60s: Petite Wife

: Three hundred and ninety-four personal lessons

394 Personal Lessons

The chief of staff's wife shouted angrily: "If someone commits a crime in public, do you police ignore it?"

As early as the moment Zhu Siya followed him out, Jian Chunjun and the others turned their backs in unison, and went to work in a hurry. When they heard the words of the chief of staff, they all pretended to be surprised and said:

"How could this happen? It's so daring, who is it?"

The chief of staff's wife pointed at Shen Jiao and Zhu Siya and scolded, "It's them two **** who kicked my son's life!"

Jian Chunjun secretly exclaimed, if it weren't for his uniform, he would have wanted to teach this **** a lesson!

It's better if the scourge is broken, so as not to harm other girls!

"Is there any evidence?" Jian Chunjun was businesslike.

The chief of staff's wife said stunned: "I saw it, I am the witness!"

"Comrade, you are the victim's immediate family, can't you be a witness, are there any other witnesses?" Jian Chunjun said.

"It's right at the gate, can you see it at such a distance?" The chief of staff's wife was furious.

Everyone shook their heads like a rattle: "I'm busy with work, I didn't see it."

The chief of staff's wife was so angry that she fell to her knees. She was not a fool. She knew that these people would not help her, so she had to grit her teeth and suffer from this dull loss, and then she would teach these ignorant things in the future!

"Wait and see!"

The chief of staff's wife threw down three words bitterly, and walked away with her son angrily.

Shen Jiao looked at Liu Jun's slender figure, and the strange feeling in her heart came up again. She came back and asked, "Comrade Jian, is this Liu Jun really underage? Why don't I think it's different!"

Chang Yuzhu and Jian Chunjun smiled bitterly at the same time. Another male police officer, who was younger, couldn't help but said: "You are a minor, this year is twenty-two years old. The old corn on the cob pretends to be tender, bah!"

Shen Jiao widened her eyes and asked in surprise, "Then what's his age in the household registration book?"

"Seventeen years old." Jian Chunjun replied.

Handoff laughed angrily: "If you change to five years younger, it's a loss for them to do it? Why don't you change it to fifteen years old!"

Jian Chunjun said with a sarcastic smile, "I changed it five times, and every time I changed it to seventeen years old, Liu Jun has celebrated his five seventeenth birthdays!"

"Why do they want to change their age?" Shen Jiao was very puzzled.

Chang Yuzhu sneered, his son's injury made this good man unable to hold back his anger.

"There are many advantages to changing your age. Liu Jun often causes troubles. He doesn't need to be sentenced at a young age, and he can be released after an education. Liu Jun has taken several lives on his hands, and he would have been shot several times if it were someone else!"

Only then did Shen Jiao understand that the reason for changing her age was to avoid punishment!

"Why isn't anyone in charge? Could this guy be allowed to act recklessly?" Shen Jiao said angrily.

Jian Chunjun and Chang Yuzhu smiled wryly again, Liu Jun's uncle covered the sky with only one hand in S province, how could anyone dare to care?

Xu Aimin was picked up after a while. It was the commander's wife. She still loved her nephew. Even though she was scolded by the commander-in-chief, she still managed to get her nephew out.

Zhu Siya thought of the rhetoric she had put down earlier, and when Madam Commander and the others walked farther, they dragged Xu Aimin into the alley, and then snapped Madam Commander's chin.

Too lazy to listen to ghosts!

"Why did Liu Jun beat my sister?" Zhu Siya said coldly.

Xu Aimin was so frozen by Zhu Siya's body that she couldn't even speak. She stammered and asked, "You...you... who is the girl?"

"I, don't you know me?" Shen Jiao came over.

Xu Aimin groaned inwardly, and then she remembered how sacred Zhu Siya was, and her teeth shook even more!

"Speak or not?"

Zhu Siya stretched out her hand and tugged on his arm, and with a cluck, Xu Aimin cried out in pain, and Handoff was annoyed, and he also detached his chin and his other chin with two snaps. .

Poor Xu Aimin has never been tortured like this since he was born!

Where can I bear it? I begged for mercy after a while.

Zhu Siya slapped him with a slap in the ear, then connected her two arms for him, clasped her fists and looked at him with cold eyes.

Xu Aimin swallowed his saliva, and said to Ai expectantly, "Liu Jun saw Shen Jiao at the school gate last time, so he became interested and asked Chang Hai several times, but Chang Hai refused to say that Liu Jun had a new ride recently. The last beautiful female classmate forgot about this, but my cousin she..."

Speaking of which, Xu Aimin paused and glanced at the commander's wife, feeling guilty and panicking!

The aunt was kind to him, but now his life is going to be lost. Naturally, his life is the most important thing!

"What happened to your cousin?" Zhu Siya asked.

Xu Aimin swallowed her saliva and whispered, "Cousin, she found Liu Jun and said that Shen Jiao was a capitalist lady, and she was playing for nothing, and also said that Han battalion commander was just a small battalion commander with no background, and she did not dare to be with Liu. The military opposes..."

Zhu Siya patted Shen Jiao, who was so angry, and asked, "So Liu Jun listened to Gao Shufang and asked Chang Hai to ask my sister out?"


Xu Aimin nodded, not daring to raise his head, afraid of Zhu Siya and the commander's wife.

Zhu Siya sneered and walked to the commander's wife: "Why did your vixen come out and jump again? It seems that your words are useless, this time I will teach her personally!"

The commander's wife screamed anxiously, but she could only make a whimpering sound!

Zhu Siya walked up to Xu Aimin~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and suddenly kicked his right leg!


Xu Aimin didn't even have time to call, his eyes darkened and he lay down on the ground!

The right leg was kicked off by Zhu Siya!

She has let her go in front of so many people. If she doesn't break a leg, how will she mess around in the future!

"Let's go!"

Zhu Siya clapped her hands, and regardless of the two aunts and nephews, she dragged Shen Jiao away.

"Sister Si Ya, that old lady's chin hasn't been put on yet!" Handoff remembered after walking out of the alley.

Zhu Siya said with an expressionless face, "It's okay, I can't die!"

The big deal is that you will become habitually dislocated in the future. It's not a big deal!

Han Defu and Shen Jiao imagined the scene where the commander's wife would laugh or shout, and her chin would fall off, and they felt relieved!

Gao Yuzhu had returned to the camp beforehand, but Zhu Siya was not in a hurry to go back, but went to the school and let Shen Jiao get Gao Shufang out.

It was relatively easy to hook up with Gao Shufang. Now that it was getting dark, Gao Shufang was staying in the dormitory. Shen Jiao didn't go upstairs.

"Shen Jiao, the People's Liberation Army is looking for it!"

With Gao Shufang's wishful thinking about Han Qixiu, after hearing this, she would definitely run down to see what happened. Maybe she even wanted to hook up with Han Qixiu while Shen Jiao wasn't around!

Sure enough, after a while, Gao Shufang ran down out of breath and looked around.

Handoff stepped forward and hugged Gao Shufang's shoulders affectionately, and said in a low voice, "Come out with me, or I'll strip you of your clothes!"

The old sheep loves to eat fish

The second one!

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