60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and seventy-one how much does Romeo earn (?? chanting doll i and clan +)

In the letter, Qian Shumeng probably talked about her love history with the production captain, son. In Qian Shumeng's words, after a long period of emotional brewing, the seeds of love sprouted at that moment and eventually grew into a towering tree!

Tightly intertwined!

No one can separate the two of them!

This girl, Qian Shumeng, is still a foreigner in her bones, and she always likes to talk about her love so blatantly. Shen Jiao got goosebumps several times when she saw this warm letter!

But she was still worried about her friends. The authorities were fascinated and bystanders were clear. Although she had never met Qian Shumeng's husband, from the letter alone, she felt that this Romeo was very unreliable!

According to Qian Shumeng, this man always helps her with her work, and is very considerate. He gives her herbal tea when the weather is hot, and smokes mosquitoes with wormwood for her.

When the weather is cold, she will go to the commune supply and marketing agency to buy a hot water bottle with the pocket money he has accumulated for several years, and ask for warmth. In short, he is very kind to her!

Shen Jiao doesn't think so. If a man wants to get you, he will naturally try his best to be nice to you. It's just to send some herbal tea and smoke some mosquitoes. How does this actually help Qian Shumeng's life?

Moreover, buying a hot water bottle will also use the pocket money that has been accumulated for several years!

What will Romeo do to support his family in the future?

Can herbal tea fill the belly?

And from what Qian Shumeng said, men often do romantic things for her, such as picking flowers and folding garlands, and now that she is pregnant, men often go hunting in the mountains, but only nine out of ten times. !

Shen Jiao curled her lips in disdain, Brother Han went hunting but returned with a full reward!

Such a man is really unreliable!

And Romeo?

Afraid of being a second-rate?

No wonder Mr. Qian and his wife were so angry that they had a heart attack!

Shen Jiao laid out the stationery and began to reply to Qian Shumeng. Seeing that her friend was trapped in the mud, she could not extricate herself from it. As a friend, she had to remind her that she had to fulfill her responsibilities. As for whether Qian Shumeng would not listen, she had no control!

"Dear Book Dream:

Good to see the letter! After reading your letter, please forgive me for not being able to send you blessings!

I heard you talk about your so-called romantic love. I can't disagree. Love is beautiful, but bread is more important!

Shumeng, have you thought about your future life?

No food, no money, nothing, do you and your children enjoy romance next to each other on an empty stomach?


Finally, let me ask you, how much money does your Romeo make every year? Is it enough to feed you and your children? If a man can't even feed his wife and children, then why should such a man marry a wife and have children? "

Shumeng, what I said might not sound good, but I still hope you can think more about real issues, love cannot be eaten as food, being full of love is just a lie, and no amount of sweet talk can fill you and your child's stomach!

Shen Jiao on November 15, 1975"

Because she was in a depressed mood, Shen Jiao did not return to the specimen as usual, her stomach was almost full, who would have the mind to fix these useless things!

Han Defu, who was eating dried fish with Xiaojiao next to her, saw Shen Jiao sighing, and asked, "What happened?"

Shen Jiao talked about Qian Shumeng and said angrily, "If Qian Shumeng was in front of me, I would definitely teach her a lesson. I only think about love every day. Is love useful?"

Because she was so angry, Shen Jiao even said foul language!

"People are courting death themselves, why are you so anxious? Let's worry about our dinner!"

Han Defu didn't know Qian Shumeng at all, so he lost interest when he heard it. He easily bit a large part of a dried fish, leaving a small part of his head to feed to Xiaojiao, one person and two cats. very happy.

Shen Jiao looked at the dried fish with only her head left, her heart was full of fire!

You eat the body of the fish by yourself, and give the head to Dabao and Xiaojiao, you have a bad heart!

"Eat, eat, eat all day long, and eat clear soup noodles at night!"

Shen Jiao grabbed the dried fish and glared at Handoff angrily. Like a submachine gun, she rushed into the kitchen!

Handoff shrugged indifferently, took out a dozen small dried fish from under his **** like a conjuration, snorted triumphantly, and continued to eat leisurely, how pleasant!

The next day she went to school, Shen Jiao stuffed the letter for Qian Shumeng into the mailbox. There was a mailbox at the entrance of the school, and people from the post and telecommunications office would come to receive the letter every morning. It was very convenient to send letters.

After thinking about it for a night, Shen Jiao also figured it out. Qian Shumeng chose the path of her life, and she has to bear the consequences. Whether it is bitter or sweet, she has to taste it herself!

Of course, she still hopes that Qian Shumeng will really find her destined destination and live happily ever after!

This morning was an organic chemistry class, the class that Shen Jiao was most afraid of. Those symbols knew her, but she didn't know them. These symbols were like ghosts, so she knew it was strange!

After finishing an organic chemistry class tremblingly, Shen Jiao was like a dream, top-heavy, and the water in her head was still swaying!

With a faint sigh, Shen Jiao put away the books in her heart, and then put away the neatly copied notebook. Although the teacher did not understand the class, the main points of the teacher's writing must be memorized. Drop down!

At least let the teacher see her serious study attitude!

Miao Shuifeng, who was sitting next to her, was also listening to the scriptures like Shen Jiao. She smashed her forehead angrily, and the thumping sound startled Shen Jiao.

"Sister Shui, what are you doing?"

"I'm really stupid. I can't understand what the teacher said. The villagers sent me to study, but I can't learn at all. How can I be worthy of the villagers!" Miao Shuifeng felt ashamed.

Her words resonated with many classmates. Speaking of which, the educational level of these classmates is generally not high, and some rote subjects are not bad~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's a big deal to get some sleep and memorize the thorns. !

But with organic chemistry, even scratching the scalp and stabbing the thighs, it won't work!

That's why, many students in the class feel the same as Shen Jiao Miao Shui Feng, they have a headache when they see organic chemistry!

"I don't think I'm a material for reading. Instead of wasting the country's rice grains like this, I might as well go home and farm to build the country. At least I can contribute my meager strength!"

The person who said this was an older male classmate. I heard that he had already married and had children. He used to be a good farmer in the production team, and he could win prizes in every farm work competition.

His words were approved by many people. Several classmates proposed to discuss with the instructor about dropping out of the school, not wanting to stay in school and waste the country's rice grains!

Seeing something bad, Sister Dong hurriedly said: "Don't worry everyone, learning is a step-by-step process, just like farming, it is impossible to sow seeds today and harvest food tomorrow, I have an idea here, you guys how do you feel?"

Everyone urged Sister Dong to talk about her idea, and the mood was high!

Sister Dong is not pretentious, and speaks out her method loudly. In fact, it is very simple. What she means is to set up a mutual help group.

This method was approved by everyone. In the end, they wrote the names of the students with poor grades on the paper ball, and the students with good grades went to draw lots.

Shen Jiao raised her brows subconsciously, she didn't like this way of learning too much, it should be said that she didn't like dealing with other people very much!

But it's not easy for her to show it, otherwise everyone will say she doesn't fit in with the group!

Now I only hope that she will be assigned to a familiar classmate, like Miao Shuifeng!

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