After discovering this problem, Su Yi was surprised and happy.

After all, for so many years, pork has always been a planned commodity that needs to be purchased with a ticket, and demand is seriously in short supply.

In the past two years, since subcontracting to households, I heard that a large number of pig-raising collectives and individuals have appeared in the countryside.

The price of live pigs has finally been liberalized, and the prices are getting lower and lower.

After having this idea, Suyi Food Factory couldn't stay any longer and hurriedly walked out the door.

Seeing her in a hurry, Lin Zexi thought something big had happened and hurriedly ran after her.

"What's going on? Why did you run away before you even entered the workshop?"

Su Yi turned around and smiled at him, "Third brother, the plan you just mentioned doesn't work. We can't add large pieces of meat to our instant noodles for the time being, but I think of another better way."

Lin Zexi's darkened eyes suddenly lit up, "What can you do? Tell me quickly?"

"Then you drive me, and we can go to Dad to discuss it together."


Liao Zhengmin has lived in Hong Kong for so many years and should be no stranger to ham products, so it is most appropriate to discuss with him now.

Sure enough, when Su Yi and Lin Zexi arrived home, they talked about the suggestions in the letters from people in the food factory.

Liao Zhengmin's first reaction was also to use ham instead, but his idea was that of canned lunch meat.

Su Yi immediately voted against it and then drew the shape of the ham sausage that he had grown up with.

"This kind of packaging is convenient and cheap, and the quantity is just right. One ham sausage can just go with a pack of instant noodles. What do you think?"

Liao Zhengmin and Lin Zexi both nodded repeatedly, "This is best."

After working in the past few years, Su Yi has developed a fiery work attitude.

Two people agreed, and Su Yi hurriedly went to inquire about the ham sausage filling machine.

After asking around, I couldn't find similar machinery and equipment in China, and no one could customize it.

In this way, the only choice is to buy filling machines imported from abroad.

After all, overseas contacts are not as convenient as at home, and a lot of information is not transparent. Things suddenly reached a deadlock.

Just when Su Yi was at a loss what to do, he suddenly found out that the International Food Machinery Expo was about to be held in Shanghai.

As the name suggests, what will be on display are the most advanced food industry machinery and equipment from all over the world.

Presumably there should also be a filling machine for ham sausage.

After learning the news, Su Yi was excited and excited. She quickly called Lin Zexi to make time and accompany him on a business trip to Shanghai.

The time for the business trip was set, but Su Yi at home was still uneasy.

This was the first time she went on a business trip since giving birth to her child, and the first time she spent the night away from her two children.

Her family members are very supportive of her, "You can just go back to work. There are so many people at home, and the children will be taken care of!"

With the support of her family, Su Yi was actually relieved. She was just worried that her two children would not get used to not seeing her at night.

Fortunately, Zhou Jinchuan usually takes care of a lot of children, so it should be better with him around at night.

On the morning of departure, Zhou Jinchuan specially drove the two of them to the airport.

When they came out of the house, Chenchen and An An were alone in their grandfather's arms and the other in their grandmother's arms.

The two children thought their mother was going to work, so they happily waved to her and said goodbye.

Su Yi looked through the rearview mirror and saw the two children waving, and couldn't help but blush.

She suddenly realized that the person she couldn't let go of the most was actually her, not the two children.

Zhou Jinchuan had seen her in books a long time ago and knew that she suffered from separation anxiety as a mother, so he stayed with her and told her happy things along the way to relieve her anxiety.

He also told her the detailed plan of taking care of the children in the past two days.

He knew that the more specific he was, the more reassured the mother would be.

Sure enough, after arriving at the airport, Su Yi's mentality improved significantly.

"Thank you for your hard work these two days. I'll buy a plane ticket and come back as soon as I'm done."

"Well, don't worry. Give me a call when you're busy tonight. I'll be at home, so your child can rest assured!"

After getting on the plane, Su Yi immediately entered work mode.

He took Lin Zexi to look at the information about the filling machine that he had collected from abroad.

Don't worry if you don't know anything and will be easily deceived by others.

After getting off the plane, the two immediately found a taxi and went straight to the expo.

Today is the first day of the expo. In order to save time, the two of them did not come a day in advance.

Fortunately, the two of them were very purposeful and went straight to the filling machinery exhibition area after entering the hall.

After some inquiring, the two finally found such equipment at a foreign booth. Su Yi suppressed the ecstasy in her heart and calmly visited and inquired about all the conditions of the equipment.

After getting to know each other, the two walked around the exhibition hall again.

I also found similar equipment elsewhere, but none of them were as good as the one I looked at before.

After making up their minds, the two returned to the booth of the first filling machine company and sat down to discuss the price, installation and other details in detail.

Unexpectedly, Su Yi and Lin Zexi were dumbfounded when they saw the quotation.

Such a set of equipment, including conveyor belt installation, plus on-site guidance from technicians, etc., all add up to nearly one million sets.

What is the concept of one million? In this era when households with ten thousand yuan are still rare, one million is an unimaginable number for a group, let alone an individual.

When the two came out of the Expo, they were both silent.

Seeing that her younger sister was frowning, Lin Zexi took the initiative to comfort her, "Why don't we think of other ways? If it doesn't work, we won't make this ham sausage. It doesn't matter whether we can sell it or not! Right?"

Su Yi was thinking about something with her head down. When she heard what her third brother said, she quickly stopped him, "Who said we won't make it? We have to make it, and as long as this ham sausage is made, it will definitely sell well."

After all, she had personally experienced the glory of ham sausage in the future.

To be honest, the equipment for this ham sausage is expensive, but there is a reason why it is expensive.

Take instant noodles for example. Although the equipment for instant noodles is much cheaper, instant noodles are semi-automatic, and many links require a lot of manpower, so there are several production workshops for a bag of instant noodles.

And this set of equipment for ham sausage is fully automatic, from washing, cutting, pickling, mixing, filling and sterilizing pork, all are operated by machines.

So on the surface, the equipment cost of ham sausage is expensive, but after mass production, the profit will definitely be much higher than instant noodles.

After Su Yi explained her thoughts in detail, Lin Zexi was also a little shaken.

At first, he would never dare to think about the figure of one million.

But now, after listening to the girl's words, he suddenly felt that this equipment was actually a cash cow made of pure gold. Although it was expensive to buy, it would drop gold.

"But after all, where can we get such a large amount? Or should we discuss it with Liao Dad first?"

Su Yi shook his head, "I will think of a way first, and then talk to Liao Dad if it is not enough."

After all, you can't go to Liao Zhengmin every time you need funds.

Besides, Su Yi has saved hundreds of thousands of profits from restaurants, food factories and pharmaceutical factories in recent years.

In addition, she plans to find an opportunity to sell a batch of ginseng in the space.

When the time comes, we will get all the money together and talk about it later!

When Lin Zexi heard this, he immediately said that he would take out all his savings over the years.

"We can always find a way to solve the money problem, but we have to be careful not to be cheated by foreigners. What if they take the deposit but don't ship the goods, or the goods they send have problems?"

Su Yi pursed his lips and smiled, "I have a way. Let's go to them tomorrow."

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