80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1035 Saw the calamity on her face

"Yeah, it's him! You don't even know how bad he is!"

Jiang Zhiying clenched her small fist, and said with disgust what Mr. Liu had done.

In fact, she has seen people like Teacher Liu a lot in the last days.

On the surface, he is sanctimonious, but he is actually vicious and cunning, and he does all kinds of evil.

Really a beast in human skin.

However, it is still a little different. The survivors of the apocalypse are facing a huge crisis of survival, and they are also under great pressure at ordinary times, so there are many perversions, and the means are more vicious, and there is no lower limit.

In their current world, although it is not peaceful, the Dragon Kingdom is relatively stable. Apart from the relatively backward economy, the public security is still very good.

Therefore, the people here do not have a big existential crisis, the number of perverts is not so many, and the methods are not so cruel.

For example, the teacher Liu she met this time was a pervert.

But he was well-disguised and smart, and he certainly didn't want to get people killed.

This is not the first time for this person, but in the past few years, certain things have been strictly investigated, and if he is not careful, he may lose his life, which scares him a lot.

He has been honest for a few years, and only recently did he resurface again, and then he set his sights on Ruan Yulan, the unfortunate little pity.

Ruan Yulan came from a poor family. Because of her good academic performance, she was fortunate enough to be a special student of No. 1 Middle School.

Her character and background made her a target to be bullied, so that scumbag, Teacher Liu, would stare at her.

If Jiang Zhiying hadn't come, the surnamed Liu might have succeeded. At that time, Ruan Yulan who was bullied by him will wither as quickly as a flower.

When Jiang Zhiying saw Ruan Yulan's first glance, she saw the death calamity on her face.

That's why she simply cleaned up the culprit, Teacher Liu.

Teacher Liu must have a sweet dream tonight, but wait until tomorrow, this person's nightmare should begin.

After Jiang Zhiying finished speaking, she looked at Xiao Rin confidently: "How is it, did I do the right thing?"

Xiao Rin's face was very ugly, and it was almost blackened: "You should have told me about this kind of thing earlier."

"Tell you what to do?" Jiang Zhiying was speechless, "I'm not a baby, I have to ask you what I want to do. Well, I've finished what I should say, but you, what are you doing here tonight? "

"It's nothing. I'm afraid you'll suddenly change schools and you won't be used to it. Come and see you. Since it's getting late, I'll go back first. I'll bring you breakfast tomorrow morning."

Xiao Rin disappeared after speaking, without giving Jiang Zhiying a chance to refuse.

Jiang Zhiying silently looked at the place where he disappeared, thinking of what Xiao Rin said about breakfast, the fire in her heart dissipated quickly.

Cooking is too tiring, since Xiao Rin is willing to give it, then she should be lazy.

Think how busy she is now.

Originally, I was busy enough to grow the fields and collect vegetables. I had to go to school every day to waste time. When I came back, I had to hurry up and cook with an empty stomach.

It's only a few days. If the next three months are like this, she can't stand it.

Thinking of this, Jiang Zhiying suddenly felt that Xiao Rin was quite prescient. This kid knew her too well, and he must have guessed that she would be impatient, so he brought her meals, lest she find excuses to play truant again.

Since he is so good, then she will follow.

After the college entrance examination in three months, she will be liberated!

Jiang Zhiying thought happily, entered the space to collect the eggs and vegetables, and then took a bath and went to bed.

But what she didn't know was that Xiao Rin didn't go home after leaving. He went to Mr. Liu.

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