60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and seventy-two beauty and the beast

Although Shen Jiao's grades in organic chemistry were not very good, she was very good in other subjects, so she was naturally classified as a good grade by Sister Dong. Shen Jiao put her hand into the paper ball and grabbed one.

Open it up!

The frown deepened!

Is God playing her?

The person on the note turned out to be Gao Shufang!

This girl is a red lacquered toilet with a glossy surface, and Yexiang is full of Yexiang in her stomach, and her grades in every subject are even more stinky than Yexiang!

"Squad leader, I want to change someone."

Shen Jiao didn't want to feel wronged and let her study with Gao Shufang, she would rather not go to this university!

Dong Dajie took Shen Jiao's note in confusion, and when she saw Gao Shufang's name, she jumped in her heart, secretly screaming that it was not good!

Why is it so coincidental that these two enemies were made into one piece!

"Then I'll change with you. My team member is Shui Meizi, Xiao Shen, you are in a group with Shui Meizi, and Gao Shufang is in a group with me!" Sister Dong took the thorn in Gao Shufang's head.

Who made her the class leader!

Who let this bad idea come from her!

Who will go to **** if she doesn't go to hell?

Gao Shufang, who had been silent for a while, raised her eyebrows, snatched the note, and sneered, "Shen Jiao, why don't you want to be with me? You are discriminating against students with poor grades! You are selfish!"

Shen Jiao is not afraid of her: "I only discriminate against you, Gao Shufang, don't put yourself together with other classmates, you don't have to sully the reputation of other classmates, you are worse than poop, whoever sticks with you is who Unlucky!"

The corner of Sister Dong's mouth twitched, Xiao Shen wanted to say that she was going to have bad luck soon?

Shen Jiao also realized her slip of the tongue, and smiled apologetically at Big Sister Dong: "Squad leader, I'll give you toilet water when you spray it, and it won't stink!"

Sister Dong forced a smile: "Thank you, Xiao Shen!"

She said it as if she had body odor. For the sake of the bottle of toilet water, she didn't care about it like a child!

Gao Shufang shouted angrily, "Who are you talking about with the surname Shen? Do you know who my father is?"

Miao Shuifeng couldn't help but say, "We all know that your father is the commander. Gao, don't always say this. Your father asks you to come out every day. It's very hard!"


Shen Jiao covered her mouth and kept laughing. Under the leadership of Han Defu, Sister Shui's eloquence is really getting better and better!

"Yes, Gao Shufang, is your brain sick? You always ask people if they know who your father is? Who is your father and what do you do with me? I don't want your father to support me!" Shen Jiao raised her voice.

The other classmates all watched the big play with relish. It was the first time they saw a girl quarrel. They didn't expect that a beautiful girl like Shen Jiao would have such a good temper!

Shen Jiao didn't wait for Gao Shufang's response, and continued to fire her machine gun: "I just despise you, I just look down on you, I might as well look at the dung beetles on the ground!"

"Anyway, I just hate you, and I just don't want to teach you. I'm as stupid as a pig. Teaching you is a waste of my precious time!"


Under the dumbfounded eyes of everyone, Shen Jiao proudly raised her beautiful chin, looked down at Gao Shufang with a high attitude of contempt, and stepped on the other side in the mud!

The whole body is covered with mud!

Gao Shufang was so angry that her whole body was trembling, and she wanted to rush up and tear Shen Jiao's face apart, but she didn't dare!

The commander's wife came to warn her a few days ago, and told her to restrain herself in the future, not to oppose Shen Jiao, or go to the Great Northern Wilderness to open up the wasteland!

This is Gothe's original words!

Because Han Qixiu went to Gothe's office to chat with him about his present and future life!

Gao De, the commander of the military sub-district at the sunset west of the mountain, can't compete with Han Qingye's grandson, the rising star!

Compared with the possible benefits in the future, Gothe feels that the current priority is to keep the black gauze hat on his head!

With Gao De's warning, how could Gao Shufang dare to mess up again, no matter how much hatred she had, she would have to break her teeth and swallow it!

The surname is Shen, you wait for me, sooner or later one day I will let you know how powerful I am!

"Alright, alright, just follow my suggestion, Xiao Shen will help Sister Shui, and Gao Shufang and I will learn from each other and make progress!" Sister Dong smiled and smoothed things out.

"Who wants to learn from each other with your old ladies!"

Gao Shufang, who was full of anger, stared at Sister Dong angrily, and left the classroom angrily with the bucket around her waist!

Sister Dong stood there for a long time, stunned, ladies?

She is only twenty-eight years old, where is she old?

I'm so mad at the old lady, whether I love to learn or not, the old lady is still very happy!

Shen Jiao sympathetically glanced at the old ladies, Sister Dong, raised her chin at Miao Shuifeng, and went out together!

"Xiao Shen, our class is going to organize an autumn tour, 50 cents per person, do you want to go?" the old ladies shouted at the back.

Shen Jiao stopped, Qiuyou, it sounds very interesting!

"Go, this is my sister Tongshui's money!"

Shen Jiao took out a dollar and gave it to monitor Dong, and saw that there seemed to be not many classmates in Sister Dong's bookkeeping book, and most of them were students with better conditions.

She scolded Gao Shufang just now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Shen Jiao was in a very good mood, she thought about it for a while, then took out 11 yuan and 50 cents from her pocket and handed it over with a smile: "Squad leader, this time out Play my treat, the whole class will go!"

Everyone was stunned. Shen Jiao's move was too generous. It was a dozen yuan at once, which was enough to eat and drink for a month!

Shen Jiao smiled and said, "The classmates help each other!"

Sister Dong also laughed, she was worried that the number of people in the autumn tour was not enough, but Shen Jiao solved her problem, she ordered a little money, and smiled embarrassedly: "Xiao Shen, there are twenty-six people in our class, and you are one person short of it. !"

Shen Jiao passed a small white eye and looked at Sister Dong with the eyes of an idiot. She hummed, "Do you think I will pay Gao Shufang? My brain is not as sick as hers!"

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left, leaving behind the old ladies who were not very smart!

All of them are ancestors, they are not easy to serve!

Thanks to Shen Jiao's sponsorship, the autumn tour of Class 7511 went smoothly. Sister Dong and several cadres in the class, after a comprehensive investigation, decided to set the autumn tour on a hill on the outskirts of the city, and the time was this Sunday.

Shen Jiao's house was very lively on Saturday. Not only Han Qixiu and Zhu Siya came, but Qian Shuya came too. Zhu Siya picked it up. Seeing Shen Jiao, she happily wanted to rush up to shake hands and let Han Qixiu grab it. down.

"Your hands are dirty!"

Han Qixiu said coldly, Qian Shuya glanced at his white and tender claws, and did not dare to argue that his claws were not dirty!

This man is not easy to mess with, he has to be careful!

It's so pitiful for Jiaojiao to be with this man!

Beauty and the Beast!

Tsk tsk!

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