80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1036 Jiang Zhiying has been teased

Jiang Zhiying slept a little late last night, and it was already 7 am when she woke up.

Just after taking a shower, I heard the doorbell ringing.

When I went out, I saw that it was Xiao Rin.

This kid is much more polite today, but he didn't come in directly, knowing to ring the doorbell first.

Jiang Zhiying guessed that he was here to deliver breakfast, and opened the door to let him in.

Sure enough, as soon as Xiao Rin entered the room, he took out his breakfast.

Jiang Zhiying recognized at a glance that this was a plate from her restaurant.

But this is not surprising. Xiao Rin went back late last night, and he has no Shennong space to adjust the time. If he wants to make breakfast, he has to get up earlier.

How can it be convenient to buy directly.

Jiang Zhiying slept all night and was hungry, smelling the fragrant breakfast, she felt that her stomach was starting to clamor.

She decisively ran to wash her hands, then sat down to eat.

Xiao Rin also sat down, he didn't eat in the morning.

Jiang Zhiying glanced at him and said nothing. She is not the kind of person with no conscience. Even if Xiao Rin is willing to run errands, she can't treat him as a servant who runs errands and won't let him eat.

The two quickly finished their breakfast, and neither of them said a word. After eating, Jiang Zhiying asked, "Will you deliver it at noon?"

Noon is only an hour, and it takes ten minutes less to talk on the way back and forth.

It's not that her feet are too slow, she really can't be too fast.

As soon as the school is over, students come in and out, and when school is over, a large number of students run out, and the neighborhood of the school will become extra crowded.

With so many people and so many eyes, how could she be so fast?

Even if she can run faster than a car out of school, she can't run that fast.

So many eyes watching! She doesn't want to be on the news!

Therefore, there is no way to save the ten minutes on the back and forth. If you remove these ten minutes, there will be fifty minutes left. You have to eat and organize the Shennong space.

If I cook again, I have to be like yesterday, and I have no time to spare when I am done.

Jiang Zhiying just wanted to be lazy.

She looked at Xiao Rin eagerly, her beautiful big eyes were extremely sincere, and Xiao Rin was particularly itchy.

He pursed his lips in disguise, and asked instead, "Then do you want me to deliver food?"

Jiang Zhiying said immediately, "Of course I hope!"

Xiao Rin wanted to run errands for her, but she wasn't stupid, why did she refuse?

There is no cheap and no bastard, she knew this truth in the end of the world.

In fact, she can also buy food by herself, but her teleportation talisman is not as easy to use as Xiao Rin's space ability.

As long as Xiao Rin knows the coordinates, he can teleport at will. Unlike her teleportation charm, it can only determine the direction and distance, and the direction can only be determined roughly, not accurate enough.

If you want to teleport like Xiao Rin, you have to upgrade to a teleportation array first, which is too troublesome.

With this skill, Jiang Zhiying might as well do it herself in space.

Jiang Zhiying looked at Xiao Rin nervously, for fear that he would be reluctant to be troublesome.

Fortunately, Xiao Rin still has a conscience, and he didn't show any reluctance, but he didn't show much enthusiasm either.

It was like seeing her pitiful, so she helped deliver a meal.

He said lightly: "Since you said so, then I will bring you food at noon."

Jiang Zhiying excitedly sent Xiao Rin a good person card: "Xiao Rin, you are so kind! I knew you were a good person! Don't worry, I won't let you run errands in vain, your meal money is mine, and I will give you one spiritual yuan every month. Dan, how's it going?"

Lingyuan Dan is also a prescription given by Shennong Ding, which can be used to cultivate and improve abilities.

The medicinal materials needed were more precious, and Jiang Zhiying didn't have much in her hands.

When Xiao Rin heard this, he suddenly hooked his lips and smiled: "Okay."

Jiang Zhiying looked at his smile, and suddenly felt that her heart was tickled by something.

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