Zhang Guilan ran to the main room in one breath and saw that the bicycle she had just put in the main room last night was missing.

He was so anxious that he shouted at the top of his lungs, "Who stole my bicycle!"

When Su Erqiang heard that it had been stolen, he jumped up and down anxiously. He pulled Su Yi and asked, "There was really a thief at home? When did it happen? Why didn't I hear anything?"

Su Yi blinked, "I didn't see it either. I just got up and found that something in my bag was missing, so I hurriedly called you two, but couldn't wake you up, so I went to the next room to call my parents, and found that my father was Mom was not in the house, and the house was in a mess, so I hurriedly woke you two up, and I was about to report the crime. "

When Zhang Guilan heard that there was something going on in her room, she was so anxious that she ran towards her own room.

As soon as he entered the door, he found that the door of the large wardrobe was wide open, everything inside had been turned out, and the drawers were also open.

Zhang Guilan felt her head buzzing and forced herself to turn over the mattress.

Seeing how empty it was down there, I fainted without even taking a breath.

When Su Xingfa saw this, he also became confused.

"Quick, quick, go to the village chief's house and borrow a tractor to take your mother to the hospital."

"Hurry up and find the police to catch the thief."

"And call your elder brother quickly and ask him to come back and take a look."

Su Erqiang was grieving for his lost bicycle and learned that the money and tickets his family had prepared for his wedding were also lost.

He sat dejectedly in the main room and refused to move.

Su Sanhu was originally a naughty child, and he couldn't be counted on when something happened.

Su noticed that Su Xing was giving orders everywhere in a hurry, and asked hurriedly, "Dad, there is no hope for them both. Which one do you want me to do first?"

Su Xingfa was so angry that he pointed at Su Yi, his eyes widened and he was speechless.

Su Yi nodded, "Okay, then I'll go find the village chief first."

After leaving the door, Su Yi went straight to the village chief's house according to his memory.

He told him that Zhang Guilan fainted from anger after her home was robbed.

The village chief quickly took a few people to see it.

Sure enough, the room was in chaos.

Su Xingfa hugged Zhang Guilan and beat the ground angrily.

Both sons sat on the ground, bewildered.

The village chief shook his head. This family didn't have anyone who could be useful at this critical moment. Su Yi was the more reliable girl.

I know how to find people and speak clearly.

Immediately, she did as she said on the way, "Quick, you two will help carry Zhang Guilan to the tractor outside, and you two will help go to the town to report the crime."

After saying that, he looked at Su Yi again, "Which of you will stay and wait for the police? Who will follow you to the hospital?"

Su Yi was preparing to find an opportunity to go to the county.

He immediately said, "I'll go to the hospital! It's convenient for my girl's family to take care of her. I don't know what's missing at home. Let the three of them wait at home for the police."

The village chief nodded, "This is best."

After making arrangements, Su Yi quickly stretched out his hand in front of Su Xingfa, "Dad, I don't have a penny on me, please give me some money."

Su Xingfa yelled at her, "Where do I have money? All the money was stolen from your mother!"

Su Yi pursed her lips, "Then you can't yell at me. How can you go to the doctor if you don't have money? Do you want to watch my mother die?"

The onlookers also spoke for Su Yi, "Your father's private money was also stolen? If it's not stolen, just give it to the girl as soon as possible!"

"Hey, Zhang Guilan is usually very kind to them, but at the critical moment, the girl is the most reliable. If you expect them to survive, they will die!"

"That's right, two days ago I saw Erqiang going to the county to buy new clothes. Sanhu himself also went to the supply and marketing cooperative in the town to buy food. How could he have no money?"

Su Xingfa saw that everyone was watching the fun.

He was so angry that he called his two sons into the house.

After a while, he came out with more than 20 yuan, "That's all I found. You can use it first. If it's not enough, call your elder brother and sister-in-law and ask them to come over."

Only then was Su Yi satisfied, and went out with the money and got on the tractor.

As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the village, they saw Qin Yunfeng and Bai Ruolin standing there waiting for the bus.

Seeing the tractor, the two waved to stop from a distance, "Is this vehicle going to the county?"

Before the villager who was driving could answer, Su Yi silently stretched out his head from behind and said, "We are in a hurry to go to the hospital and can't take you with us."

Bai Ruolin rolled her eyes, "Why can't I take her with me? Isn't the hospital also in the county?"

Qin Yunfeng took a look at the situation inside the car and found that Zhang Guilan had fainted.

He quickly glanced at Su Yi with concern, "Auntie, what's wrong? Is it okay? Why are you the only girl taking her to the hospital? I'll go with you!"

Su Yi sneered, "Okay, come up."

"My mother kept complaining of dizziness and discomfort after she came back from your house yesterday, and then she fainted in the morning."

"It just so happens that you guys should go there together. When she wakes up, she will settle the account directly with you. Did you bring the money?"

When Qin Yunfeng heard this, he immediately withdrew his foot that had stepped on the car.

Bai Ruolin hurriedly pulled Qin Yunfeng, "Forget it, if she doesn't want to take us with her, we won't take her with her. Why are she still saying such things to scare us?"

Su Yi also rolled his eyes at the two of them, "If you keep holding the car like this and not letting us leave, my mother will really be hopeless. You just wait until then."

As soon as the words fell, the two of them took a few steps back.

Su Yi curled her lips and shouted to the driver, "Uncle, you can go."

In fact, Zhang Guilan had woken up when she was just carried into the car, but she was too embarrassed to stay.

Thinking about the mess at home, she didn't feel like staying.

It would be better to go to the hospital for a physical check-up to avoid being blamed by others.

Later, she heard her husband and two sons hesitant and unwilling to pay, and her heart sank.

She was in such a state, but no one was willing to come with her.

In the end, it was the dead girl she hated the most who came with her.

Thinking of this, Zhang Guilan not only did not feel grateful to Su Yi, but also felt that all these bad things were caused by her return.

Just now, the kid from the Qin family was about to get on the car.

She had to make the matter of asking for money so bluntly and explicitly, how could people not be afraid?

After thinking about it, it was her fault, otherwise a lot of medical expenses could be saved.

Zhang Guilan pretended to sleep all the way, and cursed Su Yi all the way in her heart.

In fact, Su Yi had already discovered that she was pretending to faint when she got on the car.

Anyway, it was not her money, so if she wanted to go to the hospital, then go.

It was just right that I could find an opportunity to go to the county and continue to sell the things in the space.

When they arrived at the hospital, the driver helped carry Zhang Guilan, and Su Yi pretended to shout for help.

When he saw the doctor, Su Yi hurriedly told the situation.

"After the stimulation, the person fainted directly, and has not woken up until now."

The doctor also felt a little strange after the examination, "The blood pressure is a little high, but it's not enough to faint until now."

Su Yi panicked, "Doctor, my mother is not going to die, is she? No matter how much it costs, you must make her wake up, or give her acupuncture to try."

The doctor was very upset, "We are Western medicine."

Su Yi laughed dryly, "I forgot in a hurry. Anyway, you don't have to worry about the money. As long as you can save her, it doesn't matter how much money you spend or what equipment you use."

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