80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1065 Jiang Zhiying's Bad Ideas

Jiang Zhiying couldn't explain why she was upset, but she just didn't feel like she wanted to face Xiao Rin.

So she looked at the time and found that it was almost eleven o'clock, so she said, "Okay, I have finished what I have to say. Go back to class, right? I'll go to my father."

Xiao Rin's side is no longer a problem. Next, she has to talk to Jiang Shixun again. It is best to discuss how to take precautions next.

They have so many relatives and friends, especially companies, factories and restaurants. No matter what happens to them, the consequences will be serious.

So this matter must not be hidden, she has to discuss it with Jiang Shixun as soon as possible!

So that Jiang Shixun didn't know anything and caught the black man behind the scenes by surprise.

Xiao Rin felt a little unhappy when she heard that Jiang Zhiying started chasing people again. This girl really has no conscience, she always throws it away after using it!

He has just come, and he will be driven away.

However, after thinking about it, he felt that he really had to tell Jiang Shixun about this. In addition, he had to arrange it so that people could stare at the Liu family.

So he said: "Okay, I'll arrange it now. You've been careful recently. Since the other party has already made a move, he will definitely continue to make moves later."

"Ok, I know."

Jiang Zhiying thought of the person hiding behind her, and the fire in her heart was raging.

She still has to cooperate with Xiao Rin, of course she won't get mad at him, she just wants to vent this anger on the black hand behind the scenes.

It's a pity that I don't know the identity of that person yet. The other party is hiding too well, like a rat.

If you let her know the identity of that person, let's see how she cleans up that thing!

Isn't it just a trick? When who wouldn't!

Thinking of the opponent's amulet, Jiang Zhiying suddenly thought of an idea!

Just as Xiao Rin hadn't left yet, she decisively hooked her finger at Xiao Rin: "I have a solution!"

Xiao Rin looked at her white and tender fingers, and suddenly felt a little dry in her throat. His Adam's apple moved, leaned slightly to Jiang Zhiying, and asked her calmly, "What solution did you think of?"

Seeing him approaching, Jiang Zhiying couldn't help but join in the play, she couldn't help but leaned into his ear and whispered, "Didn't that person deceive people with a bunch of amulets? Let's do the same!"

The hot air blew on Xiao Rin's ears, making Xiao Rin's ears itchy for a while.

He instinctively wanted to dodge, but he was a little reluctant, so he asked, "What about the specifics?"

He didn't believe that Jiang Zhiying would create the same amulet to harm others.

Although this girl has a lot of heart and likes to cheat people, she still has a bottom line. She won't do things like using amulets to harm people.

Sure enough, Jiang Zhiying quickly continued: "Let's get more fake amulets and go to bars to lie to people, there are not many good people who mess around in that kind of place.

We just look for those who are not easy to mess with, and donate all the money we make to charitable funds. Those people who are fooled will definitely not give up, and will try their best to find the liar. At that time, we can take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters. "

Xiao Rin thinks this method is good.

Sure enough, this girl still has a lot of ghost ideas.

He couldn't think of such a rude operation.

Although there are some capable people in his hands, the number is still too small, and it is estimated that there is not even a splash of water when it is released.

But according to Jiang Zhiying's method, the people who want to find out those "liars" will not be just him and Jiang Zhiying.

Xiao Rin asked decisively, "Yes, but do you remember what those amulets were like?"

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