl in the pavilion, and he felt embarrassed when he thought about how loud he was yelling just now!

"I'm really in a hurry, I need to do it right away!"

The uncle seemed to be really in a hurry. He picked up the phone and shook the number. He was looking at a small book and shook it. His movements were very unfamiliar, and he obviously didn't call often.

The uncle's luck was not very good. After waiting for a long time, he still couldn't connect, but he was so anxious that he held the phone and sighed repeatedly.

"If you don't get connected, you won't be able to catch up!"

Shen Jiao stood outside and looked at the uncle curiously, not knowing who this uncle was looking for?

What's the urgency?

But she can roughly guess something. It's not a matter of human life. Uncle will never be willing to spend money to make a phone call!

Seeing that this uncle is dressed like a nearby villager, with patches and patches, it is obvious that his family is not rich. The money for making this call may be the food money that the uncle's family has spent for several days!

There was a connection there. The uncle's eyes lit up, he held the phone and shouted in a loud voice, "Second brother, hurry back, my younger sister is dying, hurry back and give her one last look!"

The uncle's voice was so loud that even the glass door of the telephone booth trembled. Naturally, Shen Jiao could hear these words clearly.

It really is a matter of life!

Apparently it was the uncle's sister-in-law who had the accident, calling his brother who was working in another place!

The uncle was distressed about the phone bill, so he quickly hung up the phone after saying that. A man shouted anxiously from the other end of the phone: "Brother, what's the matter?"

"Girl, I'm ready!"

The uncle forced out a smile, said something to Shen Jiao, and left in a hurry.

Shen Jiao was actually curious about this uncle's story, but she didn't think about it, and called Shen Jiaxing again.

Shen Jiaxing, who was so anxious after waiting, quickly picked up the phone, as if he had been beaten with blood.

"Grandpa, what happened to Shumeng? Is she sick?" Shen Jiao asked worriedly.

Shen Jiaxing sighed: "It's good to be sick, this child Shumeng is confused, she got married in the village where she went to the countryside!"

get married?

Shen Jiao felt as if a thunderous sound was remembered in the sky, and the shock made her brain clouded!

Qian Shumeng actually got married!

"Grandpa, who is Shu Meng married to? With Wu Gangqiang?" Shen Jiao asked anxiously.

Shen Jiaxing said disdainfully, "If it's Xiao Wu, you, Mr. Qian and your wife, won't be mad. The man is the son of the production captain of that village. He hasn't even finished primary school, so he's illiterate!"


Shen Jiao felt even more messy!

Why did Qian Shumeng find an illiterate?

And aren't she and Wu Gangqiang childhood sweethearts?

How can you marry someone else?

"Grandpa, could it be the production leader who forced Shumeng? I heard that production leaders in many places like to bully others!"

Shen Jiao thought about Hao Yuhua, and couldn't help but worry, and subconsciously felt that Qian Shumeng's marriage was also threatened, otherwise, how could Qian Shumeng like an illiterate?

Wu Gangqiang is much stronger than the son of the production leader of Lao Shizi!

Shen Jiaxing sneered: "Wenliang and his wife are also worried about this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The two couples rushed to Qian Shumeng's place to find out what was going on. If it was true that the production captain was bullying others, Wenliang said that he was desperate. I want to save my daughter!"

"But after Wenliang and his wife went there, they almost didn't make Qian Shumeng angry. How could they be forced? The couple's relationship is so good!"

Shen Jiao didn't believe it too much, and asked in doubt, "Impossible? Shumeng likes toughness, so how could she like others?"

Shen Jiaxing sneered: "Emotions are not gold, they won't change for 10,000 years, Qian Shumeng, she's empathetic and don't fall in love, and she even signed a marriage certificate with that man without Wenliang, when Wenliang and the others went there, money Shumeng has been in the stomach for three months, and in half a year, you, Mr. Qian, and the others will all be grandparents!"

Grandpa and grandma?

Three months pregnant?

Shen Jiao was scorched on the outside by this series of thunderstorms, and her mind was a little fuzzy!

Shen Jiaxing also rambled: "Your wife is so angry that she has a heart attack and asked Qian Shumeng to abort the child and divorce the man, but Qian Shumeng disagrees with anything, saying that your wife is cruel and inhumane, and she is a murderer. He also said that Wenliang interfered with the freedom of marriage, in short, he said a lot of crazy things, but fortunately Wenliang brought the heart-saving pill with him, otherwise your wife would not be able to come back!"

Shen Jiaxing sighed again and again, Qian Wenliang and his wife were the train he went to pick up when they came back, but he didn't surprise him at the time. When they went there, they were still energetic middle-aged people, but when they came back, they turned into a little old man with gray hair and a little old lady!

Even the back is closed!

The abuse, bullying, and heavy labor failed to crush these two couples, but now they are crushed by their daughter!


"Grandpa, what did Shumeng like about that man?" Shen Jiao didn't understand.

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