60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and ninety-three I am also underage

393 I am also underage

Seeing Liu Xing's discolored face, Zhu Siya sneered disdainfully, too lazy to care about him, and walked to Gothe.

"That old lady's nephew in your family is called Xu Aimin, right?"

"Yes, what's the matter?" Gothe was a little uneasy.

"It's nothing, I just told you that Xu Aimin, a toad, also has a share. I'm going to take off his leg. You tell your old ladies!"

Zhu Siya's attack of tiger power shocked the whole group of people in the conference room for a long time and didn't respond. When Zhu Siya walked to the door, Liu Xing finally came to his senses.

"Zhu Fenfang, you are so arrogant, how dare you threaten your superiors!" Liu Xing shouted angrily, he was so embarrassed just now that he was threatened by a soldier! ,

Zhu Siya turned around and chuckled, and said disdainfully, "My leader is in Province G. What kind of leader are you? Your family is a toad!"

After speaking, Zhu Siya opened the door and walked away, as if entering a realm of no one, extremely arrogant!

Liu Xing's face was extremely ugly, his chest was panting, his eyes flashed sinister!

Gao De, who had been pretending to be a quail, noticed Liu Xing's expression, his eyes flickered, and he hurriedly lowered his head to cover up the joy on his face.

In fact, his mood is not as unhappy as he has shown. The main culprit in this matter is the Liu family boy. From the Gao family, he didn't even blink his eyelids.

Moreover, Zhu Siya treated him politely just now, compared to slapping the table and pointing at the nose!

The most important thing is that Zhu Siya and Liu Xing are engaged!

This is what makes him the most cool!

Liu Xing, this bastard, relied on his brother's power to show off his power in the military division, and he did not take him as a commander in his eyes at all.

Zhu Siya is a brave man, and with Han Qixiu backing him, his fighting power is not bad. If this time, Zhu Siya can teach Liu Xing a lesson, it is best to get both sides hurt, then it will be better. .

Neither of them take him as a commander in their eyes, they are nothing!

Shen Jiao and Han Defu worked together to send Chang Hai to the hospital, and the doctor immediately performed an operation on him. Fortunately, Shen Jiao gave Chang Hai a hemostatic pill at the time, which stopped the internal bleeding, otherwise it would have dragged on for so long, and Chang Hai would have lost his mind. I still don't know if Hai's life can be saved!

When Zhu Siya and Liu Aifang arrived, Chang Hai was still in the operating room for rescue. As soon as Liu Aifang saw the flashing red light, her legs went soft and she fell to the ground.

"This... what's going on here? It was fine over the weekend, why should we be rescued?"

As a rural woman, Liu Aifang even gave birth to her children at home. She had never been to a hospital before, but when she saw the solemn atmosphere of the hospital and heard the word 'rescue', she panicked!

Shen Jiao comforted her softly: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, Chang Hai is only slightly injured, it's fine!"

"It's good that it's not in the way, it's good that it's not in the way..."

Liu Aifang couldn't stop talking, but her hands were still shaking, her eyes were fixed on the red light, she didn't know what to do!

After a century, the door of the operating room could be considered to be open, and Liu Aifang rushed up first, with a speed that even Zhu Siya couldn't match.

"Doctor, how is my son?" Liu Aifang asked anxiously.

The doctor smiled and nodded: "I'm out of danger. Fortunately, the patient was delivered in time, otherwise the outcome would be hard to say!"

"thanks, thanks!"

Liu Aifang burst into tears with joy, thanking her incessantly, a big stone could be regarded as falling to the ground.

Shen Jiao also breathed a sigh of relief, it's fine, it's a life after all!

Chang Hai's injury was only dangerous at the time. As long as the wound was sutured, he would recover very quickly, especially since he was in the age group with a strong metabolism, he was alive and kicking within two days!

Chang Yuzhu also rushed over at dusk that day. He didn't even change his training clothes. Han Qixiu and Serenity went to Kyoto. Naturally, he was in charge of the camp. He was busy every day.

Shen Jiao told the story of her discovery that Chang Hai was beaten by Liu Jun and others, and Liu Aifang angrily said, "Why did my Haizi provoke them? How can I make such a ruthless attack? This is to kill my Haizi. !"

"The head of the family, this matter can't be left alone. His Liu family is an official, but he doesn't want to bully people like this, right? I have to ask Chief Liu's staff to argue, why bully my son?"

At this moment, Liu Aifang is like a furious lioness, without the usual caution, she is going to find Liu Xing Theory!

Zhu Siya grabbed her and said, "I have already argued with Liu Xing, let's find out what happened first. Why did Liu Jun and the others fight Chang Hai?"

Chang Yuzhu also agreed very much. At this time, Chang Hai had already woken up from the anesthetic. Although his face was still bloodless, he was still in good spirits.

"Liu Jun wanted to make friends with Aunt Shen, but there were always people around Aunt Shen, so he asked me to make an appointment with Aunt Shen alone. After saying it several times, I didn't agree, and then they started. Aunt Shen was saved."

Shen Jiao's heart was furious when she heard it, and speaking like this, Chang Hai was still implicated by her!

"Sister-in-law Aifang, I'm the one who caused Haizi's trouble, I'm really sorry!" Shen Jiao apologized to Liu Aifang.

Liu Aifang was naturally a little uncomfortable. Her son almost died because of protecting Shen Jiao. She felt really uncomfortable, but she also knew that she couldn't blame Shen Jiao for this matter. Speaking of which, Shen Jiao saved her son's life. !

"Xiao Shen, don't say that~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It has nothing to do with you, it's all the bad things that Liu Jun and Xu Aimin did, these wicked things!" Liu Aifang said bitterly.

Liu Jun and Xu Aimin were sent to the Public Security Bureau by the enthusiastic picket uncle, and they are still in the bureau. As soon as Chang Hai was out of danger, Shen Jiao and the others rushed to the Public Security Bureau, and Chang Yuzhu followed. .

He has an old comrade-in-arms who transferred to work as a police officer in Dongping City. He has acquaintances who are easy to handle!

"These people are all minors. At most, they are educated and sent to the juvenile detention center to stay. But this Liu Jun, let me tell you straight, I will stay here for three days at most, and I will be discharged after three days. I can go out."

Chang Yuzhu's comrade-in-arms is a strong man in his forties, surnamed Jian and given name Chunjun. He seems to have a very close relationship with Chang Yuzhu.

Jian Chunjun was right at all, not long after Shen Jiao and the others arrived, Liu Jun was picked up by his mother, on the grounds that he was a minor instigated by others, and before leaving, he arrogantly smiled at Shen Jiao and the others, and compared little finger.

Zhu Siya snorted coldly, and when Liu Jun's mother and son walked out of the gate of the Public Security Bureau, she strode out and picked up Liu Jun.

Shen Jiao's thoughts moved, and she also rushed out, stopping Zhu Siya who was about to start: "Sister Siya, I'll come!"

After she finished speaking, she kicked Liu Jun's lower body fiercely!

Liu Jun bowed his body like a shrimp in pain, and the chief of staff's wife was furious and stared at Shen Jiao angrily.

"I'm also underage!"

Shen Jiao raised her chin proudly!

The old sheep loves to eat fish

Thank you for the He Shibi of n, the sachet of book friend 1604****0715, and the peace amulet of Miracle Life 123, book friend 229***52, ya1981021,!

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