Chapter 85 Lu Nan is furious

“Follow me if you have the guts.” Ning Xi provoked Chen Haijun and pulled Zhang Ying around Chen Haijun and left.

Before Chen Haijun could catch up, two people had already appeared in the alley next to him, one was a tall man and the other was Zhou Tong.

The two locked eyes with Ning Xi when they came out of the alley, and walked quickly towards Ning Xi, "Sister-in-law, are you okay?"

Realizing something was wrong, Chen Haijun turned around and wanted to run away.

Hearing the noise, Ning Xi turned around and saw Chen Haijun trying to run away. She immediately shouted, "Secretary Zhou, help me catch him."

Without any hesitation, Zhou Tong and another man rushed forward like a cheetah, grabbed Chen Haijun and pushed him to the ground.

"Let me go." Chen Haijun struggled a few times. "I belong to Wang Yuxiang. If you dare to touch me, be careful she will kill you."

“It’s useless to offend our sister-in-law, let alone Wang Yuxiang, even if Zhou Yuxiang and Zhu Yuxiang come.” The tall man whom he didn’t recognize raised his hand and slapped Chen Haijunlai on the head.

"Okay." Zhou Tong grabbed Chen Haijun from the ground, clasped his hands behind his back and pressed him in front of Ning Xi.

This person should be Lei Zi. Ning Xi heard Lei Zi's voice on the phone. It was Lei Zi who helped Ning Hong get caught.

"Xiao Xi." Lu Nan was pushed out of the alley by Aunt Yang. His face was ugly. As soon as he appeared, his eyes were locked on Ning Xi. He was not afraid of anything except that she would get hurt.

 "Brother Nan, Aunt Yang..." How come they came here together.

"Are you injured?" Lu Nan asked worriedly as he approached, and then explained, "Aunt Yang came to the house and said that Chen Haijun stopped you and the second sister-in-law, so we came out immediately."

“No injury.” Ning Xi shook her head and quickly thanked Aunt Yang, “Thank you, Aunt Yang.”

Aunt Yang smiled and waved her hand, "Even if I happened to see it, I, an old woman, would not dare to come over to help you. I could only go back and call someone for you."

After making sure she was okay, Lu Nan asked, "What's going on?"

Before Ning Xi could speak, Zhang Ying had already said, "Chen Haijun blackmailed Xiao Xi and asked Xiao Xi to give him a thousand yuan, otherwise he would bring people here to make trouble every day. He also said that if he couldn't get a thousand yuan, he would Let Xiao Xi pay 500 and pay for the remaining meat."

 “For a female horse.” Before Lu Nan could get angry, Lei Zi got angry first, stepped forward and kicked Chen Haijun in three steps.

Zhou Tong reacted very quickly. He quickly let go of Chen Haijun and moved to the side. Otherwise, if this kick came, he and Chen Haijun would be kicked out together.

There was only a bang as Chen Haijun hit the ground heavily.

This loud noise immediately attracted many onlookers.

At this time, they no longer cared so much. Zhou Tong walked forward quickly. He was no longer as gentle as usual. He grabbed Chen Haijun's hair and pulled his head up: "You bastard, I think you are..." Looking for a fight.”

Lu Nan pushed his wheelchair to Chen Haijun and looked down at Chen Haijun who was lying on the ground. He didn't say anything, just looked at him.

 Chen Haijun was a little panicked.

The female horse is just a loser. What is there to be afraid of? She cursed in her heart and opened her mouth to curse, "I'm just blackmailing your wife. I just want to trick her. What's the matter? If you have the ability, don't ask for help from someone to challenge me." ah!"

Zhou Tong and Lei Zi turned pale almost at the same time, and they were about to teach Chen Haijun a lesson.

"Lao Zhou, Lei Zi, please stand aside." Lu Nan gave the order in a cold voice. Zhou Tong and Lei Zi immediately stopped. They distanced themselves tacitly, forming a semi-encirclement to block Chen Haijun's retreat. "Single fight, right? Then try it. If you can knock me down today, I will not only give you a thousand, but also let the person leave intact." Lu Nan slowly raised his hand and unbuttoned the cuffs of his shirt. Button up and roll up your sleeves to your elbows.

 This is a shirt specially made for him by his wife, so it cannot be ruined.

Chen Haijun's eyes lit up and he said excitedly, "You said this yourself. If I knock you down, don't regret it."

 “Ha!” Lei Zi snorted coldly, “A **** still wants to...” fight with our boss.

Lu Nan glanced at Lei Zi and interrupted him, "You are the only one who talks a lot." If he scares people away, where can he vent his anger?

Leizi opened his mouth and immediately shut it up, not daring to say more.

While Lu Nan was glaring at Lei Zi, Chen Haijun got up from the ground and rushed toward Lu Nan with his fists clenched.

Lu Nan calmly moved his neck, and did not forget to remind Ning Xi, "Daughter-in-law, take the second sister-in-law to stay away."

"Xiao Xi..." Zhang Ying frowned in disapproval. She wanted to persuade Ning Xi to stop Lu Nan and Chen Haijun from fighting. People are good at it, but Lu Nan will definitely suffer if he fights like this.

"Second sister-in-law, don't worry, I believe in Brother Nan." Ning Xi pulled Zhang Ying back a little way. She had never seen Lu Nan take action, but she knew that her man, even if he was in a wheelchair, could not be hurt by a **** like Chen Haijun. of.

Just as Ning Xi thought, Lu Nan was not someone Chen Haijun could hurt at all.

 Chen Haijun rushed over and punched Lu Nan. Just when his fist was about to hit Lu Nan's face, Lu Nan raised his hand and grabbed Chen Haijun's arm.

This grab was like being caught by an iron clamp. No matter how hard Chen Haijun struggled, he could not withdraw his hand. Before his hand could be withdrawn, Lu Nan's fist had already hit him in the face.

  "Female..." Chen Haijun cursed and his mother immediately wanted to fight back, but before he could fight back, Lu Nan's fist hit him in the stomach again.

 Chen Haijun subconsciously arched his head, sweating profusely in pain.

The pain in his stomach had not subsided yet. A fist as big as a sandbag appeared in his sight, getting bigger and bigger until it covered his entire sight. For a moment, a heartbreaking pain spread across his face. He flew high into the air, flying under the heavy weight. It hit the ground.

When he calmed down for a while and wanted to get up, a hand had already lifted him up, and a hard fist fell on him again.

Screams resounded throughout the street, and the onlookers subconsciously took a few steps back. Every time Lu Nan's fist hit Chen Haijun, everyone subconsciously felt a dull pain in that part of their bodies.

Not long after, Chen Haijun collapsed on the ground like a dead dog, his face was as swollen as a bun, two front teeth were missing, and his body felt like it had been hit, as if it hurt even if he moved lightly.

Lu Nanhan looked at him with a face on his face, "Do you still want meat to pay for it?"

"" Chen Haijun shook his head in fear, his mouth full of blood and he couldn't even speak clearly.

"When Chen Haijun sees my wife in the future, you'd better stay away. If you dare to stick your eyes to her again, I will gouge your eyes. If you dare to be unreasonable to her, I will destroy you."


Lu Nan took out 100 yuan from his pocket and threw it on Chen Haijun. "Lao Zhou sent the person to the hospital."

He beat the person and paid for the medical expenses.

Zhou Tong walked forward without saying a word, picked the man up and left without looking back.

 (End of this chapter)

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