Chapter 84 Chen Haijun’s Threat

Lu He and Zhang Ying took turns counting the money several times. When they were sure that there were really so many, Zhang Ying excitedly threw herself into Lu He's arms and cried, "Boooo! Brother He, we have money, lots and lots of money, woohoo!"

"Well! Daughter-in-law, we are rich, we are rich..." Lu He also hugged Zhang Ying excitedly and kept repeating that they were rich. Although he knew that they had made a lot of money before, the money was not divided in one day. After that, everyone had no idea for a whole day. Now that they really got the money in their hands, they finally believed that they really had money.

“With the remaining few hundred yuan, I want to install some fans in the store.” Ning Xi smiled and looked at Lu Nan, “Can we trouble Secretary Zhou to find a way to get us some fans?”

Hearing Ning Xi say that he wanted to get a fan, Lu He immediately said, "Get a few more. I have to buy one for my parents. Xiao Lin and Xiao Yu also need one each. My father-in-law, mother-in-law, and brother-in-law will also prepare two units." , by the way, your second sister-in-law and I also want one."

“Second brother’s side has six. We need three at home, five in the store, two in the store, and three in the production room. Tang Xiang can take one from the production room into the piano house at night.”

Lu He added, "Xiaonan is helping me get two TVs. My parents, father-in-law and mother-in-law have been working hard all their lives, so I have to let them enjoy it."

After hearing this arrangement from several children, Lu Zhenghai immediately said, "I don't need a fan. Xiaobei and I can sleep together. We don't need a TV at home. Xiaobei will take the college entrance examination next year and can't focus on TV. Besides, school is about to start." We have to move to the town before, and moving the TV around is troublesome.”

"Xiao Bei has his own private space when he is older. Dad, please don't always live in the same house with him. We are not short of money now and there is no need to save money. We still need to buy a TV. It is good to watch the news when you have nothing to do. It will be difficult to move it in the countryside. , just put it in the town, what do you think, Brother Nan!"

Lu Nan just smiled and said, "Just arrange it."

“Okay, let’s go and save the money first. It’s not safe to have so much money in our hands.” At this time, everyone didn’t have the awareness to put money in the bank, and everyone chose to hide the money they had at home.

 In fact, this is very unsafe. If you know that your home is rich, thieves will visit from time to time. Even if the thief doesn't come, if you don't hide the money and let the mice bite you, you will just cry.

 Zhang Ying stood up immediately, "Okay, Brother He, wait while I get you your ID card and deposit the money."

After a while, the four people went out with the money. There were not many people in the credit union. After the four people went in, they found two windows to deposit money. Lu Nan first took out his salary card and handed over the salary that had not been withdrawn before. Ning Xi took out Ning Xi's ID card and handed it to the staff.

 “Brother Nan.” The family is all headed by men, but he keeps the money with her. Isn’t he afraid that she will take the money and run away?

“There are rules in the team. I can’t put too much money in my account.”

Lu Nan said this. Ning Xi didn't say much, but she knew that the team would never check the accounts for no reason. Even if they checked, the source of the money could be told, and it would not cause any harm to Lu Nan. any impact.

He used this as an excuse because he wanted her to be the head of the family. It didn't matter who was the head of the house, she or him. Anyway, she would think of everything about the family and arrange it properly.

 After saving the money, Lu He rode a tricycle to take Lu Zhenghai back to Shanghe Village.

Ning Xi and Zhang Ying also smiled and went out to open the shop.

Even far away, Ning Xi saw Chen Haijun leaning at the door of the shop with a cigarette in his mouth. He also saw them and raised his hand to wave to the two of them, smiling so shamelessly.

Zhang Ying clenched her fists and gritted her teeth and said, "He still dares to come."

“It’s okay, I’ll go over first to see what he wants to do. Second sister-in-law, you go back and call Brother Nan out.”

 Zhang Ying frowned, "How can you do it alone?"

“It’s okay, I have a silver needle.” Ning Xi gently put her hand on the corner of her clothes.

Zhang Ying was still worried about Ning Xi facing Chen Haijun alone. He grabbed Ning Xi and walked back, "Let's go back together and call Lu Nan out to see what he wants to do." Seeing them wanting to leave, Chen Haijun quickly rushed over to stop the two of them. "My sister-in-law is not opening the store anymore? I'm still waiting for a drink!"

 Zhang Ying instinctively pulled Ning Xi behind, "Chen Haijun, what do you want to do?"

“Why not! I just came here to ask if you still want to open a store.” Chen Haijun’s eyes were almost glued to Ning Xi when he spoke.

"You..." Zhang Ying was about to speak, but was held back by Ning Xi.

Ning Xi shook her head towards her and asked, "What do you want me to do?"

At this moment, Ning Xi had understood that Chen Haijun came here alone to threaten her and get something from her. The fact that he dared to come and threaten her at this time meant that he didn't know that she had reported the case. In this case, she didn't mind. Let's see what Chen Haijun wants to do.

“Sister-in-law really has a better brain than that stinky **** in my family. It’s a pity. If I had known that your brain was so useful and you were so good at making money, I shouldn’t have just lied with you and done nothing.”

 Chen Haijun raised his hand and put the cigarette into his mouth and smoked while looking at Ning Xi unscrupulously, "So you are so beautiful, why didn't I notice it before!"

"What do you want?" Zhang Ying pushed Ning Xi behind him. Chen Haijun's eyes were so naked that anyone could tell that he was interested in Ning Xi. It was not a good thing to be targeted by such a gangster. , she had to protect Ning Xi well.

"What, you think I'm not looking at you?" Chen Haijun's eyes fell on Zhang Ying, still looking at her unscrupulously, "A bit ugly, and her figure is not as good as that of my sister-in-law, but she is whiter than my stinky old lady. It makes people feel itchy to look at it. ”

“Asshole.” Zhang Ying shouted angrily and pulled Ning Xi back a few steps, away from Chen Haijun.

"Haha!" Chen Haijun laughed twice, took another puff of cigarette, and looked at Ning Xi again, "Sister-in-law, you should know that I spent a lot of money when I married your sister, and all the money was borrowed. These people have been blocking our house every day asking for money, so I would like to ask my sister-in-law to borrow some money to spend."

 “You do...” dream.

Zhang Ying was about to curse, but Ning Xi interrupted her, "How much do you want?"

"Not much, a thousand yuan is enough." Chen Haijun put the cigarette in his mouth again and flicked the dust off his body. "My sister-in-law has such a big business, she should be able to get this little money. If she can't get it, she can't get it." No need to pay 500, the rest of the meat will be paid.”

 This **** really has evil intentions towards their Xiao Xi.

Zhang Ying blushed with anger, pointed at Chen Haijun and wanted to scold "Chen Haijun, you..."

“Okay, I’ve left all my money at home. I’ll go back and get it for you now.”

"Why do you want to go back and let your family beat me up?" Chen Haijun looked at Ning Xi as if he were a fool. "Okay! I'll go back with you to get it, and at the same time ask you for meat and compensation in front of him."

He saw Lu He carrying Lu Zhenghai away, and he also checked that the rest of the Lu family did not live in the town, which meant that there was only one **** left in their family. No matter how much Lu Nan was before, he was still a **** now.

 Just a cripple, no matter how angry or angry he is, he can only watch from the sidelines.

 (End of this chapter)

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