80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1031 Go away! do not come!

Seeing that Teacher Liu turned sideways again, her right hand was still on Ruan Yulan's shoulder, almost hugging her in his arms, Meng Xiao's brows furrowed even tighter.

Even if he didn't have any crooked thoughts, he felt that this posture was a bit too close. As a male teacher and female student, this posture was very inappropriate.

He frowned in confusion, but didn't know what to do.

I just heard Mr. Liu inside and said, "I know your family is very difficult, don't worry, I will help you. But that Jiang Zhiying, you still have to be careful, I can see that she is not an ordinary student.

You are introverted and difficult at home, so you are definitely not her opponent. There are only three months left before the college entrance examination. You don’t have much time and you can’t afford to delay, so you must work harder. "

Ruan Yulan buried her head very low and her voice was low: "I see, Teacher Liu."

Mr. Liu sat next to her and could clearly feel her stiffness.

He knew that Ruan Yulan must have listened to what he said just now, so he smiled with satisfaction and planned to make persistent efforts.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a shrill cat meow suddenly came from outside!


The voice was too harsh, Teacher Liu frowned in disgust and looked over in disgust. But I saw a black shadow suddenly rushed in from the front door of the classroom, and rushed straight towards him!

Teacher Liu was so frightened that his expression changed, he quickly got up to dodge, grabbed the book on the table in a panic, and smashed it at the shadow.

"Go away! Don't come here!"

Ruan Yulan was also startled, and after a closer look, she realized that it was a black cat. It's just that he is quite big, and his eyes are still golden, like a little leopard.

She was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she wanted to dodge, but because the space was too small, she couldn't get up at all.

He could only cover his face with his arms in fear.

Mr. Liu ran quite fast, and after a short while, he had already run to the back of the classroom. Seeing that the black cat was still chasing him, he was so frightened that he turned around and ran away. How could he care about Ruan Yulan?

Ruan Yulan took a frightened look and found that Teacher Liu had already run out, and the black cat had also chased out, and she immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Although I was a little worried about Teacher Liu, I had to say that the black cat that suddenly appeared helped her out.

She was very grateful to Mr. Liu for her help, but just now Mr. Liu was so close that she could even smell the perfume on Mrs. Liu's body, which made her very uncomfortable and felt a little uncomfortable.

She really doesn't like being so close to people, not even a female classmate, let alone a male teacher?

But she dared not move.

At one point, she pulled the chair very close to the table, resulting in a very small space for activities. If you want to get up, you have to back the chair first.

Teacher Liu helped her so much. This time, she just talked to her, persuaded her to study hard, and said she wanted to help her. Wouldn't it be too strange if she suddenly ducked?

Ruan Yulan was very confused. Looking at the exam papers spread out on the table, how could she still have the heart to continue doing the questions?

After thinking about it, she simply put away the test papers, packed her schoolbag, and put away the desk and chair. Then he put the table and chair next to Jiang Zhiying, and picked up the book that fell on the ground.

Just now, Teacher Liu was in a hurry to avoid and escape, and knocked Jiang Zhiying's desk and chair upside down, and the books piled on the table fell to the ground. There are also books that he threw out and smashed the cat, scattered everywhere.

Ruan Yulan picked up all the books and put them away, closed the windows and lights, and locked the classroom door.

It was pitch black outside, only the street lights were on, and Mr. Liu, who ran out earlier, was long gone.

Ruan Yulan was a little scared, so she quickly grabbed her schoolbag and ran back to the dormitory.

On the other side, after Teacher Liu ran out, seeing the black cat chasing after him, he didn't dare to stay any longer, and hurried back to the teacher's apartment.

In his heart, he wanted to clean up the black cat, but unfortunately the cat was too fast and too big, he couldn't catch it at all, and he was afraid of being attacked by the cat, so he could only escape first.

Fortunately, after returning to the teacher's apartment, the black cat did not catch up, which made him greatly relieved.

Immediately, he looked ruthless: "Damn beast, it's better not to let me catch you!"

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