Su Erqiang received a solid slap on the face.

I was dazed for a moment and didn't react, and then I received another slap.

After reacting, his eyes were red with anger, and he directly clenched his fists to greet Su Yi again.

It's a pity that Su Yi easily dodged it every time, and was slapped one after another.

Until the end of the fight, Su Yi was still the same Su Yi.

The corners of Su Erqiang's mouth were bleeding, and his cheeks were swollen.

Zhang Guilan felt extremely distressed when she saw it, and immediately stood up to find a stick for help.

Su Yi shouted quickly, "Stop, didn't you just say that if you can't beat the dick, you can't live in the house? Since you agree that whoever has the strongest fist can live in the house, why do you still want to go against it?"

Zhang Guilan was so angry that she pointed at Su Yi's nose and didn't know what to scold for a long time.

Su Yi snorted coldly, "If you think I'm wrong, then go outside and call the big guys to come over and comment. Is there any reason to leave the house unoccupied and let the daughter sleep in the pig pen?"

Su Xingfa heard that she wanted to make trouble outside again.

He was so angry that he slammed the table, "That's enough, the second child should move in and live in the same room as the fourth child!"

Seeing the complaint, Su let go of Su Erqiang's collar and asked him with a smile, "Second brother, are you convinced? If not, we will continue to fight tomorrow?"

Su Erqiang gasped and couldn't help shouting, "Crazy! The third child is crazy!"

Su Yi snorted, "Su Erqiang, you owe me this. I've been punched by you a lot since I was a kid."

"Anyway, I have been in the army for a few months now, and I have learned some self-defense skills. I advise you not to mess with me, otherwise you will be left with nothing to eat."

As Su Erqiang, who has the highest strength in the family, he was truly frightened this time.

Even Su Xingfa and Zhang Guilan were dumbfounded and did not dare to say anything.

Su Sanhu was even more of a coward and didn't dare to say anything.

Su Yi entered the house and locked the door directly.

The house was in such a mess, and she wasn't going to clean it up today.

Prepare to sleep directly into the space, which is safe and comfortable.

Su Yi raised the quilt on the bed and pretended that someone was sleeping under the quilt.

Then he walked straight into the space and ate two hot white buns.

After eating another banana, I fell asleep contentedly.

Probably because he was too tired during the day, Su Yi slept extremely deeply that night.

I didn't even know someone broke in the door in the middle of the night and took something.

When Su Yi woke up, she found that her baggage had been opened, except for a few clothes.

All the remaining snacks and such were taken away.

You know who did it without even thinking.

Su Yi quietly opened the door and walked out, and went to the next room to see that Su Erqiang and Su Sanhu were still sleeping soundly.

But Su Xingfa and Zhang Guilan have disappeared.

Apparently he left the house early in the morning.

While the two of them were away, Su Yi walked in quietly.

After looking around, she found the snacks and pastries she had brought back on the table, only half of them were missing.

She was originally going to give these things to the village chief so that he could find someone to do things for him, so she got them out in the open.

Unexpectedly, these parents would be so shameless as to break open the door in the middle of the night to steal something.

Thinking of this, Su Yi directly collected the remaining snacks in the space without saying a word.

Then he started rummaging through the two people's room again.

They were unkind first, don't blame her for being unjust later!

Su Yi turned over a piece of kraft paper under the mattress and took it out. When he opened it, it was a handkerchief. When he opened the handkerchief again, there was a full 600 yuan in it. He put it into the space without saying a word.

Yesterday I asked her if she would take any of the three hundred yuan, and she said she would keep it all for the second and fourth children to get a wife.

Okay, now, take them all! See what she can do to get them a wife? !

Then he rummaged through the closet and found several brand new pieces of clothing, which he also collected.

The original owner had never worn a new piece of clothing since he was a child. He either picked up his brother's clothes or his mother's clothes, so now he just makes up for it.

After searching the above, Su Yi rummaged through several boxes of snacks and malted milk in the drawer under the wardrobe. The packaging was so exquisite that they didn't look like they were bought in a small place.

Su Yi had a slight doubt in his mind and threw it directly into the space.

Then I found some meat tickets, candy tickets, watch tickets and radio tickets on the bottom layer.

It looks like I don't know where I got it from, maybe it was for the second brother's wedding.

Thinking of this, Su Yi went straight to the main room, only to find that there was indeed a brand new bicycle parked in the room.

It seems that it was bought for the second child as a pretext for a blind date.

Looking at it this way, although the Su family is not rich, at least their life is not as poor as the original owner thought.

At least you shouldn’t eat pickled vegetables every day.

Then think of the bodies of the second and fourth children.

Su Yi suddenly understood. It seemed that the original owner's 20-year-old pickles were in vain. She didn't know how many good things they ate behind her back!

After collecting these, Su Yi looked around and found that there was nothing valuable at home.

She just came back yesterday and will stay here for a while. The remaining worthless things will be kept to see how they perform later!

After finishing these tasks, Su Yi directly took a basin of water from the kitchen, went to the room of the second and fourth children, and poured it on them.

Su Erqiang and Su Sanhu slept soundly.

Suddenly a basin of cold water was poured on him, and he jumped out of bed.

After seeing clearly that it was Su Yi, he immediately waved his fist to hit him.

"There's a thief in the house! No matter how I yell, you just won't wake up!"

"Hurry up, both of you! I'm going to the town to report to the police now!"

After saying that, he turned around and walked out.

Su Xingfa and Zhang Guilan had just stepped into the yard when they heard their two sons screaming like pigs being slaughtered.

Then they heard Su Yi say that there was a thief in the house and she was going to report the case.

Before Su Yi walked out of the door, the two hurriedly grabbed her, "Where are you going?"

Su Yi hurriedly shouted, "Dad and Mom, there is a thief in the house, hurry up and report the case to the town to catch the thief."

When the two heard this, they held her tightly and would not let go.

"Xiaoyi, don't worry, there's no thief in the house."

"Yes, I've taken out the snacks you brought back as a gift to us. We sent half of them to your grandparents' house this morning, and they praised you."

Su Yi sneered, "So it was a thief in the house. It's good that he didn't throw it outside. When I woke up in the morning, I saw that the house was turned upside down and I thought there was really a thief?"

"Messy?" A trace of doubt suddenly flashed through Zhang Guilan's heart. She clearly remembered that she only turned over the bag and came out.

While she was wondering, Su Erqiang's heartbreaking voice came from the main room, "Dad, how many times have I told you that you can't ride my bicycle. If you ride it and it's old and dirty, how can I pick up other girls for a ride?"

Su Xing was so angry that he stomped his feet, "What are you yelling about so early in the morning? Don't say that I didn't touch your precious bicycle at all. Even if I rode it, what would happen?"

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Guilan's legs were half weak and she ran into the house.

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