80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1037 laughing so hooked

Jiang Zhiying looked at Xiao Rin's smile in astonishment.

She didn't know how to describe Xiao Rin's smile at this time, but she felt that it was different from his previous smiles.

No, Xiao Rin usually doesn't laugh much at all, and always likes to have a straight face, like a facial paralysis, and knows how to pretend to be cool all day long.

In the end, not only did I laugh today, but I actually laughed like this...so hooking!

It's so weird!

Could it be that something good happened?

Jiang Zhiying looked at Xiao Rin suspiciously, and after hesitating for just a second, she couldn't help but ask, "Xiao Rin, are you in a good mood today?"

Xiao Rin's smile disappeared in an instant, and she asked her back, "Why do you think I'm in a good mood today?"

Jiang Zhiying rolled her eyes in disgust, suspecting that Xiao Rin was treating her as a fool.

Is it worth thinking about something so obvious?

If Xiao Rin is in a bad mood, can he laugh like that?

It's a pity that she forgot to take it as evidence. Even if she said it now, Xiao Rin might not admit it.

Jiang Zhiying was too lazy to say more, and even crossed the river and demolished the bridge to start chasing people: "Oh, it's getting late, I have to rush to school for early self-study, you have to go to school too? Hurry up and return the plate, don't delay."

She is in the third year of high school now, so she is very busy, and it is relatively early to study for her early self-study.

Unlike Xiao Rin, who has already gone to college, her schoolwork is not as intense as Jiang Zhiying.

He saw that Jiang Zhiying was deliberately making excuses, and he didn't expose her. He just got up to clean up the dishes, and said lightly before leaving, "I'll bring you food at noon."

Then it disappeared.

Jiang Zhiying looked at the place where he disappeared, and couldn't help but feel a little jealous. The space ability of Xiao Rin is really cheating. It is very convenient to go wherever you want.

She also knew that Xiao Rin not only bought a lot of houses, but also a car for the convenience of teleportation and concealment.

Of course, the Jiang family also has a car, but Jiang Zhiying is not yet an adult, so she doesn't have a car of her own.

In private, of course, there are, but only secretly.

Anyway, she lives outside the school now, so it's very convenient to go back and forth, and she doesn't even need a bicycle.

Compared with most ordinary people, Jiang Zhiying is already much stronger, and it is very convenient to travel. Jiang Zhiying couldn't help but feel a little jealous when she saw Xiao Rin using space abilities at will.

"Hey, why don't I have spatial abilities!"

Jiang Zhiying sighed dejectedly, then looked at the time, and found that it was already late, so she didn't dare to delay any longer.

She had already cleaned up Teacher Liu last night. It must be very lively in the school today. She has to go to the theatre!

It was still early, it was only 7:30 to 8:00, although it was already bright outside, the light was still a little dim.

Not only that, the temperature is quite low.

Jiang Zhiying walked into the school quickly, and when she arrived at the classroom of Class 2, she found that half of the students were already seated.

Looking at the students who were seriously reviewing, she suddenly admired them.

It's so pitiful that these people get up so early.

There are still three months before the college entrance examination. Every day, I have to leave early and return late. It's a headache to think about.

Jiang Zhiying sighed secretly, walked quietly to the seat, took out a disinfectant wipe and wiped it.

She remembered that the beast named Liu sat in her chair last night. At that time, it was not easy for her to jump out to stop her, but it made her sick.

Now it has to be properly disinfected!

Seeing this, Ruan Yulan, who was sitting next to her, suddenly became nervous.

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