80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1032 Why are you here?

Teacher Liu cursed bitterly, thinking of Ruan Yulan who stayed in the classroom, she felt full of anger.

Jiang Zhiying, who transferred to school today, is so beautiful, he fell in love with her at first sight.

It's a pity that Jiang Zhiying and Xiao Rin know each other, and they are all wearing famous brands, so it is not easy at home. You have to take a long-term view, and don't start rashly.

In comparison, Ruan Yulan is easier to start with.

This Ruan Yulan's family was very poor. She was good-looking, but she was very simple and timid. He had set the stage for so long, and deliberately made Song Baoyu's thorny head her tablemate, Ruan Yulan must have become less courageous.

Now arranging Jiang Zhiying to be at the same table with her can not only make Ruan Yulan regard him as a savior, but also allow Jiang Zhiying to stimulate her. He can also take advantage of the opportunity of caring about Ruan Yulan to contact Jiang Zhiying.

Simply doing more than one thing.

Moreover, he had observed it for a long time. After each self-study next night, Ruan Yulan liked to stay in the classroom and do some problems for a while. After all, the conditions of the student dormitory are relatively simple, and there are only eight people living in one dormitory.

Whether it is reading a book or doing a problem, it is not as convenient as in the classroom.

So I specially picked it tonight, intending to take the first step and let Ruan Yulan get used to his closeness.

Sure enough everything went well.

Although Ruan Yulan reacted stiffly, she didn't resist, and she probably didn't understand at all. Moreover, she is still timid, even if she understands, she will definitely not dare to resist.

It's a pity that the great opportunity was destroyed by the beast, and we can only wait for the next time.

Goddamn beast!

The more Mr. Liu thought about it, the more angry he became. He thought of the timid and beautiful Ruan Yulan, and the beautiful and beautiful Jiang Zhiying, and soon a fire broke out in his heart, and it burned more and more vigorously.

After sitting for a while with a stinky face, he quickly couldn't hold back, walked quickly into the study, turned on the video recorder, and picked out another tape to play.

Soon, pictures that are not suitable for children appeared on TV.

Mr. Liu looked hot all over, and a brilliant idea suddenly came up in his mind. But the idea was too bold, and he hesitated.

After struggling for a long time, he finally couldn't hold back the sudden thought in his mind and decided to try it.

So I couldn't wait to take out a locked box from the bottom of the cabinet, opened it with a key, and took out various props inside...

Outside the room, it was getting darker.

It was very late, and the people in the building fell into sleep one after another.

No one noticed that a slender shadow appeared silently outside the window of Teacher Liu's house, and then left silently.

After Jiang Zhiying finished her work, she returned home happily.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she opened the door and went in, she saw a person sitting on the sofa!

Jiang Zhiying was startled, she almost thought she had gone to the wrong house!

She looked at it carefully, then walked over in dissatisfaction: "Xiao Rin, why are you here?"

Want to scare her to death?

Xiao Rin stood up. He was much taller than Jiang Zhiying. He was fine when he was sitting, but now when he stood up, he looked tall.

Especially when looking at people, it's like being condescending.

Jiang Zhiying was very upset. It was obvious that Xiao Rin was as thin and small as a bean sprout when he was a child, but why did he grow taller and taller?

She obviously drank so much milk and goat milk, why is she still shorter than him?

It's too much!

Xiao Rin looked at her lightly, like a parent: "What did you do? Why did you come back now?"

Jiang Zhiying immediately said confidently: "To kill the harm for the people, I didn't do anything bad!"

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