60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and seventy days fall a Romeo

Shen Jiaxing snorted: "What else can you like? According to your Mr. Qian, the production captain, the son, still looks like a dog, and his mouth is like smearing honey. I can't tell the difference, and my parents don't want it either!"

Shen Jiao felt bad when she heard this, a man with beautiful skin and accustomed to sweet words!

Why does she feel unreliable when she hears it?

"Grandpa, what is the character of this man? Is it reliable?" Shen Jiao asked again.

If you are a man of good character and a sense of responsibility, it doesn't matter whether you are illiterate or not, whether you are rural or not!

Shen Jiaxing sneered: "You, Mr. Qian, said it's not a good thing. The first time he saw it, he thought this guy was frivolous. If you can't do it, a second-rate person with high eyes and low hands, Shumeng will have to suffer in the future!"

"Why is she so confused in Shumeng!"

Shen Jiao was dying of anxiety. Such a man couldn't even compare to a hair on Brother Han. Isn't Qian Shumeng asking for trouble?

"She is very happy now, she has found the production captain, she doesn't have to work, she doesn't have to be bullied by others, and there are people coaxing her at home every day, not to mention how comfortable she is in a small life, huh, a short-sighted thing, Jiaojiao, You have to keep your distance from Qian Shumeng in the future, this girl will definitely be a big trouble in the future, don't get wet!" Shen Jiaxing warned.

His old man could foresee with his toes that Qian Shumeng would definitely regret his choice today!

At that time, the Qian family will really not be peaceful!

This kind of trouble can be avoided without worrying about it!

Shen Jiao replied obediently, "Grandpa, I know, don't worry!"

Shen Jiaxing was very pleased. With the negative example of Qian Shumeng, he felt that his granddaughter was the most obedient and filial in the world!

A girl like Qian Shumeng can't even compare to a single strand of Jiaojiao's hair!


"Jiaojiao, Grandpa's retirement report is not allowed to be approved. He said that he wanted to let Grandpa continue to stay in the factory to show off his residual heat. He also said that Grandpa is indispensable to the factory. Alas, Grandpa can't go there to accompany Jiaojiao!"

Shen Jiaxing's mood is very contradictory. He regrets not being able to reunite with his granddaughter, but also has the pride of being valued and needed!

It was the first time that Shen Jiao heard Shen Jiaxing talk about retirement. The old man was sixty-seven this year, so he could retire, but because Shen Jiaxing had Yangrong Pills to take care of his body, the sixty-seven old man was more than fifty-five. robust!

Although she also regrets that Shen Jiaxing can't come here to accompany her, she is even more happy that the old man can do what she likes!

She understands Shen Jiaxing's feelings for the textile factory better than anyone else!

"Grandpa, this shows that your old man's majesty is still the same, and the sword is not old. If you are in the factory, it is like having the Dinghai Shenzhen. How can they be willing to let you go!"

Shen Jiao vigorously patted the old man's ass, and she patted Shen Jiaxing until her mouth could not close, her face was full of chrysanthemums!

"How can Grandpa Jiaojiao say so much!"

Although Shen Jiaxing was humble in his mouth, he was full of pride in his heart. With the current leadership team in the factory, can the textile factory do well?

A bunch of **** dim sum who only know the top line!

Get paid for nothing!

Shen Jiao complimented him a few more words, and finally said: "Grandpa, don't you work like a young man and you'll die? If you let me know that you don't eat and sleep on time, hmph, you can be careful! "

Shen Jiaxing immediately assured: "Jiaojiao, rest assured, grandpa will definitely go to bed on time!"

He still wants to live a few more years to see Jiaojiao's child born and grow up!

How can you not take good care of your body?

Shen Jiao was satisfied, she reluctantly said a few words, and put down the hot microphone!

Shen Jiaxing put down the phone reluctantly, and the old man at the desk next to him asked, "Director Shen, who are you talking to? It's been an hour!"

"My granddaughter, she went to college in Dongping City, and she called me specifically to ask me to eat and sleep on time, not to work as hard as a young man, and to say this every time I call, it's annoying!"

The expression on Shen Jiaxing's face was completely different from what he said in his mouth, not to mention how proud he was!

Not surprisingly--

The colleague praised enviously: "Director Shen is really lucky to have such a filial granddaughter, who is still a college student, tsk tsk, it's really a blessing!"

"Where is!"

Shen Jiaxing was humble, with his hands behind his back, walking on a brisk little fox trot, he went to the workshop leisurely!

The old man behind him pouted quietly, and every time he would show off his granddaughter, poking at the heart of the old man, the evil capitalist!

Alas, who let their granddaughter be so good!

Not long after the phone call with Shen Jiaxing, Shen Jiao received a letter from Qian Shumeng. Since Qian Shumeng went to the countryside, she often wrote to Shen Jiao, and she always received a letter once a month, but since she came to school After that, it was the first time I received a letter.

Shen Jiao opened the envelope, and a blood-red maple leaf fell from it. It was as red as the setting sun. It was small and delicate, without even a single fold. It must have been caught in the book for a long time!

It seems that Qian Shumeng's life is not bad, at least she is still in the mood to play with flowers and plants!

It is Qian Shumeng's habit to put a leaf or dried flower in the envelope. She always said that she should put the beautiful four seasons in the envelope and send it to her friends and family.

Every letter she sent was filled with flowers and plants, and all of them were leaves or flowers that she carefully selected, and then carefully clipped them with a book, and then placed them under the pillow. Over time, they formed a beautiful specimen. .

Shen Jiao put the beautiful maple leaves into the box, where all the leaves, flowers and plants sent by Qian Shumeng, a friend's heart, she naturally had to collect it!

Qian Shumeng wrote three pieces of letter paper, she should be very happy when she wrote the letter, and even the correct italics gave her the feeling of flowing water, Shen Jiao could imagine Qian Shumeng's happiness through the letter paper!

"Dear Jiaojiao:

Good to see the letter~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I tell you a very happy happy event, I have found my half, I believe he is Romeo given to me by God, I am married to him, and we have The crystallization of our love, Jiaojiao, in the near future, you will be upgraded to be an auntie!

God is so kind to me, not only gave me Romeo, but also gave me a little angel, Tian, ​​Jiaojiao, I think I am the happiest person in the world, no one will be happier than me!


Jiaojiao, I need your blessings!

my dear friend!

Please bless me!



I wish you good health and happiness!

Your friend: Qian Shumeng

Written on the evening of November 6, 1975"

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