"Cough, I didn't mean to!"

Jiang Zhiying immediately defended herself and cleared her suspicions, for fear that Xiao Rin would think too much.

Anyway, she was helping Xiao Rin measure her temperature, not taking advantage of her!

She won't admit it!

Xiao Rin looked at her obviously guilty conscience, but she refused to admit it and pretended to be serious. A smile quickly flashed across her eyes, but her face was light: "Oh, then do you see that I have a fever?"

Jiang Zhiying was suddenly speechless: "..."

She had just been distracted, and she didn't pay attention at all, okay?

"I... I'm a little unsure, let's see."

She made an excuse for herself, and quickly put the little paw on it again. But with the embarrassment ahead, she didn't dare to get distracted this time, and quickly took Xiao Rin's temperature.

"Well, the temperature is slightly higher than normal, but there should be no fever."

Boys have strong blood and energy, and their body temperature is inevitably higher. Even if Xiao Rin looked indifferent all day, his body should still be normal.

Jiang Zhiying secretly slandered, and then she glanced at Xiao Rin with a guilty conscience.

Afraid that Xiao Rin would find out, she didn't dare to touch Xiao Rin's forehead this time, and quickly retracted her paw.

Soon she said again: "Okay, let's do this for now. By the way, that Liu Fu's parents are specialized in touching porcelain. This time Liu Fu committed an accident. If his parents knew my identity, they might make trouble. You Help me arrange for someone to watch.

I'm not sure if the mastermind will go to them, but the two are old and easy to use, and the mastermind probably won't miss such a useful piece.

But as long as this person is not stupid, he should not come forward in person. I guess he'll find someone to contact the old couple and encourage them to make trouble at my company and restaurant.

Just keep an eye on them and you're sure to find something. No matter how bad it is, they have to stop them and not let them run away to make trouble. I pretended to be injured, this time in the hospital for a few days.

You don't have to deliver meals to me these days, I'll just eat whatever I want. "

She could have the puppet lie in the hospital in her place and sneak out.

Can eat such a thing, but can not let someone do it for you.

If she spends days in the hospital without food, the doctors and nurses should be worried.

And Xiao Rin, if he goes to the hospital, it is estimated that he will cause a small sensation, and maybe he will be targeted by the black hand behind the scenes.

So don't go.

Jiang Zhiying thought very well, but Xiao Rin said, "Then I'll go to the hospital to deliver food to you."

"You're going to the hospital?" Jiang Zhiying was suddenly moved, "Isn't it necessary? If you go to the hospital, that person might follow you!"

Not wanting Xiao Rin, he said, "Isn't this just right? If he's eyeing me, you'll be much safer."

Jiang Zhiying became more and more moved: "But this is not good, right? That person's target is obviously me, how can I implicate you?"

"Cultivation is difficult here. If I want to practice in the future, I can't do without your medicine. If something happens to you, what will I do in the future?"

Xiao Rin's words were so straightforward and very reasonable that Jiang Zhiying couldn't find anything to refute.

She thought about it and felt that Xiao Rin was right. He will still rely on her for cultivation in the future, and he definitely doesn't want her to have an accident.

So, is he helping her for this reason?

She thought that Xiao Rin helped her because they had a good relationship.

It seemed that she was being selfish.

Thinking of this, Jiang Zhiying suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

She looked at Xiao Rin unhappily, but the more she looked, the more irritable she became.

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