80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 1066 The woman in Jiang Shixun's office

"Of course I remember!"

Jiang Zhiying became more and more excited as she talked, but did not notice that she and Xiao Rin were getting closer and closer, almost leaning against each other.

She continued, "The amulet on Liu Fu's body is made of tomb soil and ashes, and there are baby's finger bones in it. But if we want to forge it, we can't use these things to make it, just find some soil, and then find some The pig bones are burnt to ashes and replaced with bones from chicken feet."

As she spoke, she took out a pen and paper and drew the amulet on Liu Fu's body.

She used to be a soul painter, but later, in order to learn to draw talismans, she also practiced her painting skills. Although she couldn't compare with Xiao Rin and Jiang Shixun, she was much better than before.

Before long, she painted Liu Fu's amulet.

It has to be said that not only the materials used in that thing are very anti-human, but the appearance is also very shoddy.

It looks very cheap.

I don't know if it's the same for other amulets.

Jiang Zhiying remembered that when Liu Fu saw this amulet, he didn't think it was cheap, but thought it was a treasure.

This is because there are evil spirits on the amulet, and people have cast blindfolds.

Jiang Zhiying decided to do the same.

But she wouldn't use evil spirits to harm people. At most, she would use some tricks to deceive those bastards who were not things at all.

Didn't that person want to hide behind her back to plot against her?

Then she will find a way to get that person out!

When there are too many fake amulets, can the "real" amulets in that person's hand be sold smoothly?

Jiang Zhiying smiled coldly, and handed the drawn blueprint to Xiao Rin: "Well, it's this thing, it looks really ugly."

Xiao Rin glanced at it and quickly raised his eyebrows: "This thing looks a lot like the amulet from Siam."

Jiang Zhiying hooked her lips mockingly: "It should be made according to the amulet over there, but I don't know if the amulet over there is like this."

Xiao Rin thought so too.

He thought about it and said, "If that's the case, then I'll find someone to get some over there first, and then I'll do the same."

Lest all the "Amulet" look the same, it is too easy to be suspicious.

Jiang Zhiying was noncommittal.

Now that someone is eyeing her, she must stay in the country and can't leave as casually as before.

Xiao Rin is willing to find someone to go to Siam to find materials, which is naturally the best.

She looked at her watch again and found that it was 11 o'clock, so she hurriedly said to Xiao Rin, "Okay, I have to go to my father, you should go back to class quickly, you can't delay any longer."

Xiao Rin felt a little reluctant to see her leaving. But he didn't say anything, and nodded: "Well, be careful, I'll go first."

After saying that, he disappeared.

Jiang Zhiying did not dare to delay, and called Jiang Shixun directly.

This courtyard is not the old house of the Jiang family. She bought it later and used it as an occasional place to stay after it was renovated.

It happened to be very close to the hospital where she lived, so she came directly, and then called Xiao Rin's BB machine, reminding Xiao Rin to come here.

It's a pity that this house is close to the hospital and a little far from Jiang Shixun's company.

Jiang Zhiying planned to call Jiang Shixun first to see where he was now, so that he could go to see him.

When she called, Jiang Shixun was sitting in the office.

But he wasn't the only one in the office, there was also a woman reporting to work.

Because the weather was still cold, she was wearing a woolen coat with a lady's suit inside, which looked chic and fashionable.

The woman kept reporting on her work, and the sweet and greasy fragrance gradually spread.

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